telepathy,teleportation, invisabilty


Registered Member
Has anyone ever had experiences of telepathy, teleportation or invisibilty happen to them? I was homeless a few years ago and lived in the woods behind the Cumberland Sceince Museum in Nashville. I was walking down the street towards the woods late one night when I spotted a police car coming towards me. I don't do drugs or drink(hardly ever) so I wasn't worried about being picked up for doing those things. I just didn't know if the police could pick you up for being homeless. I just stopped were I was and stood still. I though they had seen me. The police car slowed to a stop and they shined a light on me. I could see the officer staring hard at me. They finally drove off but I don't think I even breathed until they were out of sight. Some woods but different night: I was walking in the woods when I felt the hair on the back of my neck go up. I felt like I was in danger even though I didn't from who or what. I thought I need to be at my tent with the others at our camp where I'll be safe. The next step I was about 40 yards up the path from the last step. I was not in the camp but close enough now that if I yelled for help someone would be able to hear me. When I hooked up with my husband if I felt like I was in danger all I had to do was think his name and he would come running to me. He could hear me "yell" several blocks away. The funny thing is now that were off the streets sometimes i'll be thinking "Richard you are a jerk". He'll be in another part of the house and come back to where I am and ask me if I called him. I tell him I'm thinking out loud. I know he hears his name and I hope he doesn't hear the other part.
Personally i've never had experiences of telepathy or teleportation, other than maybe once in a while having people look at me as if i called them right before i was about to.

i know i read somewhere on this forum about someone having the same sort of experience where they seemed to teleport about the same distance, we'll have to search or maybe that person will read this.
Originally posted by tttskeeze
:eek: We better inform the government about this startling discovery you have made!!!!
I have been away for awhile because hubby had a heart attack a week before Thanksgiving. He's ok and has gone back to work. I might be wrong but I'd bet $10 that there is somebody somewhere that monitors this site for the government. So if I want them to know something all just post it here. LOL
Happy Holidays,

Okay, I have been telepathing for about a year
and would like to find others at my same 'level'
I have a few experiences of actually 'hearing' what
someone was thinking, a voice so loud and clear
it sounded 'out loud' to me.
the rest of the time I 'hear' things it is fairly quite,
like the voice of myself thinking (hypothesizing)
what a person may be thinking. so I don't usually
trust that kind, but when I hear something so clearly
it sounds like 'normal' voice sound, so loud and clear
I know that it is real, the voice of the other person
thinking to me, about me, with me.

the other type of telepathy feels like a download.
I have an emotional connection, understand someone's
feelings and know where that came from, things about
their pasts. but it's like a huge chunk of information
just instantly dropped into me.

I also pay a lot of attention to eye language, tone of voice.
anybody having similar experience???
please reply
thanx for posting at my thread susan

I did have experiences whit telepathy...
but the ones I had are mostly the syncronisity thing...
Like you think the same in the exact same words, and one actually says it before you do...
Or you both say it syncroniously...

I did find things about half a year to a year ago that I have a stronger telepathic connection whit my dad...
Don't know why, we are actually acting as buddies some time... :)
So I think because we are so close some times, I don't see him every day, and I'm happier when he's home for the weekend.

Any way, I did experience one of your telepathic experiences, the "out loud" things...
I had a few times that I actually heard someone saying something as if they surprised me by standing directly behind me and say something.

I did look back, but the ones I heard where at least 6/7 feet away from me.

As for Teleportation, I did participate in a forum on Spirit Online.
But they cut all the forums short and removed tons of them.

Teleportation was the first to go thatt I really fisited a lot.
I think I found it 3 years ago, and it lived 13 more monthes after that :(

It started whit a college boy, he probably teleported, and because of that he'd decide to start a forum there...
There was a lot of talk about experiments by the government and stuff, but the technique we thought up was simple to under stand...
Even surprised me that it already existed when I found out...

You have to imagine that all of your bodies energy becomes like light...
Then think of the destination where you would go and you should be there whitin a spit second if it would be on earth...
Theoretically, you would travel at light speed, so you could go the earth round no sweat...

Another is just to focus your consiouns and dematerialize your body, but I would try that...

But this is my post for now, sorry it was a long one...

By the way...
I forgot the invisibility thing...
There is a Ki technique...
*Also found whit other energy information, cause it apears all of these energies als the same...*

You have to imagine that your energy is surrounding you like a ball...
If you know how to make energy balls and shields, it's just like a shield...

then you have to imagine that the energy bends of the light that reflects off you...
Because basicaly the things you see is by the reflection of an object...

I have to warn, that it probably would not really make you invisible, but probably very hard to notice, like some fish species and cameleons...

IF you have more experience whit creating these energy shieldings, try to form the energy into a layer that is just covering your body and clothing...
check Spirit Online for their Wiccan/Magick Technique...

It's similar, so just swing by only if you want to be sure...
It links to the Appearance spell/technique page...

Well, so much for that :D
Good luck guys...

i always seemed "invisible" in class... id be there but the teacher would sometimes even marked me as absent :p

You have to imagine that all of your bodies energy becomes like light...

