Texas inmate sentenced to 60 more years on prison for possession of cellphone

People who buy some things, have sentence for 20, 25 years to pay money. This is actual "life sentence" if money never enough to pay back value, altered every time money is paid. People never have enough money and work for imaginary value of house, property, trappings of "modern life" but enslaved by banking system and rich people who want house, property, furniture, everything worth more value because money worth less every time.

Someone in bank take money and, buy property to sell for more money... take money to market, but = paper; worth value because, can buy, and sell property with worthless paper, make "money", make people pay for more valuable house, by make "money" less value, paper = paper.

Prisoner, not allowed freedom of "property", never allowed to pay debt, by having cellphone. Cellphone not for person with big "debt" to pay. Prisoner of cellphone.
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please put the /sarcasm in at the end there. i haven't read enough of ur posts to be sure.
Scary isn't it?

good point. its probably in his best interests to just kill all the guards really.

i think its about 8000 years for having a gun. and then you're executed 7 times. if you're a repeat offender we crash the earth into the sun and blame it on you.
And then if you actually stab a prisoner
it's like

8 months.
I remember in California in the 80’s the 3-strikes laws that were meant to get tough on crime, all the media hoop la and attention this got along with the support from the people. Then in the late 90’s and early 2000 some of these laws were quietly overturned or amended because the extremely large prison population and overcrowding not to mention the high cost of keeping all those inmates in jail. Today the California Governor is faced with having to release 60,000 inmates “low risk” inmates because of these reasons.

I am surprised Texas is not yet in this same situation with their large prison population, but then again they let sexual predators off with three years, but if you get caught with a cell phone in a Texas prison you get a 60-year sentence.

Oh I forgot to mention the sexual predator was a man who was sexually harassing and fondling women at his work place and all the women where he worked were so afraid of him that they would hide from him and not even answer the phone out of fear it might be him. He then lied to investigators and threatened others who might tell on him, but in the end he was given a very strict and harsh sentence of three years because after all the man who was doing all of this was a US District Judge. (See link below)

Having a cell phone while in prison = 60 years in jail

Being a Federal Judge and sexually molesting and harassing female employees and lying to investigators = 3 years in Jail

Sounds about right to me… (being sarcastic)


The article that was linked by the OP was pretty clear to me. The lengthy sentence was because he man was a habitual offender and they wanted to also send a clear message that they take this offense seriously.

Quote from article: “The message is that the citizens of Anderson County take this charge seriously and are not afraid to send someone to prison for a long time for violating this law.”

I laughed at this above mentioned quote, because what they meant to say was they were not afraid to keep someone in prison for as very long time for violating this law, not sending them to prison because after all its prisoners who possess the cell phone in the first place and thus mean they are already in prison. Duh!
The article that was linked by the OP was pretty clear to me. The lengthy sentence was because he man was a habitual offender and they wanted to also send a clear message that they take this offense seriously.

Quote from article: “The message is that the citizens of Anderson County take this charge seriously and are not afraid to send someone to prison for a long time for violating this law.”

I laughed at this above mentioned quote, because what they meant to say was they were not afraid to keep someone in prison for as very long time for violating this law, not sending them to prison because after all its prisoners who possess the cell phone in the first place and thus mean they are already in prison. Duh!

And let's consider how many thousands (millions?) of taxpayer dollars are going into keeping this cellphone user in prison.

I mean the kid who gets raped in prison for being a pot smoker, well, we can all live with that kind of justice, but for being addicted to technology........
This is all very stupid to me, even the 25 years for stealing a car but then again I am often considered different in my thinking.
In 1989, Ross was convicted of burglary of a motor vehicle and in 1990, he was convicted of theft of an automobile. In 1993, he was convicted of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and sentenced to 25 years in TDCJ.

It is not certain this is his whole record, but the article implies it is. We can discuss the issue as if this was the case. If it is the case it is ridiculous. Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, which sounds like car theft, but somehow not so bad, should not get someone 25 years, even if they have stolen other vehicles in the past.

I can't see a reason to put a non violent offender in prison anywhere near this long.

If he is violent, that might, I say might, justify the earlier sentences, but even then a cellphone is just not worth 60. If he was using it to call in a hit, OK.

I mean you can run into a bank, shoot a guard and get 15,
I agree it’s just way too much time to serve even for the car theft. The 60 years was stacked on top which means he will have to serve the 25 years first, and then start the other sentence without being able to run them concurrently. They might as well have given him the death penalty as he is going to die in prison anyway, all for using a phone and stealing two cars.

If I was a guard I would watch that guy because he has nothing to lose now.
usually you need to know more about a case than a few paragraphs.

i get annoyed when people say this, its been said so many times, just comment on the information provided. draw whatever conclusions are reasonable given the few paragraphs.
Stories like this make it hard for anyone to have respect for the criminal justice system.