Testing a Religious theory:

In the beginning, there was a singularity. A singularity is everything that exists squeezed into a spot small enough to be considered "nothing". This singularity exploded and became many lights, which are called stars. Other things came out of this explosion and formed worlds like this, called planets. This planet started out dark and cloudy. Water formed and over millions of years, the sky cleared and the sun, moon, and stars appeared. The sun lit the earth and allowed plants to grow, like that fruit tree right there and all this grass, which live because of the sun. The plants allowed animals to appear, which live off the plants, or off each other. This allowed man to become what we are, living off the plants and animals.
So I have a theory I want to test, and it is this essential concept.

I am very familiar with science, I am a chemical engineer, my father in law is a physics PHD, and my wife studied both computer science and physics in college.

I am fairly familiar with Judeo-Christian religions.

And I have a theory; I would be honored if everyone here would participate in it.

I would like you to try to explain creation, using the sciences, to a world of ignorant people who don't even have a written language.

Being that this is forums what I would like you to do is :

1) Outline the key details you would explain.
2) Give the brief of this in simplest terms possible.

Now what is my theory: My theory is that if you take what we know from science about the creation of the universe and life here on earth, you will get a story that is very similar to that of the Hebrew Qblh/torah.

Note: You will not get 'YEC' or even most versions of creationism; which is at it's heart flawed because most creationism comes from only translation of the Bible and/or Torah and ignores the Qblh portions which are expansions of the original concepts.

So I would like to see what people, who have some understanding of science, can come up with.

Thank you to those who participate.
God spoke the universe into existance. I am the first and last Prophet of this God. I speak to and for this god. If you do as I say then when you die you go to a heaven with beautiful virgin women and live forever in paradise. If not you roast alive in a firely place called hell. Then I take over :)