teachers...are greedy!!

of course we did has best as we could, but we're not teachers!

example, right one thing that happened to my son, my son has ACD/ADHD and tourretes and they will not allow him at school full time because the teachers cannot cope with him, they pass work on to him through his sister and if anything is wrong they take about 7 days to get back to him, he has no face to face contact with a teacher, (apart from the 8 hours a week he is at school), he is suffering because he iis at home all the time, they will not consider putting him into a school for children with his difficulties (like they are suppose to do) because they say that he is ok at home, but he's not he is suffering and so is his studies! he is no worries at school for some teachers just the ones who can't be assed with the extra work!

That's the education system in your area. Not the individual teacher's fault. I'd suggest you file complaints the education board and several Government ministers. Also see if your son can get an aide while attending school, who will help him in the classroom, or you can hire one yourself. Ask the school what is required for your son to be able to attend the school on a full time basis and see what you can do to help him get it. If you are that unsatisfied with the teachers, you can also consider homeschooling your son.

Children with problems like your son require special help and teachers are rarely trained to provide it. You son actually requires special help and expecting a teacher in a classroom to be able to provide the special help with your son probably needs, while looking after some 30 or so other students is a tad unfair. In fact, it is near impossible. Because your son may need someone with him at all times to provide him with the help he needs.

So instead of just blaming the teachers, look at the actual problem you are facing with your son and see what needs to be done to rectify it.
That's the education system in your area. Not the individual teacher's fault. I'd suggest you file complaints the education board and several Government ministers. Also see if your son can get an aide while attending school, who will help him in the classroom, or you can hire one yourself. Ask the school what is required for your son to be able to attend the school on a full time basis and see what you can do to help him get it. If you are that unsatisfied with the teachers, you can also consider homeschooling your son.

Children with problems like your son require special help and teachers are rarely trained to provide it. You son actually requires special help and expecting a teacher in a classroom to be able to provide the special help with your son probably needs, while looking after some 30 or so other students is a tad unfair. In fact, it is near impossible. Because your son may need someone with him at all times to provide him with the help he needs.

So instead of just blaming the teachers, look at the actual problem you are facing with your son and see what needs to be done to rectify it.

the teachers are suppose to fill out a form saying why my son needs a specialist school and they wont because they can't be bothered so it is down to the theacher
how would the other 29 kids be affected if the teacher had to modify lessons to cater to your son?if the teacher had to stop lessons to deal with his tourettes.?
im sure there are many private schools you could send your son to that would cope with his needs.you could even get private tutors.

no they are suppose to fill out a form saying why my son needs specialist schooling but they wont
no they are suppose to fill out a form saying why my son needs specialist schooling but they wont

ok.,that sucks.
youve probably tried this but just incase,if you get a referral from a doctor/psychologist stating that it would be in his interest to attend a special school and give it to the school it might help.
if they ignore this you could get a solicitor to write the school a letter threatening legal action (might cost 150 pounds).

have you tried finding out who exactly is responsible for filling out the paperwork and appealling to them directly?
the teachers are suppose to fill out a form saying why my son needs a specialist school and they wont because they can't be bothered so it is down to the theacher

I agree with Kenworth.

As well as what Kenworth suggested, you could also try to approach the principal directly or even contact the board of education and advise them of your dilemma, and tell them that they are refusing to sign the form to allow your child to attend school. Is it just one teacher or a couple of them who are meant to sign and have refused to do so? If that is the case, give their names. If all else fails, tell the school and the board of education that unless the situation is rectified and the forms are filled in by the teachers, you will contact the media because your child has a right to attend school.:) That usually spurs them into action because they will not want bad publicity.
I think the teachers do a pretty good job. I remember when my son was in kindergarten and they had a parent observation day. They invited 3 parents at a time to sit and watch what was going on in the classroom for the afternoon. I said to the teacher afterwards, I don't know how you do it. I would loose my mind. Kids were getting up off the carpet and randomly going to their knapsacks to get a snack while they were right in the middle of their lesson. Kids fooling around talking, laughing while the teacher was talking. She also had 2 in the class with some sort of learning disability. The one was getting up and going over to the door slamming it. Each time she had to settle them down and keep teaching. I certainly wouldn't want that job, day after day.
Teachers greedy? Um ....

