Telepathic Theory

Most of us are never going to reach those lofty heights, Sgal. Do you mind if we don't poison ourselves into insanity while futilely trying to attain heights of spiritual development?
you can only reach these spiritual goals if you set your mind on it. People are almost always concerned with their own lives to set these goals. That's why they will never reach them.
What do you mean by poison ourselves into insanity. Taking steps during the process of spiritual development would not make anybody crazy!
Before I was refering to the poisons you mentioned before (aluminum and the other garbage)
Its true that this stuff in small amounts usually depending on where you live probably gets into the body but it doesn't stop someone from spiritually progressing further because spirituality fights the physical things we get sick from. If someone gets too sick from a diease for example they might make the decision to stop fighting because they don't feel well to fight it off. And that is of their own choice.
Sgal said:
It doesn't matter about all the poisons that go in your head if you are spiritually advanced. Nothing physical can hurt you if your mind is clear and focused.
Thats a bold claim. Do you know someone who can demonstrate this to me?
Sgal said:
you can only reach these spiritual goals if you set your mind on it. People are almost always concerned with their own lives to set these goals. That's why they will never reach them.
What do you mean by poison ourselves into insanity. Taking steps during the process of spiritual development would not make anybody crazy!
Before I was refering to the poisons you mentioned before (aluminum and the other garbage)
Its true that this stuff in small amounts usually depending on where you live probably gets into the body but it doesn't stop someone from spiritually progressing further because spirituality fights the physical things we get sick from. If someone gets too sick from a diease for example they might make the decision to stop fighting because they don't feel well to fight it off. And that is of their own choice.

The aluminum and stuff are the poisons I was talking about. It's going to take more than most people have left to live to even start detoxifying their bodies by spiritual means. If we do not help ourselves by physical means we will wind up with a lot more illness and dementia than is necessary.

I think that most people who try the spiritual means will find themselves in futile mental traps serving human masters who suck the life out of them for pleasure and profit.
Stryder said:
If you are talking of Empathy that is hardly telepathy. Thats mearly a person placing themselves into fictional representations of what they believe another is going through. You could do a test to prove Empathy wasn't Telepathy by placing two volunteers in sealed rooms and asking one volunteer what the other is feeling while subjecting the other volunteer to a number of stimuli's to create an emotion. (fear, anxiety, lust, love, anger, hate etc)

Actually people have done these tests with twins and family members and actually, the results have been surprising. You should look it up.
Sgal said:
It doesn't matter about all the poisons that go in your head if you are spiritually advanced. Nothing physical can hurt you if your mind is clear and focused. I mean on a high level.
There is a story about a saint who never ate when she became one. She died old and everyday she had communion bread. Her stomach had shrunk from lack of use but she died of old age healthy.
Its either humans can or they can't. I think they can because spirituality makes you do anything you want to do that physical laws say you can't do.

I think, if you are spiritually advanced, you'll evolve beyond the need to eat sure, just change your genetics so you can get food from the sun.
MetaKron said:
The aluminum and stuff are the poisons I was talking about. It's going to take more than most people have left to live to even start detoxifying their bodies by spiritual means. If we do not help ourselves by physical means we will wind up with a lot more illness and dementia than is necessary.

I think that most people who try the spiritual means will find themselves in futile mental traps serving human masters who suck the life out of them for pleasure and profit.

That is correct, most people who try to be spiritual, still take advance from other so called experts.
MK, I didn'tsay you should stop doing the things you need to survvie. It takes a long time to become spiritually advanced. If you stop eating or drinking then of course you will die before you reach a higher level.
"I think that most people who try the spiritual means will find themselves in futile mental traps serving human masters who suck the life out of them for pleasure and profit."
What does this statement mean?
"Simple, tell me your ideas concerning why humans aren't capable of telepathy."

My telepathic theory:
The Law of Symbolism; Everything that seems like something else is, in fact, to a small degree that object. Two televisions that look alike are, in fact, the same television to a insignificantly small degree. All crosses are connected. Can I prove anything? Of course not! In a lame attempt I point at Harmonics, but that is only a shade-reflection of the bigger theory. (Also! Magnetism AND gravity!)

At this point it should propably be noted that factors such as Time, Space, the construct of individual atoms and molecules and all that is also to be counted when considering "the similarities" of two objects, so two objects are RARELY actually closely connected. The history of the object is, for example, a dividing quality.

And in human telepathy, this means any person who shares experiences, or thinks alike, or has similiar principles, are connected. Telepathy is the ability to send OTHER thoughts through this link, to induce movement or electrical signals. Sort of brain-harmonics. Telepathy is strongly present in all social behaviour; we seek people we can "connect" with, call people we like (or "are alike") and during conversations sense the thoughts of others. Most people are so reliant on this that they cannot well understand what someone said if they cannot connect. Or they easily misunderstand.

