the aliens...again.


Registered Senior Member
Ok alot of people out there are all about the aliens and ufo's etc. They are all like "We gotta comunicate with the aliens cause they smarter than we is" ok what happends if we do? Say they come and help us with problems etc thatd be all fine and dandy right? Hope so if it does happen. Anyway What if they come to rage war and kill us all? Hmm is are planet able to handle that? Is are planet able to fight off something like that? No one knows.

I dont think that we should try and communicate with the aliens IF THE ARE REAL. I know it would be awsome to do that but what if they are evil?. We would all be screwed! ...
What i reckon is YOU are proof aliens exist,cos no experiment on earth could cause someone like you to exist! its just not scientifically possible,actually you probably are an alien,i too dont believe all aliens are intelligent,they probably sent you down here to send back information.

Tell them that if they send any more people like you,we will nuke them.
just like our own world here, there are good and bad people/factions
postives and negatives. its nothing new.
aliens are a part of our history and future.
Albume27 said:
Ok alot of people out there are all about the aliens and ufo's etc. They are all like "We gotta comunicate with the aliens cause they smarter than we is" ok what happends if we do? Say they come and help us with problems etc thatd be all fine and dandy right? Hope so if it does happen. Anyway What if they come to rage war and kill us all? Hmm is are planet able to handle that? Is are planet able to fight off something like that? No one knows.

I dont think that we should try and communicate with the aliens IF THE ARE REAL. I know it would be awsome to do that but what if they are evil?. We would all be screwed! ...

I think that instead of us trying to communicate with aliens, it's them trying to communicate with us. Last summer a friend of mine slept over and since I have a balcony outside my room and it was a hot night, we slept out there. We saw a couple of shooting stars and stuff, and then I saw a plane flying overhead. It was about two o'clock in the morning, so I might have been a little tired, but I realised that there was no plane sound. Then I figured that it always takes a while for the sound to reach your ears because the crafts are so far away. Then I realised that the four lights on the plane were all red, and not flashing- a little wierd for a normal jet. THEN I realised that three of the red lights, in a triangular pattern, were moving closer towards each other and back again. I didn't get such a good look because it was flying overhead at a fast pace, but I know I saw the lights moving. Also, the fourth light was moving as well, but more to the sides and front of the main triangle, like a leader or something. It was really strange. My friend saw it as well, but she wasn't as awake as I was by that time. By the time it had flown away, still no plane sound. I know this all could be explained by tiredness so early in the morning, but I usually stay up until about that time in the summer anyway. So that's my experience, no lie. Anyway, my point is, I think that those lights were trying to say something to earth people that night, perhaps trying to get us to realise that there is other life out there because they can't land due to earth conditions or something or they have no way of contacting us instead of flying overhead with lights trying to get us to notice them at 2 am. Or maybe it was just a plane. Perhaps a satellight? ...What do you think? Oh, and also, I think if they were wanting to attack us and they had a way of doing it, they'd have done it by now... Why would they have a reason to anyway?
QUOTE " Oh, and also, I think if they were wanting to attack us and they had a way of doing it, they'd have done it by now... Why would they have a reason to anyway? "

Yes, very good line of reasoning, and questioning.

Albume27 said:
[...] They are all like "We gotta comunicate with the aliens cause they smarter than we is" ok what happends if we do? [...] I dont think that we should try and communicate with the aliens IF THE ARE REAL. I know it would be awsome to do that but what if they are evil?. We would all be screwed! ...

