The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked

What kind of evidence is needed to support the theory that the moon landings were faked?

First of all, did the US spend billions developing the Atlas series of launch vehicles, and did tens of thousands of witnesses watch the launches from the Space Centre?

If they did, where did the rockets go? Were other countries able to track their positions? When the astronauts were in communication with earth stations, did the stations have to locate the source of transmission, and was it in line with a course to the moon and back?

If the launches were faked, what did all those people see, where did the rockets go, and how was communication with them arranged so it appeared to be between the earth and moon? It was an extremely elaborate deception, if that's what it was.

Every amateur astronomer and every government with access to radio dishes was deceived by the plotters, including the Russians and the Chinese who would have uncovered the plot if they could. This would have been easy for them to do if the lunar modules didn't actually travel to the moon and back.

So why would the US go to all that trouble, and not land anyone on the moon? I suppose the astronauts could have just orbited the moon for a while instead. But then the US would have to fake the landing sites somehow, because the Russians and Chinese can take photos of the surface from lunar orbit these days. Or maybe the plotters thought that would never happen?
Using logic and reason against an Apollo hoaxer is like using regular bullets against a werewolf. While they are effective on normal people...with them, they just pass right through and are completely unnoticed.

Don't waste your ammo. :)
Fat Fred why is this so important to you? You put this on a science forum site. We gave you the truth. You disagree with all our information. There has to be a reason why you won't see the facts as facts. Are you a pessimist? You don't want no one on the moon. What is it?
Using logic and reason against an Apollo hoaxer is like using regular bullets against a werewolf. While they are effective on normal people...with them, they just pass right through and are completely unnoticed.

Don't waste your ammo. :)

Seeing the actual landing sites from Earth is physically impossible.
Well then, it looks like the poster "Believe" has been caught in a lie.

You people have no credibility; there's hardly any point in debating with you now.

Pictures are indeed fakable and their coming from another country doesn't make them any less fakable.

Fakable pictures also don't make the mountain of hoax proof go away.

Were other countries able to track their positions?
We read that this is true but we may be reading lies. Go back and look at the info about the media and mainstream science journals in this link again.

Every amateur astronomer and every government with access to radio dishes was deceived by the plotters, including the Russians and the Chinese who would have uncovered the plot if they could. This would have been easy for them to do if the lunar modules didn't actually travel to the moon and back.
Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one.
The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing. Theorist Ralph Rene responds that shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR. He views this as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence. (The Soviet Union in fact had its own Moon program).

What we were told was happening during the Cold War isn′t necessarily what was happening.
On the domestic front, the Cold War helped the Soviet Union entrench its military-bureaucratic ruling class in power, and it gave the US a way to compel its population to subsidise high-tech industry. It isn't easy to sell all that to the domestic populations. The technique used was the old stand-by-fear of a great enemy.
Damn! I think he's got us. He has found some YOUTUBE videos that confirm what he thinks.

Jesus! How in the world are we going to be compete against evidence like that.

OK, OK it's true we never went to the moon. All of us that went to college to earn a BS are told the truth in our junior year. Something you may not know is that the moon doesn't even really exist! It is just a projection that shown into the sky.

In graduate school you learn that the big bang is false as is evolution. You of course also learn that God does in fact exist - but the real true religion that properly worshiped him was centered in cuba and was wiped out by the europeans.

Don't tell anyone I told you or I could lose my degree and have to work a Wal-Mart as a greeter.
Well then, it looks like the poster "Believe" has been caught in a lie.

Does every mistake made by people mean it is a lie? Maybe we should list some of the mistakes made by the silly old hoax believers:D

You people have no credibility; there's hardly any point in debating with you now.

Yea, run away again! Like every time you get your butt kicked.

btw, no way are you debating here, I have yet to see any coherent reply to my post. You seem to be cornered, your credibility never arrived in the first place, so I can hardly say you have lost it:D

#Post no. 34

Pictures are indeed fakable and their coming from another country doesn't make them any less fakable.

Your silly old hoax involves the whole world. You need to find a better way to occupy your time, because after your showing on the political forum where you were sliced and diced, anybody can look you up on google or youtube and see exactly what you are. And it ain't pretty.

Fakable pictures also don't make the mountain of hoax proof go away.

