the 2nd Creation; Proves evolution

Im saying that consciousness is the result of evolution which has it roots from the first living organism that responded to stimilli. The responce is a chemical reaction, for example when light strikes the photon receptor it changes the chemical structure and the cell interprets the new information.
It was an ecological adaptation that would have helped them survive and therefore a reproductive advantage.

Heat is a dynamic interaction of energy and matter, Heat may be defined as energy in transit from a high-temperature object to a lower-temperature object.
When energy is added to the molecules in the rock vibrate thermal dynamicaly and they heat up.
Im saying that consciousness is the result of evolution which has it roots from the first living organism that responded to stimilli. The responce is a chemical reaction, for example when light strikes the photon receptor it changes the chemical structure and the cell interprets the new information.
It was an ecological adaptation that would have helped them survive and therefore a reproductive advantage.

Heat is a dynamic interaction of energy and matter, Heat may be defined as energy in transit from a high-temperature object to a lower-temperature object.
When energy is added to the molecules in the rock vibrate thermal dynamicaly and they heat up.

Evolution is a true concept and all you have to do is realize knowledge evolves to provide you with recognizable evidence beyond any doubt.

Light is the unknown cause of 'heat' as well light is what allows consciousness to perform.

Light is the life upon all mass, in all cases.

allow yourself 3 real facts to recognize;

1) Heat or what that 'heat' is as far as identity has no pure
definition (considered a potential difference-from guys who built steam engines)

2) Gravity or what that 'it' is also, has no definition (again a potential difference)

3) Life and what that 'life' is upon mass again.......... no definition at the molecular level.......

All three of these are of extreme importance and tied to the same thing

And when the reality of how these frames can be combined, then the math to prove the evolution of mass and energy can be performed such that no longer will the reality of how life exists ever be governed

the 2nd creation; proves evolution
Evolution is a true concept and all you have to do is realize knowledge evolves to provide you with recognizable evidence beyond any doubt.

Light is the unknown cause of 'heat' as well light is what allows consciousness to perform.

Light is the life upon all mass, in all cases.

allow yourself 3 real facts to recognize;

1) Heat or what that 'heat' is as far as identity has no pure
definition (considered a potential difference-from guys who built steam engines)

2) Gravity or what that 'it' is also, has no definition (again a potential difference)

3) Life and what that 'life' is upon mass again.......... no definition at the molecular level.......

All three of these are of extreme importance and tied to the same thing

And when the reality of how these frames can be combined, then the math to prove the evolution of mass and energy can be performed such that no longer will the reality of how life exists ever be governed

the 2nd creation; proves evolution

I concur with the theory of evolution. Not just in Biology but with matter and energy, galaxy's and star formation and the entirity of the universe.

Heat can be made by any type of energy, not just light. For example rubbing two particles or two objects together can create not only heat but also sound waves though a meadium and if it gets hot enough it can produce photons of light.

I dont understand how you think light is the life of all mass? Are you saying mass is energy? If you are I wouldnt use the word Life as the correct terminology. And I wouldnt use light as the right terminology iether.
I agree mass could be a form of energy but the threory needs more evidence. Science is still working out how particles gain mass. Currently they are running experiments with the Large Hadron Collider to find out that question.

1) I gave you a definition for heat already, look it up on wiki or many many number of web sites. You do know how heat can be measured right? One way is to use a thermometer (pressure guage), heat the liquid up in a closed container and measure the expansion of the liquid. Thermometers commonally use mercury becasue metal has good thermal properties and is a liquid at normal pressures in earths atmostphere and ambient temperatures. All mass has heat, even in the deep vacumes of space, heat transfer goes from hot to cold and energy has heat potential apon mass and mass can radiate heat. In biological systems, heat is produced via chemical reactions. In humans our normal core operating temperature is about 36-37C. At about 40C you would be considered a medical emergency becasue bodily functions would start to break down. Why? beacuse life is an organic chemical molecular machine and systems start to malfunction, the chemical reactions required for life no longer work and this causes death to the organism. Warm blooded animals like mamals including humans use alot of energy to regulate body temperatures so we have to eat alot to make it. Cold blooded animals use heat from the sun to conserve energy and dont have to eat as much.

2) I think Phyiacists have defined gravity very well myself. Although the casue is still an ongoing study I agree. We know it is related to density of mass particles.

3) I still dont know what your trying to say. Life apon mass? life is a complex system of chemical reactions. The only difference to life and non-life is the structure and arangement of the atoms. Look up amino acids for a start.

All three are required for what thing? energy? IF so stop the clock your reasoning is monumental to the advancement of science and human knowledge (ad sarcasim) This is already known.

And when you have a reality cheak with your self, youll realise your making absolute nonsence you might come back to reality.
Heat can be made by any type of energy, not just light. For example rubbing two particles or two objects together can create not only heat but also sound waves though a meadium and if it gets hot enough it can produce photons of light.
any crossing of flux line of potential by association is creating a potential, so simply to move mass from any point is imposing energy to mass

Heat in EVERY case is a form of energy and energy in every case can be drilled back to em at the molecular level

that is what the whole change is based on; energy is light upon mass. Such that light is an electric and magnetic charge at perpendicular planes. From the huge radio waves that can engulf the whole earth or gamma, they are all a form of em. So if a radio wave was upon your body, your aura could be larger than the earth and anything that comes within your aura will cross lines of flux. Such that to heat up a piece of metal; put your hand close without touching it. No difference; same stuff ...... just different wavelengths.

and to take a line it of em (a cross of energy) and cut it into pieces and share it among friends, then each of the portion will always have a potential between the other parts. (that is the property called entanglement)

I dont understand how you think light is the life of all mass? Are you saying mass is energy?
that is basically what einstein meant with E=mc2 ..... Energy is mass times the speed of light squared....

