The American flag

Brian Foley said:
I wouldnt mind hearing it .

Then I would suggest getting any of his albums (Rant in E Minor, Relentless are good starting points) or grabbing a copy of "Love All the People."
Download the Chicago FUnny Farm act. He brings out many of his philiosophical parts in between the jokes. He also loses it on one of the members of the audience... Rant in E minor is probably his best album...
I'm not sure if the Chicago show is a good starting place for anyone interested in Bill Hicks. It's funny, for sure, but only if one knows what Bill was about. Otherwise, hearing a dude yell "I'm a drunk cunt! I can't say whatever I want because I have a pussy!" might not be the most enlightening experience.

Rant in E Minor is absolutely brutal as well. It was the first CD I bought by him and it took me a while to warm up to. Now I consider it his best. But the earlier albums, I think, offer a better introduction to his core material.
We oppose any state religion in the united states except for the cult that declares that the flag a piece of cloth is sacred and may not be defaced. I will never bow down before a piece of cloth. I respect the principal’s that the flag stands for but they do not entitle the flag to the status of sacred relic.