As to why people CANNOT do telepathy...
1) The small "movement" that telepathy causes is easily suffocated in the avalanche of sensory data, emotions, calculations and orders that flow inside the brain. Most likely any out-of-place communiques are ignored as data send to wrong section of the brain, or something unnecessary. Silencing the mind and data, or at least monitoring it's flow, can improve chances of receiving signals.
2) As humans, we receive signals ALL THE TIME, from everywhere around us and from further soul-buddies. Opening the floodgates and accepting "weird data" would propably make us insane. Without context, random thougths flitting in our mind would confuse us. Words without noice, images without sight are often interpreted as hallusinations.
3) People don't believe it's possible. How can you learn how to do something you don't believe is possible? And they're afraid of 2). And "what if i'm wrong everyone will laugh buuhuu". And, of course, their teachers and leaders tell there's no such thing, so they'll believe them before taking responsibility over their own actions.

And while we're at 3), someone knew the world was round before 0 AD, but it was not accepted as reality before 1600AD (or something). Everyone knew about gravity before Newton could prove it. You need to think in order to have a theory, and you need a theory in order to prove the theory. In order to prove you need evidence, but in order to HAVE some you'd already need someone who CAN do telepathy, instead of "sometimes maybe". And in order to do that, you already need proper, systematic research on what telepathy is.
I would imagine it as more of a minds eye that is evolving(If it is evolving) apparently we have some abilities the some might label as telepathy, like precog, and lucky guesses. I have even convinced myself that I had telepathy(while playing drinking games nonetheless. . .) But to say that we are slowly loosing a telepathy jamming organ in our brains is a little out there. To say that the aliens told you this doesnt do your argument a whole lot of justice. I would be very surprised if humans saw evolution take place in our entire population(besides the evolution of the internet, which I fully believe could evolve us all into electrical impulses) . It is the evolutionary theory and those surrounding it held tightly by most scientists around the world that argue the testable hypothesis about genetic veriation, gene flow and adaptation.

How would this better our fitness(ability to reproduce) into an adaptation such as this? I dont know. But another possibility(by possibility I mean almost as crazy as the aliens talking to you) is that the constant means of communication over long distances(i.e. internet, telecommunications. . . primarily cell phones) is giving us all a bit more precog abilities. It has been proven in Brittan (or a scientific study done) that showed that most people could tell when their cell phone was going to ring, and most knew who it was going to be. Now if any of you have a cell phone, which I'm sure most of you do by now, you probobly know exactly what I'm talking about. For I too have experienced this many a time, it actually happens more than not for me to expect a call within 10 or so seconds of receiving the call. This is a new element of study that will probobly become very interesting in the future, but as of now people have more important things to worry about, that is why we have caller I.D.
Vega said:
Most often telepathy occurs spontaneously in incidents of crisis where a relative or friend has been injured or killed in an accident. An individual is aware of the danger to the other person from a distance. Such information seems to come in different forms as in thought fragments, like something is wrong; in dreams, visions, hallucinations, mental images, in clairaudience, or in words that pop into the mind. Often such information causes the person, the receiver, to change is course of action, such as changing his travel plans or daily schedule, or to just call or contact the other person. Some incidents involve apparent telepathy between humans and animals.

Telepathy seems to be related to the individual's emotional state. This is true of both the sender and receiver. Most women were receivers, as case findings showed, and one possible explanation is that women are more in touch with their emotions and rely on intuition more than men. Geriatric telepathy is fairly common, this may be due, it is speculated, to the impairment of the senses with age.

Telepathy can be induced in the dream state. It appears to be related to some biological factors: blood volume changes during telepathic sending, and electroencephalogram monitoring show that the brain waves of the recipient change to match those of the sender.

Dissociative drugs adversely affect telepathy, but caffeine has a positive effect on it.

Telepathy, like the other forms of psychic phenomena is elusive and difficult to test systematically. Enough evidence is available to reasonably substantiate the phenomenon does exist. But, quantifying it seems to be another matter. The phenomenon is closely connect to the emotional states on both the sender and receiver which creates difficulty in replicating experimental results. Attitudinal factors also influence the phenomenon. The best that researchers can hope for is to have supportive and receptive subjects in experiments that produce similar results

However the most profound and far-reaching implications to be able now to claim that telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition are indubitable hard facts; that the evidence for them is as well-founded and reliable as for the basic facts of physics and chemistry. The second section of this book is designed to outline the sort of evidence upon which this statement is founded, to point towards some of the laws governing para-normal phenomena - or, at least, towards helpful theories of their nature - and finally to consider the implications. What sort of a universe is it in which these things are facts? What do they tell us of the nature of Man himself?

I stole this and put it in my thread in general philo, hope you dont mind :)
Telepathy is real, but it's more of a trick than a science, if it's the type of telepathy I think you are all talking about.

The real telepathy, the scientific version, is likely still top secret, or just in a lab somewhere. I don't think the world would be ready for telepathy although it would be a good thing at some point.
Everybody speaks about telepathy as a well-known think. What is telepathy? Is telepathy a method of communication? If you speak about telepathy do you mean communication between living and living or between living and not living (inanimate)? In topic is meant a site where can be seen a fascinating device (device = not living). What is telepathy if this instrument is able to work?