Terrorism and suicide bombing

Well, these three new hell-bound souls were freshly minted AFTER the fatwa. A day earlier and they'd be in heaven with hot babes. Unfortunately for them the footy was on and so the handlers decided to wait till this morning. So instead of babes, it's an eternity of agony and pain.

Sucks to be them.

Jeez that's tough luck. What a difference a day makes!
Probably they are thinking, no one killed themselves over Saddam
Or maybe they are looking up at Saddam in Heaven floating around and chatting up God and Mohammad thinking......

..... *PAIN!!!

Lets face it, when your skin is being ripped off your bones and your eyes dug out of their sockets, you're probably not thinking anything much.

Looks like two more Muslims will spend eternity in Hell.

At least 14 people have been killed in Baghdad on the first day of voting in Iraq's parliamentary elections. Suicide bombers attacked two polling stations in different areas of the city killing at least seven people and wounding many others.

I wonder if they have time to feel anger over not waking up with hot virgin babes? Regret at the Imam that conned them? Or if they just instantly feel unimaginable pain and suffering.
Probably they are thinking, no one killed themselves over Saddam

Is the promise of sex in heaven any different than using sex to sell merchandise? The promise also seems to have a somewhat porn-like appeal and a ...you know.... libido stimulating quality. Taking advantage of a man's brain as it migrates south is just wrong.
Is the promise of sex in heaven any different than using sex to sell merchandise? The promise also seems to have a somewhat porn-like appeal and a ...you know.... libido stimulating quality. Taking advantage of a man's brain as it migrates south is just wrong.
Yeah, it's so puerile isn't it? But, IMO, so is Hell. So is Heaven. But, we're talking about praying to an invisible person here. As many as 5 times a day. :shrug:
Yeah, it's so puerile isn't it? But, IMO, so is Hell. So is Heaven. But, we're talking about praying to an invisible person here. As many as 5 times a day. :shrug:

There are guys out there who couldn't get laid in a woman's prison with a handful of pardons. If I thought praying 5 times a day was going to lead me to an eternity of sex then I might want to give it a try.

I wonder how many of those who succumb to the promise actually harbor a deep hate for women?
That's a good question. It seems a lot of these "fanatical religious" types do have a deep seated suspicion of women and their motives and would like nothing better than to try and control and direct the female prerogative. The Egyptian fanatic that mentored Bin Laden. He wrote extensively about women in the USA. American women were a forbidden temptation that taunted and sickened him.

Is it any wonder this same person encourages suicide bombings??
That's a good question. It seems a lot of these "fanatical religious" types do have a deep seated suspicion of women and their motives and would like nothing better than to try and control and direct the female prerogative. The Egyptian fanatic that mentored Bin Laden. He wrote extensively about women in the USA. American women were a forbidden temptation that taunted and sickened him.

Is it any wonder this same person encourages suicide bombings??

I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. Kind of makes the whole nasty business a selfish enterprise rather than one with a political motive. Murder for unrequited love committed by demented misogynists absorbed with a personal agenda.

Is the promise of sex in heaven any different than using sex to sell merchandise? The promise also seems to have a somewhat porn-like appeal and a ...you know.... libido stimulating quality. Taking advantage of a man's brain as it migrates south is just wrong.

hahahahaha, promice of sex, lol, in heaven, by islam? never heard of that, even if you did, it's not true, in islam, heaven is where there's no violence, there's everything you want, no killing, not stealing, no lying,no cheating, no wars, etc... a perfect world for all good people... :p
hahahahaha, promice of sex, lol, in heaven, by islam? never heard of that, even if you did, it's not true, in islam, heaven is where there's no violence, there's everything you want, no killing, not stealing, no lying,no cheating, no wars, etc... a perfect world for all good people... :p

shadow, you seem to incorrectly believe that your beliefs of Islam and the ones practiced by your community, hell, your country are the "right ones".

And you claim that anyone else that believes in a different manner to simply be wrong.

Shadow1, there are millions of Islamic followers that will laugh and say you are mistaken. It is common knowledge that there is a common belief of seventy someodd virgins for every martyr that goes to heaven. Shadow1, you keep on giving threads where you say terrorists aren't true believers and by some wierd logic you and your religion are pure of what they do. You essentially sweep them under the rug hiding them from everyone. That is wrong, there are terrorists that are muslim, and the Islamic religion does have a ridiculously large fundamentalist following, that is undeniable, undebateable, and unnegotiable.
shadow, you seem to incorrectly believe that your beliefs of Islam and the ones practiced by your community, hell, your country are the "right ones".

And you claim that anyone else that believes in a different manner to simply be wrong.

Shadow1, there are millions of Islamic followers that will laugh and say you are mistaken. It is common knowledge that there is a common belief of seventy someodd virgins for every martyr that goes to heaven. Shadow1, you keep on giving threads where you say terrorists aren't true believers and by some wierd logic you and your religion are pure of what they do. You essentially sweep them under the rug hiding them from everyone. That is wrong, there are terrorists that are muslim, and the Islamic religion does have a ridiculously large fundamentalist following, that is undeniable, undebateable, and unnegotiable.

hahahahaha, vergens, and sex at heaven, islam encourage people for that, ok, i'm a muslim, and i studied it, and yes, i know there are many people and many thoghts, and i don't force any of myne on anybudy, ok?
anyway, you don't have to answer this, i'm out of here...
hahahahaha, vergens, and sex at heaven, islam encourage people for that, ok, i'm a muslim, and i studied it, and yes, i know there are many people and many thoghts, and i don't force any of myne on anybudy, ok?
anyway, you don't have to answer this, i'm out of here...

hasta lavista
The Koran commands Muslims to kill infidels (Christians and Jews). Muslim terrorists started a war against the USA on 911. We will finish it. Muslim terrorists have committed more than 15,124 deadly terror attacks since 911. This new thing will not stop Muslim terrorists from killing. It's in their blood.
The Koran commands Muslims to kill infidels (Christians and Jews). Muslim terrorists started a war against the USA on 911. We will finish it. Muslim terrorists have committed more than 15,124 deadly terror attacks since 911. This new thing will not stop Muslim terrorists from killing. It's in their blood.

Go read the Old Testament.

And then go read about US Radicalizing Muslims in the Afghan-Soviet conflict.

US created this mess by financing the radicals who were probably .001% of Muslims and now its backfiring.

Peace be unto you ;)