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What if telepathy is not actual voice to voice communication or communication at all? I rekon telepathy at our current time is used to send genetic imformation to others so that it can be coded. Once a certain amount of coding has been done then 2 way voice to voice communication will begin. When genetic imformation to be coded is sent to another person it intergrates as their thoughts and is indistinguishable from their own thoughts. You simply believe it was you who thought something when really it came from a burst of genetic imformation sent to you that has to be coded. By coding the genetics that someone has sent to you you actually code your own faster so it actually benefits both individuals. Theres a kinda money system to where you earn for the coding of other people that you do. This is spent on obtaining more coding to be done for yourself by others. You are of course constantly coding your own genetics all the time. Every single thought you have is actually all coding genetics at the thoughts base level. Maybe some people have already had enough genetics coded and they are able to send telepathic communications but the other person would not be able to respond as they don't have the coding done yet. I think the communication the not enough coded person would hear would just show up as there own thoughts and not be distingusiable as someone elses voice as they don't have the coding to convert the message. Also the original message from the sender is altered and changed because thats all the current coded level of the reciever is able to do with it. There are protocals TCP/IP etc just like computers for the transfer of genetic information. Telepathy is all about genetics. Life is all about coding genetics.
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Thats not as clear as I would like it to be but it will have to do for now. Prolly won't add up to much to everyone.
LeeDa said:
Thats not as clear as I would like it to be but it will have to do for now. Prolly won't add up to much to everyone.

Yeah, I'll vote for that. It appears you have no idea about what you're even trying to say. You sure misuse the word "coding" more than I could have imagined anyone ever doing.
Im still only going to be incoherrent at best but im gunna try. As time has gone by the genetic makeup of creatures humans etc has become more complex more advanced. It hasn't stayed the same. The word coding represents the process that happens to achieve these advances.

The transfer of some of the genetic makeup of creature A to creature B through telepathy. Creature B codes (Refines? processes? processes then codes?) the information which makes creature A's genetic makeup more advanced.

Creature B's genetic makeup is also advanced at the same time but not as much.

How do genetics get more advanced? I guess they code i dunno. Anyone?

Err yeah. Thats it. Still prolly not. :bugeye:
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I called it "Eating the Flesh" for some reason, i'd have to have the day dream again but it was a really appropriate name.

John 6:52
At that, the Jews argued [ 2Tm 2:24;] among themselves, [Jn 9:16; 10:19;] "How can this man give us His flesh to eat?"
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you are falling into the trap of genetics. It is the new buzzword. Everything under the sun is genetics.

It is mostly lies.
LeeDa said:
I called it "Eating the Flesh" for some reason, i'd have to have the day dream again but it was a really appropriate name.

John 6:52
At that, the Jews argued [ 2Tm 2:24;] among themselves, [Jn 9:16; 10:19;] "How can this man give us His flesh to eat?"

This is what is funny about Light, Crunchy, Skin and the rest. They are absolutely certain that if something is in print from an authority, it is correct. They completely refused to entertain my points about foreign cultural beliefs etc.

Take this bible quote for instance. The bible is an authority. The bible was translated from some other language into english. That means that Light, Crunchy, Skin etc, all place absolute faith in the translator. A person whom they have never met.

Let's talk about translations. The quote says "He gave to us of his flesh". Now. We are in modern times. The translator does the best job he can of tranlating the words with the same meaning. So he says "he gave to us of his flesh".

Now. I am going to beat this to death because of the remedial intellect people here that have to be led by the hand. If we take the literal translation of this quote, does that mean that the people were cannibals? That Jesus cut off his finger and gave it to people to eat?

Doesn't that sound like total stupidity? Of course no one is going to be a cannibal. Jesus can't be cutting parts off his body to feed people. He will bleed to death. But Light, Skin and Crunchy, they beleive authority, so they just leave this alone.

Now. Let's bring some good old fashioned Happeh Common Sense (TM) to this conversation.

Happeh says people have energy. Light, Crunchy, Skin say this is ludicrous and Happeh is crazy. Happeh says that the energy of the body can be described as a duplicate of the human body. That would mean that every human being has a physical AND and energy body.

Let's look at the bible quote in terms of Happeh's claim that people have energy.

If the bible quote says "He gave to them his flesh", that means a piece of his body right? The translator reading thru the manual reaches the part "He gave to them his flesh". The translator thinks "What they hell? That means they are cannibals. That can't be right?". But he is a translator. His job is to translate. His judgement should not change what he translates so he goes ahead and writes down flesh.

If we use Happeh's claims that people have energy, and then read this quote, what do we get? "He gave to them of his flesh" turns into "He gave to them of his energy". Why? Because all human beings have an energy body, just like Happeh says.

Doesn't this make more sense? A person can give away energy because they generate new energy all the time. There is no cannibalism involved. No flesh eating. The translator used the word flesh because, like Light, Crunchy and Skin, he does not know about the energy body. He cannot translate "He gave to them of his energy" because he mentally does not have the concept of an energy body. Same as Light, Skin and Cruchy.

The reason I know I am right is because that is how people work to this day. People feed each other energy. People have energy. People need energy. If you go to a holy person, they "give to you of their flesh". They give you their energy. That is what makes you feel special in a holy place.

Go try it. Go set up a meeting with a real holy man. Not a pat roberston money making holy man. A real holy man like a Buddhist or a Yogi or a real western religious priest who is not out for money. When you are in their presence, you feel good. That is because your presence in their elevated energy field is making you feel elevated. Just like being in a room with a heater makes you feel warm.

