The ‘Rapture’ Took the Good and Left the Protestants

Jaster Mereel said:
I suppose that you have some kind of way in which one might measure "morality" in terms of an entire civilization, and also some kind of measurement of the rate at which a civilization "admits amoral barbaric influences"? Or are you just throwing it out there? Be honest.

So, you have some special way of quantifying History?

Yes, I read everything. I think about it. And then I let you all know what I think.

The difference between myself and a lot of people, is they read a lot and then they think... and nothing happens. They are unable to recognize a Historic Dynamic -- cause and effect... motivations and interests -- if they were to come up and bite them on their Ass.

And what I have often seen, is that the puzzled and stupid students of History somehow resent the Better Students for their Deductions and Conclusions. They want to know what the Authorities are for any of that. "where did you read that?" Well, duh. The Professors understand how it works. But the Students ... well it is still something they need to learn.

Learn to think.
Jaster Mereel said:
Most of the "New Age" originated in the 19th century.

yeah, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. They set up the 'business plan' that everybody else would follow. Start by publishing a some kind of a Self-Help or How-To-Be Metaphysical Book, then go on tour to promote the book, using the book to raise interest for Workshops and Seminars. Huge profits could be made that writers of ordinary fiction and non-fiction couldn't touch.

And the Businsess Plan still works. Women are mostly silly geese who will throw their money away on anything -- shoes, makeup and New Age Seminars. This is what happens when they don't ever have to pay for their own drinks and dinner.
Leo Volont said:
And the Businsess Plan still works. Women are mostly silly geese who will throw their money away on anything -- shoes, makeup and New Age Seminars. This is what happens when they don't ever have to pay for their own drinks and dinner.
I thought you were talking about the business plan for the catholic church for a second there.

Anyway, it is good to see you posting, you crazy M*F*, I haven't seen your posts in a while.
cole grey said:
I thought you were talking about the business plan for the catholic church for a second there.

That's Bingo...

The Catholics pass the plate on Sunday, but not everybody realizes that during the Daily Masses, mostly attended by very devout old Ladies, no collections are taken up.

It isn't always about money.
Leo Volont said:
yeah, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. They set up the 'business plan' that everybody else would follow. Start by publishing a some kind of a Self-Help or How-To-Be Metaphysical Book, then go on tour to promote the book, using the book to raise interest for Workshops and Seminars. Huge profits could be made that writers of ordinary fiction and non-fiction couldn't touch.

And if they had a message and did not try to propogate it , it would somehow make the message more true would it??
Or if noone bought the books, it would add authenticity??
Or maybe anyone with a worthwhile message should print and give books away for free. - bibles are sold for a price in bookshops!! as are books on atheism eg. "the god delusion" - BIG profits there.... does that detract from their truth???

You also forget about the charity projects of the theosophical society.

(I am btw not saying by the above that I am in agreement with all that has been said by the theosophical society..just levelling the playing field a little)

Leo Volont said:
That's Bingo...

The Catholics pass the plate on Sunday, but not everybody realizes that during the Daily Masses, mostly attended by very devout old Ladies, no collections are taken up.

It isn't always about money.

The Catholic church is hugley rich - but these riches do not come from the collection plate, but from massive landownings and centuries of corruption.
Leo Volont said:
Doesn't seem to mind?

What about the Plagues and Famines. the Pestilences and Wars?

Moral Civilizations enjoy a span of Prosperity and Well Being. Barbarisms bring about depopulated Dark Ages.

One is the Favor of God -- the Reward for Moral Behavior. The other is the Curse of God to punish selfishness.
Then I suppose it would be easy to show a correlation between prosperous and peaceful times and moral behavior? I thought the Dark Ages ended due to the Renaissance, which was sparked by a rediscovery of Greek and Roman culture.
Leo Volont said:
So, you have some special way of quantifying History?
No. That was my point.

Yes, I read everything. I think about it. And then I let you all know what I think.
That's wonderful. I love reading your posts.

The difference between myself and a lot of people, is they read a lot and then they think... and nothing happens. They are unable to recognize a Historic Dynamic -- cause and effect... motivations and interests -- if they were to come up and bite them on their Ass.
Um... ok. I never said anything about not attributing causes, motivations, and interests to conclusions about History. In fact, thats exactly how History should be conducted. I was asking you to justify your contention that "moral" behavior in a society (and I'd need to know what your definition of "moral" behavior would be) is connected with longevity and success for a civilization. That's all.

And what I have often seen, is that the puzzled and stupid students of History somehow resent the Better Students for their Deductions and Conclusions. They want to know what the Authorities are for any of that. "where did you read that?" Well, duh. The Professors understand how it works. But the Students ... well it is still something they need to learn.
Yea, ok. Whatever you say buddy. I never asked you to support your conclusion with any "authorities", you self-righteous ass. I asked you to support it with reasoned analysis of historical events. You did not. Instead, you decided to attach a persona to me that is wholly unjustified, simply because I asked you to try and convince me that moral behavior leads to successful civilization. You're not a "better" student of History, you're an idealogue who likes to look at History in a manner which justifies his ideology who knows nothing of what I think of the subject at hand, but has rather decided to attack me personally, assuming my position, which I have not offered.

Learn to think.
You first.
Leo Volont said:
The Catholics pass the plate on Sunday, but not everybody realizes that during the Daily Masses, mostly attended by very devout old Ladies, no collections are taken up.

It isn't always about money.
The old ladies pay on sunday with all the rest.
Leo Volont said:
But let’s consider that it was True and Real. Well, then, might we not conclude that the Rapture had already taken place?

Well, what happened?

Of course! The Rapture had come and had taken up to Heaven everything and everyone Decent and Good, and had left behind the beastly, the satanic, the evil, and the followers of .
But coming back to your original post Leo. I have been thinking that much of eastern religion would agree with what you are saying (apart from the protestant / catholic distinction).

In Buddhism the best among us will achieve nirvana (liberation from the cycles of birth and death), while the rest of us keep reincarnating on earth.

Hinduism requires us to master our karma with good works and free ourselves of desires - the best of us do this and attain Moksha (liberation form the cycles of birth and death), while the rest of us keep transmigrating on earth.

In Taoism there are immortals, sages of the past that have attained immortality (though this is to be understood differently from Christian immortality)

In all cases we could argue that the decent and good are taken away, while the others are left on this planet. Basically agreeing with your conclusion wouln't you say......

The only difference is that in the eastern religions, we have the opportunity to become good through continued incarnations... with christianity its one life and your damned forever. (one strike and your out :confused: )