You have to imagine that your energy is surrounding you like a ball...

then you have to imagine that the energy bends of the light that reflects off you...

Of course, we suspected it was all in your imagination - thanks for the confirmation. :)

What are you affraid of?
That it's all real?
Want to comfort yourself whit the thing that psychics don't exist?
When you actually fear that psychics will get enough of this and some kick the asses of all the people?

I'll releave you from your frears and pain about that...
This is the case: That's not going to happen because psychics and humans are one and the same...

The imagination is just a tool...
The energy and abilities is real...

Do you know about the sub-consious?
Learn that some time...

The sub-consious needs a representation of things...
[EDIT]Because your sub-consious is able to use it, and it can not understand text-based thoughts like your dayly use of words...

I could act like you...
Just look at this...

I don't believe in bacteria, because I can't see or feel it...
I don't believe in infra red light, because I can't see it...
I don't believe in god, because I never met him...
I don't believe in you, because you are a friction of my imagination...

Sorry for being so harsh, but don't try to change someones mind or believes because YOU don't believe or YOU don't want to have something to do whit it...

Well i have to agree with Psy-learner here. In fact Q, here, i predict that there may be a horrible catastrophy by june, if not, then there will be a great change in society by the end of 2012.

Want to comfort yourself whit the thing that psychics don't exist?

People who claim to be psychics exist. It's their so-called "powers" that does not exist. These charlatans have always been shown to be nothing but frauds and hucksters.

The energy and abilities is real...

Yeah...sure. :rolleyes:

Do you know about the sub-consious?
Learn that some time...

The sub-consious needs a representation of things...
[EDIT]Because your sub-consious is able to use it, and it can not understand text-based thoughts like your dayly use of words...

You're not doing well in school, are you ? You might want to take your own advice and learn something.

don't try to change someones mind or believes because YOU don't believe or YOU don't want to have something to do whit it..

I could care less that you want to waste your life on this nonsense - that's your business.


i predict that there may be a horrible catastrophy by june, if not, then there will be a great change in society by the end of 2012.

Could you be more vague ? Anyone can make generalized guesses. If you are a psychic, then you should be able to tell us exactly where and when it will happen, in detail. If you can't, then your guess is as good as anyone else's.

Everybody makes generalized guesses at times. Even then, those might not be right. I could say that you could become a televangelist in ten years, but that might not be right.
If you really want to know WHAT i have seen, then i'll say it. It still isnt very specific however...
I think that there will be a either a nuclear or chemical (or both) war that begins sometime between this spring and the year 2012. To qoute doctor Evil, "Lasers" of rather excessive sizes may also be used to the same effect. It may cause horrific amounts of death, or may not depending on what happens... Results could be some thing like only a few hundred thousand dead, onto several hundred million, or possibly (in the worst case scenario) 5.5 Billion people... Technology will be used that seems rather advanced even for the american military... Possibily alien... (Another conspiricay theory for ya Q! OBOY! lol) Not the happiest thing i saw...
hehe for the most part, when a real psychic gets a "flashforward" or a "vision" or whatever they get a general idea based on what they saw... In this case, "People will die in this general time period", not something like "exactly 213,687.45 people will day on this date due this many bombs exploding in these places and these building components in these buildings failed as a result." Sorry, its pretty rare that you get a specific date, sometimes even a specific month is hard to pinpoint. Specific seasons, maybe.
Well debate this as best you can Q, i hope you do well doing so.:p

Well debate this as best you can Q

There's nothing to debate - you've simply got a morbid imagination. If you believe your hallucinations will become a reality then you're delusional. No big deal, you're just one of many schizophrenics in the world.

You want proof for the things others say, so i would think its only polite that you do the same as you ask for. Prove that i am a shizophrenic, not by the vague definition that science provides these days. It covers everything from people who actually ARE shizophrenics to anything any shaman, medium, or psychic can do these days. Calling me a shizophrenic instantly lowers my credibility, another great skeptic tactic!:) Nice try, but the proof lies in the future. I, for one, am going to wait rather than debate over what you believe. :D
(Q), 1 out of 100 people are labeled schizophrenic... you're right in saying that there are many. What do you think the reason is for such a high number?
Numbers are satitics everyone have a mental disorder from the big bang theory to peolpe that can travel to the center of the earth. It a state of mind, schzo have unlock a part of their brain that can manifest character that will answer or guide them through personality changes and they can't control it.
(Q) clearly underestimate the vitality of imagination...
If imagination never was used, pitagoras never came up whit his techniques...

If he'd take the time and trouble, then he'd find that most of the scientists and inventors famous through our time, Came whit their things through imagination...

But all he does is make his conclusion calling us delusional...
What is he doing here in the first place?
If he doesn't want to know or learn about paranormal activities or psychic abilities, then in his words "wastes his precious life time on something inferiour" by participating in something where he has no place to be...

What do you think the reason is for such a high number?

That's a difficult question. Perhaps we might find enlightenment through definition:

"schizophrenia - any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and withdrawal from social contact."

1 out of 100 people are labeled schizophrenic...

Hmmm... I wonder how much those stats would vary within these demographics :D