There isn't a mountain of proof of a hoax, all you do is spam the same old posts without change. You call that debate? The "debunking-a-moron"blog at blogspot turns your mountain into a little cream puff.

I'm not responding to the rest of your spamming. It was already done at PF/and that blog and you ignored it completely. Please don't insult everybody's intelligence by playing the circular argument credibility card on the Chinese spacewalks.
Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one.

Haha! That, ladies and gents, is the depth that conspiracy loons will sink to in order to make sense of their crackpot theories. Now we're lead to believe that the Space Race was merely a coincidence, like one masturbating fool walking in on another masturbating fool. The natural implication of this is that the Cold War itself was just window dressing. Dressing for what? Well, they haven't gotten that far in their thinking, obviously, but I'm sure they will someday.
Can't wait to see the level it escalates to when China gets to the Moon. I guess we'll all pretend they do it.
Does every mistake made by people mean it is a lie?
Look at these two posts of his.
We can see the place where we landed on the moon with telescopes from earth, confirmed by other countries. How do you explain that away?????
Just google search it, the pictures are all over the place.

His just saying that pictures of the landing sights have been taken by telescopes from earth could be argued to be a mistake. His saying that this has been confirmed by other countries and that there were pictures all over the place on the internet could not easily be argued to be a mistake.

There are some things that are so clear that no amount of sophistry and damage-control is effective. That post of yours was a good attempt at damage-control but I doubt that you swayed any of the viewers.

The "debunking-a-moron"blog at blogspot turns your mountain into a little cream puff.
Here's what he's referring to.

This is just an attempt to obfuscate the proof I'd posted in this link.

The guy who wrote that blog (Betamax) also tried to obfuscate the clear proof that the Chinese spacewalk was faked.

I stopped debating him when he did that. He showed himself to be a professional sophist. What's the use of continuing to debate with someone who obviously doesn't even believe his own arguments?

The proof that the Chinese spacewalk was faked is so clear that it makes a good objectivity test. Tell us whether you think it was faked, or real. The proof is in the above link.

Once a pro-Apollo poster has been caught in a lie, there's not much point in continuing to debate with him or her. Look at the lie that Jay Windley told.

This is who Jay Windley is.

Tell us whether you agree with Jay Windley on the above issue.
Yeah, you avoided explaining this. Which explanation are you referring to? You see, when I look at air movement dynamics, I don't see air being pushed 4/5/6 feet in front of anything, let alone a slow moving human. Now quit with the tap dancing and show me some examples of this pluse the physics to prove it, because my bs-meter is off the scale.

Why would the top rod need to move? The vertical rod absorbs the vibration and the flag has a little jiggle as a result. Besides, the movement is so small and the film quality so bad, it is difficult to see either way.

No. That video shows what appears to be a small movement before he ran past it brushing his arm. Jarrah White himself concluded that he could have hit the flag, but then goes on to say it didn't matter because it moved before he got there. That is irrelevant to whether he could have hit it. He could have and almost certainly did.

You can't see that a faster approach to a more square on flag that doesn't show any movement until he is level disproves your main claim? You don't see that? You are full of it. Now stop tap dancing and give me a proper answer. Why wouldn't a faster approach and a square on flag MORE LIKELY to move, NOT MOVE when Jarrah does his foot shooting experiment?

Now, you also forgot to explain that counter video I put up for the Apollo 17 flag....... youtube identifier - sc6sqIe3Aio

All this tapdancing and obfuscation, anyone would think you were avoiding the issues I am raising.

Yes, anyone would certainly conclude you were avoiding my questions and issues. I have seen you avoid these on JREF as well. Even though the hoaxidol says he could have brushed the flag, you refuse to acknowledge that he even determined that. I would throw out the line that "you hb's all act the same way when cornered", but you are unique in that you just stand there and deny everything. You use the escape hatch of circular argument to run away. The Chinese did not fake their spacewalk and anybody who thinks that needs a tin hat permanently stapled to their head - the man who made your video says Apollo landed on the Moon. Jay Windley's point is also quite valid, why would a geologist be better qualified to talk about transporting stone/sand/cement or anything like that, better than an engineer? Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Oh, and this as well whilst you are tapdanding and squirming..............

The Collins Jacket Non Issue
You said this....

