Televangelist threatens to kill gay men


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
SUMMARY: A Canadian television station is under investigation after airing U.S. evangelist Jimmy Swaggart's remarks threatening to kill gay people

For shame, Canada! Here we thought you were a nation full of only sane and rational liberal minded people. Seems religious fanaticism knows no boarders.

I'm not quite sure what else to say on this subject, I just thought that the article was amusing, especially when it quoted

Swaggart's remarks also caught the attention of, a Web site whose members poke fun at some news events. Kenster 999 wrote, "I love how he's going to 'tell God he died.' As if God doesn't already know the truth, and is waiting to get his information from Jimmy Swaggart. This really shows where Swaggart thinks he stands in the rank of things."

Vaguely appropriate, yet still a strange source to quote in a news article.

I suppose there's some larger freedom of speech rights that are at play here. What should the limits be? Is it enough to get upset only when acts of violence against a certain group are promoted? What sort of tolerance should be allowed for hate-speech, after all, spreading a paradigm built on stereotypes and lies, demonizing a certain minority can incite violence just as much, if not more, than directly advising that listeners go out and kill them.

Also, what do you think an appropriate punishment should be for Swaggart? Should he even be punished at all? Is the Canadian government going too far in asking for statements condemning violence against homosexuals from other anti-gay rights groups?
It is amazing how evil some of the good Christians are. I hope that I never become that arrogant or hateful. I dislike all bullies especially cowards who use others to do their dirty work.His speech does not quite meet the test of incitement to riot but it surely comes close.
Well to be fair, the gay community have recently revealed that they have no qualms about beating the children they raise to death.
If gay people are adopting children just so they can beat them to death it's understandable why swaggart feels this way.
Mystech, I'd like to know why you think it is ok to beat toddlers to death?
What can you possibly have to say in your defense?
You can't deny it, I have a news source, in internet language thats the most irrefutable solid evidence anyone can possibly get their hands on.
So? Why did you and your lesbian friends beat this child to death? Gay rage? Anti reproductive process protest?
For shame indeed.
By killing this child the gay community has lost any level of trust they potentially might have gained had they not been gay in the first place.

On a side note; I'd bet money this "swaggart" character developed his anti-gay complex in high school where he was given the nickname "swaggart the faggart".
Dr. Lou Natic, that incident had nothing to do with a larger community in any sense.
Dr. Lou said:
Mystech, I'd like to know why you think it is ok to beat toddlers to death?

Actually, Dr. Lou, what is more appropriate a question is why we should think it okay that you're a child rapist.

In the meantime, rapist, don't make me get out my green hat. Really, as a political joke, your post even lacks any foundation in the article for such an extension. So get off that baby and do some thinking for a change, Doc. Really, effective communication requires more effort than hurting a child, Lou, and you've got to learn that eventually.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Mystech, I'd like to know why you think it is ok to beat toddlers to death?

Because prosecutors get really upset when they find the child’s throat slit on an alter to Satan. Big red doesn't really care how we make the sacrifices, just so long as they are made, so it's a lot more subtle to just bludgeon them to death and blame it on back-talk or refusal to eat vegetables or something. When you think about it it's the perfect crime, really.

Dr Lou Natic said:
Why did you and your lesbian friends beat this child to death? Gay rage?

Hey now, in their defense, we don't know that these two women were lesbians! Let's take a look at what the article says. . .

A Harlem mother and her female partner have been ordered held without bail in the Sunday beating death of the 23-month-old son they were raising together.

See, it says partner Maybe they worked together at a law-firm or something, or had a medical practice! I'm certain that must be the case! Why are heterosexual professional women beating children to death? I'm going to have to go with Rush (I'm sure he's said it at some time) and blame this on feminism! Those feminazis are just out to kill men and children alike because they're too ugly to land a guy to take care of 'em. [/hasty ad hoc rationalization]
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Aaahhh, I see.
Tiassa you can put away your green hat, we've reached an understanding.

Dr. Lou Natic, that incident had nothing to do with a larger community in any sense.
And you would know huh? You have your finger on the pulse of gay america? :rolleyes: Give me a little credit SG...
So why isn't ashcroft doing his job and investigating this potential murder? Because in a theocracy, there is one law for the christian minority, and one law for the rest.
Maharajah said:
So why isn't ashcroft doing his job and investigating this potential murder? Because in a theocracy, there is one law for the christian minority, and one law for the rest.

That and the whole Canadian thing.
Maharajah said:
So why isn't ashcroft doing his job and investigating this potential murder? Because in a theocracy, there is one law for the christian minority, and one law for the rest.

Perhaps because there's no such thing as a "potential murder"?
Mystech, are you in touch with the gay community for the most part and if so how will they apply pressure to that pinhead? I showed it to my gay friend at work and he said, "oh again" saying this is not the first time he has done that. What, if you are aware of any, is the gay strategy for this relgious behavior and has it been effective?
"i thought gay people were supposed to be nice."

LOL! theres absolutely no difference between gays and straights (except the obvious one about same sex relationships :p)
alain said:
LOL! theres absolutely no difference between gays and straights (except the obvious one about same sex relationships :p)

Don't forget the lithp! It'th jutht tho thuper! :D
My official opinion on this matter:

I disagree with what this guy said, but I think he has a right to think and say it. Since there doesn't appear to be any specific individual who was threatened, there wouldn't be any violation of individual rights. And in my book, that means it shouldn't be grounds for punishment.

As far as hate-speech regulations, that is an inevitable "slippery slope".
Acid I want to make an additional observation that may not be as obvious. J.S. I have learned, reguarly adovcates three things:

1) homosexuality is amoral
2) amorality must be abolished
3) lack of moral action or injunctions of amoral ones is wrong (commission of a sin)

when he says he would like to kill a gay man many-a-man in audiance thinks hey maybe it would be moral to do that too.

This is the same formula that some anti abortionists uses to convince Christians to kill abortion doctors. Would u fault Those activists for his actions that lead to their deaths?

I would.
Acid Cowboy said:
Perhaps because there's no such thing as a "potential murder"?

There sure as hell is. Didn't we invade Iraq on grounds of potential terrorism? This guy could be labeled an enemy combatant or something. Or better yet, we could send the FBI after him and detain him without charges for an indeterminate amount of time and not tell anyone that we'd done it. heh. Yeah, now that is what I call Justice. [/bushadministrationsucks]
robtex said:
Mystech, are you in touch with the gay community for the most part and if so how will they apply pressure to that pinhead? I showed it to my gay friend at work and he said, "oh again" saying this is not the first time he has done that. What, if you are aware of any, is the gay strategy for this relgious behavior and has it been effective?

My prediction is that a few like me will throw a hissy fit, and the rest will handle it with apathy and then a nether more flamboyant group will respond to it by shaking and gyrating to "it's raining men" on top of a float shaped like a phallus while wearing nothing but shiny body oils and jock straps.

Really it’s not a comment that needs a lot of response, just file it away for later use. Could be a good sound bite for the pink pistols . People say stuff like this all the time, this guy just happened to have cameras pointed at him at the time.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Aaahhh, I see.
Tiassa you can put away your green hat, we've reached an understanding.


And you would know huh? You have your finger on the pulse of gay america? :rolleyes: Give me a little credit SG...

UM... are you serious? I can't tell. If so, then you would need to point out more than a single instance of crimes by gays in order to prove a trend, (and compare them to statistics of "straight" crimes.