the alien agenda

must you insist on a second joint address by the klingon rep and obama before you can trust your senses?

Yes. I don't know about Dy, but I will trust virtually any theory(using the scientific definition, of course) before I trust my senses. My senses, like everyone else's, are incredibly fallible, why would I trust them?
Unlike you, it seems, I actually understand that fallibilities of the human brain and it's sense organs.
If a significant number of people agree that they have observed something that violates the consensus reality, simply ascribe it to "mass hallucination." Avoid addressing the possibility that the consensus reality might itself constitute a mass hallucination.

so? proof of et can easily rest on a single event
I agree. But a radar track isn't that proof.

really dy, must you insist on a second joint address by the klingon rep and obama before you can trust your senses? ;)
Like I said, I've seen two "UFOs". One when I was fairly young, the second in my thirties. That second one I chased as far as I could, not believing it was an actual "flying saucer"... (and it turned out not be: although I had to wait for the following day's newspaper to find out what it really was).
@gustav --

Snicker all you want but my way works demonstrably better than yours. My way is the same way that got us to the moon.
were you a believer back then?
In? God? No. Never have been, really.
Flying saucers? No, but I always thought it would be really neat if they did come here.

i pathologically refuse to believe that ;)
That I don't trust my senses?
Ah, I wish I did (sometimes), but they've let me down sooo many times. And beating them with a stick doesn't improve them at all.
If the aliens are advanced enough to cross intergalactic distances in a relatively short period of time(such as a thousand years or less) then why would they not be equally advanced in the area of genetics? Why are they so hopelessly backwards in genetics that they have to use living beings as "DNA farms"? Why not just synthetically create it themselves(even we can do this, though we still need to use yeast to stitch the synthetic DNA together)? And why do they use DNA anyways(if they evolved on a different planet, under what's likely to be different environmental conditions and subject to different circumstances then they would very likely use some other form of genetic information)?

These are questions that need to be answered.

Another question would be how many life forms could be possibly studying our planet for the first time, or just recently? Also have there been intelligent life forms here all along with some sort of base set up on our planet as some suggest?

Did the aliens add on to our dna as some suggest and believe there is proof to?:shrug:

Would they survive outside of a space suit and breath our air? I've got a tone a questions would love answers to.:rolleyes:

Unfortunately nothings been offered up to give us any evidence to these questions really. All the belief in evidence pointing to possibilities only raises more questions.:confused:
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I agree. But a radar track isn't that proof.

Like I said, I've seen two "UFOs". One when I was fairly young, the second in my thirties. That second one I chased as far as I could, not believing it was an actual "flying saucer"... (and it turned out not be: although I had to wait for the following day's newspaper to find out what it really was).

what would be proof to you then dyw?
:shrug: who says there is any agenda than curiosty?

I know what I have witnessed in North Bend was really weird.

I've seen ufo's before but never any aliens that is I think until that day.

It was snowing out side and me and friends drove half way point to meet up with each other out in North Bend, WA. Several years back this happen during the winter time and snow was on the ground. Went back into the woods with my daughter to take a pee brake. It was dark out side especially in the woods, so I had no idea what it was ended up mooning out there.:eek:

Came back to the cars and friends, and was facing toward the woods when I saw someone in black walking toward us. Than I was not sure it was someone but something, because this figure was all black, with two large golden disc eyes, like from a space suit!. No nose or mouth could be seen, humonoid walk, over 7' in height and unusually thin with longer arms and hands than I'm used to seeing on a human.

When I pointed it out to my friends, it stepped into the woods and disappeared and we disappeared on the road in a hurry.

So I believe that this could of been a visitor. If so it made sense that they would not breath our air or live in the same environment than us. very telling!:cool:
with two large golden disc eyes, like from a space suit!
Please link to ANY reference that shows a space suit with "golden disc eyes".
Thank you.

