Televangelist threatens to kill gay men

Acid Cowboy said:
Since there doesn't appear to be any specific individual who was threatened, there wouldn't be any violation of individual rights. And in my book, that means it shouldn't be grounds for punishment.

Exactly. For instance, were I to advocate that we "Kill whitey" there's nothing anyone can really say to that because there are so many white people. When A Palestinian advocates that all Israelis should be driven into the sea, that man isn't a threat at all because he didn't name anyone specific. Maybe if these threats involved personal pronouns then they should be considered offensive or dangerous, but when it's such a broad and general murderous hatred then it's absolutely harmless.
spidergoat said:
UM... are you serious? I can't tell. If so, then you would need to point out more than a single instance of crimes by gays in order to prove a trend, (and compare them to statistics of "straight" crimes.

We used to be committing crimes all the time! Before the '03 Supreme Court ruling on Lawrence V. Texas the act of being gay itself was criminal in many states and cities. A point I bring up for no particular reason other than that there are still people who are registered sex offenders for having committed consensual sodomy.

Sadly I think that we may be in danger of heading backward again so soon after such drastic steps forward. Another few years with a Republican administration might just do it. Not that I hate republicans in general, but you’ve got to admit that these evangelical Christian conservatives have really taken over the party. As we see now, that the log cabin republicans have been pushed out of the party for supporting their own rights, it’s really time to worry about these people that we’re keeping in office!
I think the only real crime here is a lack of decorum, and, well ... it is Swaggart.

Perhaps that group of gun-toting lesbians ought to put out a press release threatening the same to heterosexual men. Oh ... right, decorum.