Nit-wits. Hasn't it ever occurred to you that perhaps they don't especially care to sniff up close at your nozzles? I mean, puke me out. Who?-mans!
what if "THEY" are evil??????? i dont know if the aliens as reported about are extea-terrestrial, infra-terrestrial or a mixture, but how can we lump em all in the same bag......?

also, what about a good proprotion of OUR fukin species--many of whome seem 'alien' to me, in their wanton regard for Nature, and thie rrush to destryo everything for all....i FEEL like an alien actually in this world which is ruled by these people. so i sometimes imaginatively empathize with aliens looking at what our species gets up to....the wars, unbelieveable violence, cruelty, impoverishment, etcetc....i can imagine them thinking that they pity us!...and hope we will one day grow up
also, what about a good proprotion of OUR fukin species--many of whome seem 'alien' to me, in their wanton regard for Nature, and thie rrush to destryo everything for all

From all the myriad accounts of the different close encounter types recorded this past century, and from the strikingly eerie similarities recorded throughout history, one can only conclude (as ufologists, abductees, experiencers, etc, have already concluded amongst themselves) that earth is being "visited" not by one or three different "alien" types, but by many many different types... I think they've indexed a chart of twenty-something or more -- as is clearly illustrated by the different technological types of ship designs, WHICH brings me to conclude that the galaxy must be *thriving*. And here in the Solar System, there's a species who seems to be treated like the neighbourhood skunk.
an>roid.v2 said:
From all the myriad accounts of the different close encounter types recorded this past century, and from the strikingly eerie similarities recorded throughout history, one can only conclude (as ufologists, abductees, experiencers, etc, have already concluded amongst themselves) that earth is being "visited" not by one or three different "alien" types, but by many many different types... I think they've indexed a chart of twenty-something or more -- as is clearly illustrated by the different technological types of ship designs, WHICH brings me to conclude that the galaxy must be *thriving*. And here in the Solar System, there's a species who seems to be treated like the neighbourhood skunk.

This is nonsense.. The only basis for classifying ufos and aliens in different "groupings" is based only on eyewitness testimony differentials.. Thus, the way peopel describe the things they see has led these ufologists etc to classify them differently.. In reality, these people have just experienced some kindof mental dilution or dream where there mind created a picture for them differently, and uniquely... This is not proof of different species but only that people's "visions" were different..
We signalled our potential existence 2 billion years ago when primitive life generated an oxygen rich atmosphere.
We announced our technical existence when we started radio broadcasts 100 years ago.
We declared not only our technical advances, but our rate of technical advance, when the Earth became brighter, at certain wavelengths, than the sun.
It is probably incidental if we chose deliberately to announce our presence; we have already told the Universe we are here.
Ophiolite said:
It is probably incidental if we chose deliberately to announce our presence; we have already told the Universe we are here.
Well, there's a difference between announcing your presence to others with a bullhorn while your house is all messy and smelly -- and wanting them to chat?

terpinator72 said:
Thus, the way peopel describe the things they see has led these ufologists etc to classify them differently..
And, uhn, how would you know this?

terpinator72 said:
In reality, these people have just experienced some kindof mental dilution or dream where there mind created a picture for them differently, and uniquely...
Such as the delusion that you know what you're talking about without actually having to listen to the very "visions" you so casually deride. So much easier to dispel what you can not possibly understand since you've already misunderstood the topic of this thread: it's about, "what if? so then why?" -- not, "slam the door and pretend no one's in." Oh wait a minute... I just answered Ophiolite's post.
an>roid.v2 said:
Such as the delusion that you know what you're talking about without actually having to listen to the very "visions" you so casually deride. So much easier to dispel what you can not possibly understand since you've already misunderstood the topic of this thread: it's about, "what if? so then why?" -- not, "slam the door and pretend no one's in." Oh wait a minute... I just answered Ophiolite's post.

I never slam the door on anything.. I for one have no idea if ETI exist or not. I look for interesting claims and things that possibly make sense.. I have no agenda..

However, to claim that there are 100's of different species of aliens is a reach when you sit and think.... that we still can't PROVE or even STUDY or ANALYZE an EXISTANCE of a single case of ETI's yet alone even begin to believe there are 100 different species that have already visited Earth.