If so it made sense that they would not breath our air or live in the same environment than us. very telling!:cool:
I wish your posts made sense.
I must say I have been reading over all your comments, theories and thoughts and I have found them very interesting, never the less the majority the comments and evidence stated beforehand dwell within the ancient astronaut or ancient aliens’ theories. Both of which have been growing in strength in the past decade due to recent discoveries and excavations of new information and relics that define mainstream archeology or history. There may be some validity to the argument but there are questions still left unanswered, the biggest one would be why alien beings would even come here? Mine Resources, Galactic Exploration, and Colonization all of which are possible.
dwell within the ancient astronaut or ancient aliens’ theories. Both of which have been growing in strength in the past decade
Growing? Or simply a resurgence?

due to recent discoveries and excavations of new information and relics that define mainstream archeology or history.
Please list some of these "recent discoveries".

There may be some validity to the argument
How so?

but there are questions still left unanswered, the biggest one would be why alien beings would even come here? Mine Resources, Galactic Exploration, and Colonization all of which are possible.
Please work through those "options" for us...
The theory has existed since the 60’s but has resurged back into the mainstream with the publishing of the “Chariots of the Gods” which was written by Erich von Däniken in 1968. The majority of the evidence that is cited in his book are more anecdotal interpretations of archeological discovers, the Nazca Lines, certain religious text mostly early Judo-Christian accounts from the old testament. The recent discoveries have been sites in the Old world(Europe-Middle East-Africa and Asia) Certain sites have or have shown radioactive levels equal vent to nuclear weapons. Along with
The Nazca Lines
Etched into a high plateau in Peru’s Nazca Desert, a series of ancient designs stretching more than 50 miles has baffled archaeologists for decades. Along with simple lines and geometric shapes, they include drawings of animals, birds and humans, some measuring more than 600 feet across. Because of their colossal size, the figures can only be appreciated from way up in the air—and there is no evidence that the Nazca people, who inhabited the area between 300 B.C. and 800 A.D., invented flying machines. According to ancient alien theorists, the figures were used to guide spaceships as they came in for a landing, and the lines served as runways.
Many Sanskrit epics, which were written in India more than two millennia ago, contain references to mythical flying machines called vimanas. Pointing to similarities between descriptions of vimanas and reports by people who claim to have seen UFOs, ancient alien theorists have suggested that astronauts from other planets visited India during ancient times.
The Moai of Easter Island
The Polynesian island of Easter Island is famous for its “maoi”: the 887 giant human figures with enormous heads that guard its coastline. Roughly 500 years old, these monolithic statues stand 13 feet high and weigh 14 tons, but some are twice as tall and much heavier. How could human beings without sophisticated tools or knowledge of engineering craft and transport such incredible structures? Some ancient alien theorists believe it is the work of visiting extraterrestrials who left their mark on the island.
Puma Punku
Located in the Bolivian highlands, Puma Punku is a field of stone ruins scattered with giant, finely carved blocks. Such precise workmanship on a massive scale would have been nearly impossible without modern tools and machines, yet the ruins are more than 1,000 years old. Ancient alien theorists have hypothesized that extraterrestrials with advanced engineering techniques created the site or advised the people who built it.
In the Book of Ezekiel, part of the Hebrew bible, a prophet has a vision of a flying vessel accompanied by fire, smoke and a loud noise. Some ancient alien theorists have argued that the vehicle’s design closely mirrors that of a modern spaceship. Rather than a divine intervention, then, perhaps the text describes an early encounter between humans and alien astronauts. Pacal the Great ruled over the Mayan city of Palenque, in what is now southern Mexico, during the seventh century. Upon his death, he was buried inside a pyramid called the Temple of Inscriptions. The intricately carved lid of his sarcophagus has become a classic work of Mayan art—and an oft-cited piece of evidence for ancient alien theorists. In their view, Pacal is pictured in a spaceship during takeoff, with his hand on a control panel, his foot on a pedal and an oxygen tube in his mouth.
The theory has existed since the 60’s but has resurged back into the mainstream with the publishing of the “Chariots of the Gods” which was written by Erich von Däniken in 1968.
Let me get this straight. The theory was around in the sixties and has hit a resurgence with a book published in the '60s? :rolleyes:
That book was the reason the "theory" was popular.

The majority of the evidence that is cited in his book are more anecdotal interpretations of archeological discovers, the Nazca Lines, certain religious text mostly early Judo-Christian accounts from the old testament.
The majority of the "evidence" in that book was either misinterpretation or outright fabrication.