I agree mass could be a form of energy but the threory needs more evidence.
see any nuclear release; they split and atom into 2 smaller atoms and the difference is 'light'

Science is still working out how particles gain mass.
crossing flux lines.... think of a ball falling off a building. same mass, but by the time it hits the ground the amount of energy can cause that ball to go into the concrete from a high enough distance. So to add the mass of the ball and the energy of the impact, you can see how they have associated the speed to mass

Currently they are running experiments with the Large Hadron Collider to find out that question.
they are creating the very particles they are measuring because them particle at speeds are crossing flux lines increasing there state

Warm blooded animals like mamals including humans use alot of energy to regulate body temperatures so we have to eat alot to make it. Cold blooded animals use heat from the sun to conserve energy and dont have to eat as much.
and in every 'chemical reaction' what is released? is heat just sitting on the mass and when the catalyst comes into contact, the magical stuff 'heat' just appears from no where?

2) I think Phyiacists have defined gravity very well myself. Although the casue is still an ongoing study I agree. We know it is related to density of mass particles.
and if E=mc2 describes mass as simply energy and to break a 'dense' atom of mass, what is released? (what is a nuclear release)

So to reverse that; to make an atom, or to recombine the energy to return that unit back to a 'dense' atom, then that energy in each of her line items of em could be entangled to the previous neighborhood always maintaining a potential to the other mass in the environment

Gravity is not based on the density, but the entangled energy to the environment. Gravity at the form of what 'it' is, is the property of em called entanglement.

3) I still dont know what your trying to say. Life apon mass? life is a complex system of chemical reactions. The only difference to life and non-life is the structure and arangement of the atoms. Look up amino acids for a start.
and to begin from atoms A and B, what combines them to make a molecule is em.... so the progression all the way through to a complex living structure, in all cases is a progression that started from the same exact rules as the combing of atom A and B.

So as wiki may share what life is, the truth is the mechanism starting from the first atoms and energy forward must be understood and the scientific community still has no clue

for example; phospholipid bilayers.... these lipids associated without peptide bonds. Inverted and aligning to create the cell walls of most all life known. The mechanism is the resonance of the energy combining. So as each may only be able to support a specific line item of energy, the collective can maintain a far greater potential. That is basically what 'life' does; acquires more mass to reach the highest potential of energy
Your making much more sence now but I dont feel any more knowledgable for it. I be stupid, ignorant or something?

I feel Heat radiation
I touch matter with texture sensation
I see light the visable spectrum of colours
I hear sound waves in audable frequencies
I taste and smell chemicals.
I experience emotions from chemical reactions.
My sences portray me with lies.
Everything is energy and consciousness is?

What I perceive as reality
I love when they try to interpret holy scripts to validate and thus prove theistically, science. It's funny to watch: It like listening to a mentally retardant person try to reason how an actor from one movie could be such a different person in another movie, without understanding the simple concept that movies are not real and actors simply play roles not are them.
haaahaha.... I like this :)
Your making much more sence now but I dont feel any more knowledgable for it. I be stupid, ignorant or something?

It's not your fault.

You did not create this climate nor are you being complacent. You are trying and that puts you above most on this whole website.

Stand up with a confidence. Be aware that what you are beginning to understand, is the truth.

Such that you have a leg up on the 'global community' simply for being honest.

you can begin to face reality, with the weapons of fact

I feel Heat radiation
I touch matter with texture sensation
I see light the visable spectrum of colours
I hear sound waves in audable frequencies
I taste and smell chemicals.
in each of these, the energy upon the mass is what the sense are taking in. do you remember the white ball on the pool table? The ball may hit the others but it isn't the ball causing the others to move, it is the energy upon the ball. The angle of the impact changes the direction of the ball being hit. And after the shot the ball is still there awaiting the next but the energy is what conveys.

I experience emotions from chemical reactions.
that is old school..... you beyond that. it is the energy upon the chemicals, that allows emotions to be experienced. Such that memories within the brain are held like mirrors upon mass. Each memory is held as a fixed structure and when the ideas start rolling through your mind, the 'light' is simply passing through these fixed structures. We are not binary electrical living structures like a computer. to observe how this works look up polaritonics and how mass can retain a em state and when light passes through, the signal is changed by the held single

My sences portray me with lies.
lies are learned; you see something and what you can compare the idea with are your memories, you are still 'seeing' the event but perhaps not the correct memories to compare the experience with

that is why 'it is not your fault' prior to these exchanges. The globe is unaware but you are trying.

just think of light being the life upon mass.

Everything is energy and consciousness is?
the same thing

What I perceive as reality

is 'how' you observe reality.

Think in the sense that you awaken each day simply as light upon mass, you have a unique ability to observe and think on things often before they occur. Such to sit at a stop light you have the ability to observe the sequence of events without even participating. You could be sitting on top of a light pole and just observing a whole day and never even touch the ground. You are consciously aware.

Now to remember the life of mass is simply the light upon mass, then realize what you are. And every word, every action, everything you do is like tapping the surface of a pond; you can impose energy to perform by choice.

Each step you take is like creating an action to exist that was not there before you took that step Such that you could die tomorrow and that splash is still moving through time because of you.

As of now you know how to create life. Now go live! :p ;)