"Her hair flops up and down"
followed by -
"her hair has no tendency to go downward"

After 50 pages saying there is no zero-g - "If it turns out that there really is some floating"

"Collins' jacket corner bounces up and down the way it would in gravity"
followed by -
"In zero-G the jacket would be bouncing up and down on his back if it were loose"

Do you have any comments on these because I think you have no clue what you are talking about?
Look at these two posts of his.

I don't need to. He is mistaken and you are latching onto this low hanging fruit to avoid the posts I just quoted - hey, what's the betting you offer the same lame replies as on JREF and then ignore that one about Jarrah's flag not moving?
There are some things that are so clear that no amount of sophistry and damage-control is effective. That post of yours was a good attempt at damage-control but I doubt that you swayed any of the viewers.

The viewers that you refer to never support your claims, why is that? Even on your basketball forum, there appears to be only one person on your side.

It never occurs to you that you are the one who is wrong and all the millions of scientists, engineers, geologists and anybody with a good working knowledge of physics thinks you are clueless.
The viewers that you refer to never support your claims...

That's not quite true. Yes, it's true that on apollohoax (apollohoax. proboards. com/index.cgi?board=theories&action=display&thread=1022) he claimed the "lurkers and viewers" supported him, and a poll of "lurkers and viewers" voted against him 19-0. However...

Over on JREF (forums. randi. org/showthread.php?t=233454) he did get a vote from a "viewer" (when he said the "viewers" agreed with him).

Of course, the other 248 viewers who voted said he was wrong. So did all the active thread participants who voted, for a total count of 290-1 against him.

Predictably, FatFreddy immediately tried to claim they were sock-puppets or liars, but this objection failed since he could provide no evidence whatsoever for such accusations.

We've tried to get him to open up his mind for a minute and think about what all those people who genuinely think he's wrong could mean for his claim, but FF has so far not done so.

(Note: references above munged because of anti-spam features.)
It's amusing how Freddy jumps all over someone's if error in saying we are able to see small features on the Moon validates anything in the denier's pot. So we can't see the landers from Earth...they're still there.

Using the same logic, there's a lot of places that must have been faked, because only a few people have actually been there to see it, and any picture can be faked. The number of people may not even matter...I'm wondering if Europe actually exists. Globes can be faked too.
Look at these two posts of his.

We can see the place where we landed on the moon with telescopes from earth, confirmed by other countries. How do you explain that away?????

Just google search it, the pictures are all over the place.

His just saying that pictures of the landing sights have been taken by telescopes from earth could be argued to be a mistake. His saying that this has been confirmed by other countries and that there were pictures all over the place on the internet could not easily be argued to be a mistake.

Just one mistake.

Here's the corrected version:

We can see the place where we landed on the moon with telescopes IN ORBIT AROUND THE MOON, confirmed by other countries. How do you explain that away?????

Just google search it, the pictures are all over the place.

That would be our Lunar orbiter as well as the Japanese orbiter.

And yes, the pictures are easy to find on the internet and they totally show your entire conspiracy theory, the one you have littered the internet with, was a total waste of everyone's time.
(from post #56)
Just one mistake.

Here's the corrected version:

“ We can see the place where we landed on the moon with telescopes IN ORBIT AROUND THE MOON, confirmed by other countries. How do you explain that away?????
Here's the original post.

I'll copy and paste it.
We can see the place where we landed on the moon with telescopes from earth, confirmed by other countries. How do you explain that away?????
Now you've been caught in a lie too. You people have no credibility.

My link to the info on the Chinese spacewalk has gone dead so here's another.

Read the part where Betamax tries to obfuscate the anomaly of the buoyant safety cables. It's toward the end of the thread. It's so lame that he obviously didn't even believe his own arguments.
(from post #56)

Here's the original post.

I'll copy and paste it.

Now you've been caught in a lie too. You people have no credibility.

No I have not been caught in a lie.

I said he made ONE mistake, and I made ONE change to his statement to prove it.

I changed "from earth" to "IN ORBIT AROUND THE MOON" to make it a true statement.

And two different countries lunar orbiting telescopes have indeed done that, the US and Japan.
I guess I misconstrued your post but you can't change the fact that "Believe" lied when he said that pictures of the landing sites had been photographed from earth.

You're also playing dumb about these videos.
9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.

Are you saying that pictures aren't fakable?

It seems to me that your case rests on all pictures of the moon landings being fake.

So, got any proof, or at least some good evidence that every single picture is fake?