The recent discoveries have been sites in the Old world(Europe-Middle East-Africa and Asia) Certain sites have or have shown radioactive levels equal vent to nuclear weapons.
Radioactive sites? Such as?

Along with The Nazca Lines
Etched into a high plateau in Peru’s Nazca Desert, a series of ancient designs stretching more than 50 miles has baffled archaeologists for decades.
Baffled? Not completely explained as yet maybe.

Along with simple lines and geometric shapes, they include drawings of animals, birds and humans, some measuring more than 600 feet across. Because of their colossal size, the figures can only be appreciated from way up in the air—and there is no evidence that the Nazca people, who inhabited the area between 300 B.C. and 800 A.D., invented flying machines. According to ancient alien theorists, the figures were used to guide spaceships as they came in for a landing, and the lines served as runways.
And you believe the ancient alien "theorists" because...?

Many Sanskrit epics, which were written in India more than two millennia ago, contain references to mythical flying machines called vimanas. Pointing to similarities between descriptions of vimanas and reports by people who claim to have seen UFOs, ancient alien theorists have suggested that astronauts from other planets visited India during ancient times.
Yup. And they could be interpreted many other ways, too.

As for the rest... yeah interpretation, again.

I am, however, still waiting for you to list the "recent discoveries and excavations of new information and relics" that you claimed.

von Daniken is a self-confessed liar and a fantasist.

"Several specialists now claim they have found the long-sought "final evidence" of visits made to earth by ancient astronauts. The myths of the Dogon tribesmen of Mall, West Africa, contain astronomical knowledge which the native people could have neither learned by themselves nor guessed. Obviously, the researchers say, some more advanced civilization told them. These fascinating Dogon legends speak of Jupiter's four moons and Saturn's rings, which were not seen by human beings until the invention of the telescope. They speak of the star Sirius and of a pair of invisible companions. One of them circles Sirius every fifty years, the legends declare, and is made of a metal that is the heaviest thing in the universe. Astronomers have discovered that such an object (called "Sirius-B") does exist but only the most sophisticated and sensitive instruments -- unavailable, of course, to the Dogons -- can detect it."
from The Sirius Mystery, by James Oberg


"Chi Pu Tei, a professor of archaeology at Beijing University, was leading some his students on an expedition to survey a series of interlinking caves in the Himalyan mountains. According to one account, the caves may have been artificially carved, and were more like a complex system of tunnels and underground storerooms. The walls were squared and glazed, as if cut into the mountain with a source of extreme heat. Inside the caves were several ancient, but neatly arranged burial sites, and in them the skeletal remains of a strange people. The skeletons, measuring a little more than four feet tall, were frail and spindly with disproportionately large skulls."
In Jabbaren, in the Tassili mountains, Algeria, south of the Hoggar. A 6m high character with a large round decorated head. The massive body, the strange dressing, the folds around the neck and on the chest suggest some ancient time astronaut. A similar character is painted at Sfar in the Tassili, in the Cabro caves in France and in several other places. Some of them are much smaller and raise their hands towards a giant being, of non human appearance, sometimes these "round heads" being seem to hover in the air. From 6000 B.C.

The story begins when a layer of radioactive ash was found in Rajasthan, India.

It covered a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. The research occurred after a very high rate of birth defects and cancer was discovered in the area.

The levels of radiation registered so high on investigators’ gauges that the Indian government cordoned off the region. Scientists then apparently unearthed an ancient city where they found evidence of an atomic blast dating back thousands of years: from 8,000 to 12,000 years.

The blast was said to have destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people.

Archeologist Francis Taylor stated that etchings in some nearby temples he translated suggested that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.

“It’s so mind-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare.”

When excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, they discovered skeletons scattered about the cities, many holding hands and sprawling in the streets as if some instant, horrible doom had taken place.

People were just lying, unburied, in the streets of the city. And these skeletons are thousands of years old, even by traditional archaeological standards.

What could cause such a thing? Why did the bodies not decay or get eaten by wild animals?

Furthermore, there is no apparent cause of a physically violent death.

A. Gorbovsky, in Riddles of Ancient History, reported the discovery of at least one human skeleton in this area with a level of radioactivity approximately 50 times greater than it should have been due to natural radiation.