To say that there are 100 when we cannot even prove there is 1 is preposterous.. First it must be necessary to show 1 exists, than if 1 exists surely there will be hypothetically many more species to exist.

If 1 can exist there will be 100's... If we can only validate that 0 exist, than 0 exist with the possibility of 1.

Do you see the logic in this... I dont see any logic in claiming there are 100's of species when we have yet to prove 1.

It's clearly a waste of time and effort in my humble opinion.
an>roid.v2 said:
Well, there's a difference between announcing your presence to others with a bullhorn while your house is all messy and smelly -- and wanting them to chat?
Oh wait a minute... I just answered Ophiolite's post.
That was an answer?
Albume27 asks, reasonably "I know it would be awsome to communicate with aliens but what if they are evil?. We would all be screwed!"
I respond by pointing out it is probably academic, since we have already announced our presence.
Your answer: an obscure, seemingly pointless, analogy.

terpinator72 states, accurately,"Thus, the way people describe the things they see has led these ufologists etc to classify them differently"
Your response:"And, uhn, how would you know this?"
Because he's read much the same material you have. Are you suggesting another source for this classification system? If not, this response is as meaningless as the first.
terpinator72: I never slam the door on anything.. I for one have no idea if ETI and exist or not. I look for interesting claims and things that possibly make sense.. I have no agenda..
But you *do* have an agenda. Humans will pick and pick until the president of the united states of america, god's greatest nation on earth, let us pray, becomes god's greatest nation in the galaxy. Vultures.

edit: not so much slamming the door >> but to "pretend no one's in -- then perhaps they'll go away soon enough". Or, perhaps in most cases, hiding under the bed.
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Ophiolite said:
That was an answer?
Albume27 asks, reasonably "I know it would be awsome to communicate with aliens but what if they are evil?. We would all be screwed!"
I respond by pointing out it is probably academic, since we have already announced our presence.
Your answer: an obscure, seemingly pointless, analogy.

terpinator72 states, accurately,"Thus, the way people describe the things they see has led these ufologists etc to classify them differently"
Your response:"And, uhn, how would you know this?"
Because he's read much the same material you have. Are you suggesting another source for this classification system? If not, this response is as meaningless as the first.

No, Ophio dear, I answered, from all the myriad accounts of the different close encounter types recorded this past century, and from the strikingly eerie similarities recorded throughout history, one can only conclude (as ufologists, abductees, experiencers, etc, have already concluded amongst themselves) that earth is being "visited" not by one or three different "alien" types, but by many many different types... I think they've indexed a chart of twenty-something or more (not hundreds, terpintine72) -- as is clearly illustrated by the different technological types of ship designs, WHICH brings me to conclude that the galaxy must be *thriving*. And here in the Solar System, there's a species who seems to be treated like the neighbourhood skunk.
If the world government's are covering up evidence of ETI that has been visiting us, then don't we have to conclude there is some danger to their existance? Otherwise, why would it be covered up?

As much as I would love to believe they are friendly; I don't know that. More to the point is that it looks like our Military cover's it up because of some kind of fear. My fear is that they are much more advanced than us, much more powerfull and possibly even dangerous. If not, then maybe they are just protecting the knowlege of it?

It's an interesting question to ask, but one without an answer. I mean, heck some on here think you are crazy to even ask that. They think I'm crazy to even believe we might be covering it up. Yet, they at the same time might think ET exist's but claim they can't travel this far. There are numerous opinion's on this issue, and numerous way's one can go on it.

My suggestion would be to study the evidence and make up you're own mind.
Btimsah: If the world government's are covering up evidence of ETI that has been visiting us, then don't we have to conclude there is some danger to their existance? Otherwise, why would it be covered up?

Not necessarily. Governments, and the elite of the establishment, would rather not loose control -- look at how the Iraqi invasion has been covered in America vis-à-vis the world's coverage. The exposure of ET existence would blow the system's bubble like pricking a balloon with a needle. Fizzle.