When you leave, you still feel special. The Yogi or whoever's energy will stay with you until it slowly dissapates. Just like you stay warm after you leave a builiding until the heat slowly dissapates from you.

The energy of the human body acts just like any other energy. If you guys would stop believeing those guys that lie to you, so they can keep you weak, stupid and easily controllable, you would see how obvious and natural this all really is.
Happeh said:
Take this bible quote for instance. The bible is an authority. The bible was translated from some other language into english. That means that Light, Crunchy, Skin etc, all place absolute faith in the translator. A person whom they have never met.

Does it mean that? I wasn't aware thet Light, Skinwalker, and CrunchY Cat were christian fundamentalists?

I think, they, like me, take the whole thing with a pinch of salt, and are very aware of the bible's shortcomings as a historical record! Realising that many of it's flaws are due to it being written by many humans, with stories passed by word of mouth as the scribes didn't witness the events, and certainly didn't record them at the time, that entire sections have been removed, and that it has been translated and edited.

So that rather takes the stuffing out of your straw man.
Happeh says people have energy. Light, Crunchy, Skin say this is ludicrous and Happeh is crazy.
Are you sure about this? To clarify, how would you define the term 'energy'? I suspect that we're not reading from the same page.

. Happeh says that the energy of the body can be described as a duplicate of the human body. That would mean that every human being has a physical AND and energy body.
What does this really mean, and do you have any evidence to support it?

The reason I know I am right is because that is how people work to this day. People feed each other energy. People have energy. People need energy. If you go to a holy person, they "give to you of their flesh". They give you their energy. That is what makes you feel special in a holy place.
Do you think this can be quantified or even measured? Would I (an atheist) get the same 'energy boost' from the holy place of any given religion?

Also, at the risk of taking the thread off on a tangent, do you think that the whole science of genetics is "mostly lies", or do you just mean the inappropriate use of genetics as a buzzword?

As time has gone by the genetic makeup of creatures humans etc has become more complex more advanced. It hasn't stayed the same. The word coding represents the process that happens to achieve these advances.
Do you not subscribe to the idea of mutation and selection then? Do you have any empirical support for your idea?

I suspect you could also get a buzz off of Pat Robertson as well as other holy persons. He does seem to have an intense belief in prayer working.
Anybody hear anything about the new book Robertson has coming out on miracles?

Telepathy does not really seem to be about voice as in spoken laguage but more about images and sensations. Putting everything in terms of laguage may impede telepathy rather than enhance it. Incantations may work on TV but I suspect real thought transference is more about images and the emotions that are associated with them.
Empirical data, na, it was just a day dream. Mutation and selection um Im guessing but thats what I mean a little by coding.

I don't know anything about genetics really.

Evolution would be a lot quicker than thought if telepathic genetic data transfer is real. Its possible it's a new phenomenom that were just only beginning to be able to do. Evolution so far was done the hard way. It could have existed the whole way through though.

Before any pictures or sounds would ever be sent genetic data is sent first.

Genetic data transfer through telepathy having others code your genetics for you. It's just a possibility. I myself say it's not real. Telepathy in general is highly likely not real. I do say telepathy will exist in the future. A million years? less? don't know.

Kinda original idea for the use of telepathy though I think. Told to me by a day dream.

I guess it's just a coincidence that I gave it the title "eating the flesh" and then 15 years later read the bible and found Jesus saying "you must eat my flesh" and that my descriptions seem to fit very well.

What do christians say that Jesus meant when he said "you must eat my flesh"? How many different answers are there and which is the correct one?

So christian what say thee?

Your welcome to adopt me or part of me if you want.
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Laika said:

Are you sure about this? To clarify, how would you define the term 'energy'? I suspect that we're not reading from the same page.

Absolutely. Something that moves across empty space from one person to another.

Laika said:
What does this really mean, and do you have any evidence to support it?

It means energy is energy right? Formless. But for ease of discussion, you can describe it as hanging around the human body and forming a human shape. My only evidence is my word, and your body. You can only prove it to yourself. If I proved it to you, you would get scared and run away.

Laika said:
Do you think this can be quantified or even measured? Would I (an atheist) get the same 'energy boost' from the holy place of any given religion?

Who cares if it is quantified or even measured. You don't have to measure anything to make use of it. Measuring things could be described as a compulsive mental illness.

Yes. Whatever beleifs you have, you will get a boost. Whether you acknowledge it or write it off as "the chills" or something else is up to you.

Laika said:
Also, at the risk of taking the thread off on a tangent, do you think that the whole science of genetics is "mostly lies", or do you just mean the inappropriate use of genetics as a buzzword?

No I do not think genetics is wrong or incorrect science. I think it does provide information. I think the use of the word genetics to describe everything under the sun is politically motivated.
candy said:
Telepathy does not really seem to be about voice as in spoken laguage but more about images and sensations. Putting everything in terms of laguage may impede telepathy rather than enhance it. Incantations may work on TV but I suspect real thought transference is more about images and the emotions that are associated with them.

Nope. It is words. Just like the telephone.

Other stuff too, but words are not proscribed.
Ya. The other guys wanted to make 10 paragraph posts to each other for social reasons. I was looking for people that actually wanted answers, so I moved over to this thread.

You have been able to achieve a level where you have experienced "mind speak"?
Most of what I have heard about is the imagery and sensation experience.