Furthermore, thousands of fused lumps, christened “black stones”, have been found at Mohenjo-Daro. These appear to be fragments of clay vessels that melted together in extreme heat.

Another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India is a giant crater near Bombay. The nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater (left image), located 400 kilometers northeast of Bombay and aged at less than 50,000 years old, could be related to nuclear warfare of antiquity.

No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the world’s only known “impact” crater in basalt. Indications of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site.

With the apparent discovery of this radiated area, parallels were quick drawn to the Mahabharata, the Indian epic.

It reads:

... (it was) a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendor... was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.

...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.

After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment.

Whereas the story of the Mahabharata is indirect evidence, the other discoveries in India pose serious problems for those trying to deny the possibility that this might indeed be evidence of ancient atomic warfare.

Whereas believing in the existence of Atlantis or a highly advanced civilization that might not have left any trace is one thing, to suggest that our ancestors might have wiped themselves out along the same lines we almost did, but only fifty years ago, is a major paradigm shift.

Some skeptics thus stated:

“I am sick and tired of hearing this, and I cannot find any debunks of this either. Anyone who can debunk this, or is this really true?”

That is indeed the question… and an important one. The stakes are high, as one would expect when facing with the best evidence.
I do not belive in the theroy but find it interesting...prehapes alien beings were the cause for ancient Homo Sapiens to create religons to worhship god-like creatures from the sky. the predominate theory of why they came to earth was to mine gold. Gold is excellent insullator from radiation( often magnified during space travel) and is an excellent conductor of electrial signals or communications( we use gold in all of our electronics)
Oops, nice try. This dates back to the '50s (i.e. not recent). And is a myth. One that has been debunked.

Again, this dates back to the 60s. And is another fabrication.

In Jabbaren, in the Tassili mountains, Algeria, south of the Hoggar.
'50s. And again this is interpretation.

The story begins when a layer of radioactive ash was found in Rajasthan, India.
This is a complete fabrication.

Archeologist Francis Taylor stated that etchings in some nearby temples he translated suggested that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.
As is, apparently "archaeologist Francis Taylor".

When excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reached the street level, they discovered skeletons scattered about the cities, many holding hands and sprawling in the streets as if some instant, horrible doom had taken place.
Which shows... what exactly?

What could cause such a thing? Why did the bodies not decay or get eaten by wild animals?
Bodies? Not decay? You DO know what a skeleton is, don't you?
Nine years of extensive excavations at Mohenjo-Daro ( which seems to have been rapidly abandoned) have yielded a total of some 37 skeletons

Furthermore, there is no apparent cause of a physically violent death.
Source please.

A. Khabarovsk, in Riddles of Ancient History, reported the discovery of at least one human skeleton in this area with a level of radioactivity approximately 50 times greater than it should have been due to natural radiation.
1966. And unsubstantiated. (Interestingly I can also find no evidence that the book itself exists, or the author).

Furthermore, thousands of fused lumps, christened “black stones”, have been found at Mohenjo-Daro. These appear to be fragments of clay vessels that melted together in extreme heat.
Hmm, I wonder why these aren't mentioned in the archaeological report.

Another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India is a giant crater near Bombay. The nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater (left image), located 400 kilometers northeast of Bombay and aged at less than 50,000 years old, could be related to nuclear warfare of antiquity.
It could also be related to a meteor that hit during the Pleistocene. :rolleyes:

No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the world’s only known “impact” crater in basalt. Indications of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site.

With the apparent discovery of this radiated area, parallels were quick drawn to the Mahabharata, the Indian epic.
What "radiated area"?

Whereas the story of the Mahabharata is indirect evidence, the other discoveries in India pose serious problems for those trying to deny the possibility that this might indeed be evidence of ancient atomic warfare.
You mean apart from the lack of radiation, the lack of reliable sources, the lack of technology available at the time etc?

Whereas believing in the existence of Atlantis or a highly advanced civilization that might not have left any trace is one thing, to suggest that our ancestors might have wiped themselves out along the same lines we almost did, but only fifty years ago, is a major paradigm shift.
Nope. They're both bullshit claims.

That is indeed the question… and an important one. The stakes are high, as one would expect when facing with the best evidence.
If the "best evidence" is fabrication, misinterpretation and outright lies how high do you think the stakes are?