the aliens...again.

I'm sure you'll find the worlds governments have more important things to "hide up" on their agenda like hidden transgressions against one another, or their people.
an>roid.v2 said:
No, Ophio dear, I answered, from all the myriad accounts of the different close encounter types recorded this past century, and from the strikingly eerie similarities recorded throughout history, one can only conclude (as ufologists, abductees, experiencers, etc, have already concluded amongst themselves) that earth is being "visited" not by one or three different "alien" types, but by many many different types... I think they've indexed a chart of twenty-something or more (not hundreds, terpintine72) -- as is clearly illustrated by the different technological types of ship designs, WHICH brings me to conclude that the galaxy must be *thriving*. And here in the Solar System, there's a species who seems to be treated like the neighbourhood skunk.
Are you capable of reading another's post, understanding it, and then answering a direct question? On the basis of your earlier posts the answer would be no, but I am an optimist.
You have still not answered Albume's original question. I shall make it easy for you - multiple choice:
a) We should try to communicate with ET because of the benefits that would accrue following successful contact.
b) We should not attempt to contact ET because they may be hostile, or destructive.
c) It doesn't matter either way, since they allready know we are here.

Your answer appears to be c), but I would appreciate confirmation.

I've re-read your posts and there seems to be a lot of anger there. Anger can often be counterproductive, but then it depends upon your objectives in posting.
You noted that "And, Ophio, your meaninglessness was just as enlightening"
Responsibility for clear communication rests with the writer, so I'm sorry I was unclear. Here are two of the points I have made thus far:
In answer to the original question - it may be academic whether or not we choose to communicate with ET as we have already announced our presence..
You said "Well, there's a difference between announcing your presence to others with a bullhorn while your house is all messy and smelly -- and wanting them to chat?" Which I describe as an apparently meaningless analogy. That is an invitation for you to clarify your analogy.
I have politely asked you to clarify your position on the thread topic. You have ignored this.
I have invited you to clarify your original analogy. You have ignored this.
What would it take to get a direct response?
an>roid.v2 said:
But you *do* have an agenda. Humans will pick and pick until the president of the united states of america, god's greatest nation on earth, let us pray, becomes god's greatest nation in the galaxy. Vultures.

You have some validity in this assessment.. However, as we are brainwashed as childern with mandatory Pledges of alligance, etc etc this is only "Normal" custom...

However, I personally "see" these types of things as brainwashing and barbaric.. I typically love my country yes, but I do reconginze that often Americans have in-group bias (COMPLETELY NORMAL), but often take this to the Nth degree..

I love my country, but I probably dont have as much identifiation with it to really think that our country is the best in the galaxy.. thats preposterous.

an>roid.v2 said:
No, Ophio dear, I answered, from all the myriad accounts of the different close encounter types recorded this past century, and from the strikingly eerie similarities recorded throughout history, one can only conclude (as ufologists, abductees, experiencers, etc, have already concluded amongst themselves) that earth is being "visited" not by one or three different "alien" types, but by many many different types... I think they've indexed a chart of twenty-something or more (not hundreds, terpintine72) -- as is clearly illustrated by the different technological types of ship designs, WHICH brings me to conclude that the galaxy must be *thriving*. And here in the Solar System, there's a species who seems to be treated like the neighbourhood skunk.

Just becuase there is some kindof pattern to the sightings doesnt mean they HAVENT been influenced by outside sources, IE movies, Media internet etc.
I've even had dreams where I saw aliens and stuff, and people probably mis-interpret these events as abductions.. Then a hypnotist comes in and extracts a false abduction..... Clearly the Mind in a dream like state would probably believe the abduction trully happened. Only because hypnosis and dreaming is a different level of consciousness...

Now some people argue that when you are dreaming you soul or spirit or entity actually is in a parrallel universe. Now this seems plausible where Dreams seem to real etc etc... However, if this is true then abductions probably are happening to everyone.

If your really interested in the different classifications check out

Now this site has detailed information on every type of alien.. Clearly, these facts couldnt be known so fully... This is fiction.
btimsah said:
If the world government's are covering up evidence of ETI that has been visiting us, then don't we have to conclude there is some danger to their existance? Otherwise, why would it be covered up?

My suggestion would be to study the evidence and make up you're own mind.

The danger lies in the fact that knowledge of ETI would completly change every way, shape, thinking of life as we know it.. People would doubt religion since ETI's really are mentioned in the Bible.... However, just the existance of Aliens has bearing on the existance of God...
Human A is a avid fish lover... Similar to God being a avid human lover..
For no reason A buys, makes aquariums to put fish in...
He lines these fish tanks in his basement, parrallel to each other on the back wall..
In the summer time when the basement is naturally hotter the temperatures on the aquariums rise, so the man leaves the lids on the tank open, for cool air to have easier access to the water..
In the middle of a night a fish happens to jump out of the fish tank (they do this) and land in the other one....
OMG what is this? A similar aquarium to the one right beside it.. The fish had no idea it existed... And now he is in a stressed out state, more prone to disease (ICK) and death... Quarentine is the safest option for this unstable fish.. He needs to be isolated, and treated with copper solutions..

see any resemblence?
There still has to be intelligent design behind the equation.

search quarentine....
Im a avid fish lover I know my stuff :)

This analogy makes sense to people when I explain it to them in person.. I hope you kindof get an idea what I am talking about..

Good day,
Yes there is a lot of interesting stuff about “aliens” being here on earth. Yet, what I find interesting most of all is the lack of certain kinds of information about them. Take for example some of the posters here at scifoolems.

There are several posters that constantly and consistently deny there are ETI here, and as often as possible bring out garbage to just trash the threads that want to talk about them being here. What a complex they (the Bad ET’s) must have. Another point they often employ is their constant put down of the human race as a whole. Jealousy me thinks. I mean, after all we were given the qualities and attributes of the very creator himself. They weren’t. Tsk, tsk, such an attitude they seem to have about that.
