Test in morality

What would you do?

  • Do nothing, hoping you will be rescued sooner.

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • Stab another person secretly and drink his blood.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Just stab another person to drink the water.

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
*Laughs at the pseudo-intellectualism of Tiassa's last post*

Vampirism is not a fetish. It's not even listed as a paraphilia, so far as I know.
There's an answer

I was trying to be polite, you sick, selfish excuse for a human being. Jesus, it sounds like a Belushi cartoon I saw on the web: "If it was down to drinking my piss, or drinking the camel's piss, which would you do?" Talk about a winning choice.

Let me try throwing another question at you, just for demonstration:

If you've read James Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, I'm sure you'll recall a graphic explanation of hell. Key for our purposes today is that you never get used to the torment, can never become accustomed to the regularity of your agonies.

So you arrive in Hell, and you are welcomed; there is a labor shortage and your hand is needed to torment the unrighteous. They build no memory, merely a sensation of fear. They bear no scars, else sensation would be lost. Each time you torture, it is like the first time for the unfortunate. What would you do? Or, specifically, what woudn't you do?

Now we can make that last question more specific.

Would you--

- Sexually torture a child? (Rhetorical--I don't want to know these answers, all things considered.)
- Flay the skin from your still-living mother?
- (Invent a torture here, I'm sure you're proficient)

The point being is that I can corner you into considering almost any number of evils, and if we hold to the restrictions of the question, the one answer you can't give is "No, it's repugnant." Why? Because this is Hell we're talking about.

Would you get up each day and torture a child first thing? What if your refusal would land you on the other end of the torture?

Hypothetical conditions can be postulated which would cause any person to buckle, except those who don't think so obsessively of themselves. It's all a matter of what's important to people.

Tiassa :cool:
After reading that news article ndrs posted, I'm wondering how long it's going to be before they try to figure out how to ban vampires altogether.

Obviously they're far too influential on young minds and a danger to the species.
*Xev giggles*

Tiassa, if you're going to insult me, at least have the balls to come out and insult me point blank.

Polite? You? That's like me being gentle.

So you arrive in Hell, and you are welcomed; there is a labor shortage and your hand is needed to torment the unrighteous. They build no memory, merely a sensation of fear. They bear no scars, else sensation would be lost. Each time you torture, it is like the first time for the unfortunate. What would you do? Or, specifically, what woudn't you do?

Refuse. Besides, given my feelings towards religion and God, I'm likely the one who'll be tortured.

- Sexually torture a child? (Rhetorical--I don't want to know these answers, all things considered.)


- Flay the skin from your still-living mother?

Aww gee, Tiassa, that's what I do every morning.

- (Invent a torture here, I'm sure you're proficient)

*Xev blushes*
Proficient? Aw, thanks Tiassa!
I would say to the other dude: "Do you want to live or do you want me to live."

If he wants to live, I would slit my throat. If he would die for me, I would bite his jugular.

Iced Earth and Stones?.... Dying Fetus - Killing on Adrenaline
Fuck the world.
Basically all it comes down to is who the other person is. I might die for someone I cared about... I doubt I'd do it for someone I didn't.

Refuse. Besides, given my feelings towards religion and God, I'm likely the one who'll be tortured.
Hell, I salute this inconsistency in your personal ethic.
But why? When all objective reasons not to are gone ...?
that's what I do every morning
Like, there's a surprise. :rolleyes:
Proficient? Aw, thanks Tiassa!
If it's all you're worth, make it worth as much as you can.

Tiassa :cool:
The Marquis

Basically all it comes down to is who the other person is. I might die for someone I cared about... I doubt I'd do it for someone I didn't.
Who says you have to die for anyone? All the hypothetical is asking you to do is presume that you won't survive if you allow another person to live. Now, just think about it for a moment. Can you really know that? I mean, by the time you come to confirm the realization that this little patch of land is truly without a drop of fresh water, well, how long has that been? The question, in that sense, asks you to assume your supply before you actually know it, and to kill someone based on that assumption. Or else tie them up and bleed them, hopefully not to death.

Or something like that.

Tiassa :cool:
Ok, then. In all honesty, tiassa, I think the only answer I could give is I would have no idea until I was in that situation. I only know what my ideals tell me to do.
Its a stupid question. Nothing in your life so far has given you any kind of preperation for that situation (at least i highly doubt it, let me know if im wrong).

We dont know who the other person on the island is. Complete stranger? Close friend or family member? Worst enemy? Guy who could beat the crap out of you if you tried to vampirize him? Who the other person is has a drastic effect on your behavior but we have no clue who it is.

Off hand id say we each get half the water, im pretty sure we'd both survive.

did you notice the caring and humanity in my post. i was gonna work something
out with my would be victim. work out ways where we both might survive. he can chop off my arm, i'll chop off his when we get the munchies. we can tenderly
suck blood from each other to wash the shit down. maybe we could draw straws if shit really get bad!

what do you say? aint i noble?