tell the truth about the bible

proving there is a god, does not prove that it is the Christian "God" of the Bible nor does it add any validity to the Xian bible. Obviously there is no reason to believe Christian prophecies are any more valid or respectable than any other religion's prophecies.
Unfortunately in your haste to denounce the Scriptures, you cunningly showed only a part of the story in order to make yourself feel good or whatever.

It was not haste, it does not make me feel good, nor does it bring me pleasure to show to some one how misquided the bible is when it's not written coherent, and one read's out of context through the bible, and find answers elsewere, If god inspired this book "it" was defenetly on an ACID TRIP!!

But thanks anyhow, no disrespect to you personally. But there's a reason why it's called BLIND FAITH.

Because the bible does not prove, have emperical evidence of god.

It's just ancient mythology.
I believe in Zeus!!.

he's an atheist, you the zealot are the ones asserting that there own little deluded concept of a personal god exists in the first place, so you are therefore responsible for providing the proof of your little flights of fancy. Responsibility for proof does not lie on the shoulders of those who make no positive assertions. Atheism is, from it's root words, a lack of belief in gods. It is not an assertion of any kind, but simply a lack of it. The entire weight of responsibility for proving the existence of the world's plethora of gods falls squarely on the shoulders of those who present these gods as being real in the first place.
fahrenheit 451:
The entire weight of responsibility for proving the existence of the world's plethora of gods falls squarely on the shoulders of those who present these gods as being real in the first place.
good point
and what is atheism exactly mr
who gave you atheism in the first place
theism did little smartass without theism you wouldnt atheist you'd be theist
im a 1000000000000000000000000 yo philosopher timeless to you mr

little kiddies

Philosopher Philocrazy
the preacher said:
proving there is a god, does not prove that it is the Christian "God" of the Bible nor does it add any validity to the Xian bible. Obviously there is no reason to believe Christian prophecies are any more valid or respectable than any other religion's prophecies.
Maybe you could provide some of those prophesies and we could discuss them with the same criteria the Bible demands from its own prophets.
I am sorry Jenyar, I was under the impression that the muslim god allah, was different to the xian god, and ganesh the hindu god, was different to the other two, etc.
ar'nt there six main world religions all different all diverse.

Can their God be so perverted
He could smile on this sight?
Can he celebrate this carnage;
Does he dance with delight?
How could Allah applaud
As the innocent bleed?
Does he condone senseless slaughter;
Is their joy reward for the deed?

Tell me. what kind of a God
Makes his children believe
That from murderous mayhem
His blessings are received?

Is he so different from our God
Who counts the sparrows fall?
That his people could think his will
Is for them to kill us all?

There is One who knows the answers;
Whose judgment brings the final say
Where many thousand sweet, sweet souls
Have joined Him just today

©Randy E. Richmond
September 12, 2001
this link about a visit to islamic centre in america

all the religions have one common Prophesy, the coming of Maitreya
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I did a search and found this link.

and bit deeper and found this
so I can be pretty sure that were the preacher found it.

Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us.
Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes.

They are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. Maitreya is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense.

He is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, health care, and education.

His open mission in the world is about to begin. As Maitreya himself has said: 'Soon, now very soon, you will see my face and hear my words
Hav you seen how they only use what they need to support Matreya as any number of people? They talk about prophecies, but they only mention God incidentally, as if He's just another cog in the wheel. They make occult claims about people and their purpose, and their so-called "master plan for the planet" looks more like the Illuminati than anything else.

They can call Matreya the Messiah or whatever they want, but he will only be able to fool people while he's alive. He has let himself become idolized, that's what clarifies the whole thing to me.
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fahrenheit 451 said:
he's an atheist, you the zealot are the ones asserting that there own little deluded concept of a personal god exists in the first place, so you are therefore responsible for providing the proof of your little flights of fancy. Responsibility for proof does not lie on the shoulders of those who make no positive assertions. Atheism is, from it's root words, a lack of belief in gods. It is not an assertion of any kind, but simply a lack of it. The entire weight of responsibility for proving the existence of the world's plethora of gods falls squarely on the shoulders of those who present these gods as being real in the first place.

A clever excuse indeed.

Avoid the burden of proving that a God does not exist, even though one says He does not.

Cop Out!!!!
it's not a cop out it's a fact.

why do I/we need to prove something thats not there thats just stupid,((as I was going up the stair, I saw a man who was'nt there, he was'nt there again today, I wish that man would go away.) that is called a nonsense poem, understand it would be nonsense to try to prove something was not there)
but on the other hand the onus is on you, as it should be far far easier to prove something is there, dont you agree.
HEY! I'm the new guy......
I've read some of the arguments and both sides make sense. But being someone who does believe in a higher power, you can call it God, it is hard for me to totally disregard the Bible and poke fun at it. Still the Bible is filled with metaphors and holes. I do not take it literally and have not read the whole thing; only little, liiiiiitttttle pieces. I am a member of the unification movement, we read this book called the Divine Principle. It basically reveales the underlying message of the bible in clear, unmetaphored language. In short it says that humanity fell away from God becaue Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which symbolizes Adam and Eve falling away from God because they had sex before they were united centered on God, on the account of Eve being tricked by Satan, previously the archangle lucifer, and first having a sexual affair with him and then feeling ashamed and wanting to come back to God felt that she needed to have sex with Adam, her intended spouse in order to make things right again. Then forwarding some thousand years later, Jesus died on the cross for man's sins, but in actuallity he was not really suppossed to die, he was to have a family; wife(Mary M) and kids, and to be the living example of true love in order to lead humankind back toward the orginal ideal of creation...

There's a heluv a lot more to it but that is the main points.....
anyway what was my point.........
oh yeah, I sympathize with aethiests because it's true to suppose that there is no God because hey: "Why isn't God letting all his kids suffer down here and say that he is all powerful and filled with love for humankind?"
But at the same time there is the fact that God gave man free will and a portion of responsibility to fulfill.... that is, if God just came down and stopped everyone from doing anything bad then we would be like robots; doing things only because God is making us do it and such.... so if God interfers with our free will then we are not human, created with the authority to be "perfect as our heavenly father is perfect" (I'm to lazy to look up the exact scripture, it's a quote that was cited in the Divine principle as part of an argument for man's portion of responsibility and also against Jesus being God)
And for the Aethiest, whom I respect a lot, my own personal opinion is that these emotions and desires like love, hate, envy, trust, intuition(if that's considered an emotion) ....ect are not mere product of chemical reactions occuring within in our body but products of something not wholly physical, something more spiritual.....and there's the beauty of creation and all this other stuff that doesn't make sense if life was just some quantum mechanical accident....
so yeah, that's all I have to say for now. I'm sure someone here will find someway to discredit me in someway, seeing as how most of you command a lot of knowledge about people and stuff that I don't .... but I'm interested as to what you'll say... so fire away!
Oh, by the way, has anyone read "Angels and Demons" or "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown? There both really good.......... it's got a lot of christians trying to defend the bible and faith..... does anyone have anything to say about it, I mean that fact that supposedly Jesus fathered a child and had a sexual relationship with his secret wife Mary Mag.......?