I'm staying out of this because in the United States, the proposition that teachers are greedy is hilarious. Public school teachers were, a decade ago, and probably still are, the lowest paid job in our society that requires a Master's degree. In the U.S., one of the problems with our education system is what we call "nickel and diming". It's also called "penny pinching", but few people appreciate our lowly penny. Consider this argument: We will admit that the schools are underfunded and give you the money you need to do your jobs once you demonstrate to us that you don't need it.

And that's the big reason why standards are falling in our country. I don't know how it works abroad, but greedy is about the last thing you could call public school teachers in this country. You'd have a better case for insanity. After all, as has been pointed out already, they choose this work.
Imagine having to care for and educate a roomful of children just like your kids on a daily basis.. all day.. for 5 days a week.

Just imagine having to clean shitty toilets on a daily basis, for 5 days a week. Just imagine have to work in an iron smelter on a daily basis, for 7 days a week.

It's a sad fact of the matter that my ancestors worked like dogs in the dirtiest, nastiest jobs for very little pay. Simply because a job isn't 'pleasant' doesn't automatically entitle you to bucket loads of cash. Unskilled labour never gets paid as much as skilled labour, and rightfully so.

I'm with lucifer on this one. Teachers get paid more than enough for their qualifications and the work they put in.

So it's the teachers fault if the kids don't pass their exams?

In part, yes. A teacher's lacklustre performance in the classroom disadvantages the child when they go for their exams. I've known teachers who literally just skipped over much of the material on the exam, and told the students to look at it 'in there own time'.

Just imagine having to clean shitty toilets on a daily basis, for 5 days a week. Just imagine have to work in an iron smelter on a daily basis, for 7 days a week.

It's a sad fact of the matter that my ancestors worked like dogs in the dirtiest, nastiest jobs for very little pay. Simply because a job isn't 'pleasant' doesn't automatically entitle you to bucket loads of cash. Unskilled labour never gets paid as much as skilled labour, and rightfully so.

I'm with lucifer on this one. Teachers get paid more than enough for their qualifications and the work they put in.

In part, yes. A teacher's lacklustre performance in the classroom disadvantages the child when they go for their exams. I've known teachers who literally just skipped over much of the material on the exam, and told the students to look at it 'in there own time'.

those people are on national minimum wage, and yes your right, they are operating smelting ovens all day and they...to be honest...are always having to be careful because all it tkaes is one accident and they could serverly hurt themselves or someone else, teachers on the other hand, get to teach kids all day, and basically compared to unskilled people have a better day!
teaching doesnt require skill?!
your day/lesson plan changes based on the moods of 30 hormonal teenagers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never said that, although admittedly I was a bit vague.

What I do mean is that there is a continuum of skill + qualification + experience. Manual labourers sit at the bottom of the scale, and senior specialist medical consultants sit somewhere up the top, and the difference in wages reflects that.

Of all jobs which requiring a tertiary education, primary and secondary school students are at the bottom of the barrel. In Australia, you become a primary/secondary school teacher if you know that you don't have the ability to shoot for something better. I guess you might REALLY love kids, although I find that a little hard to swallow. Nobody loves kids.

Anyway, said individuals usually consist of those who done a TAFE (Technical College) course, or completed a cookie cutter degree at university without progressing on to honours/masters/PhD. They can often just coast through getting borderline passes.

This is reflected by the fact that teachers today are vastly different from the bygone eras, where they were actually academics.

But yeah, it's fucking ridiculous that teachers expect 'better pay', when all they tend to have in the way of qualifications is a cookie cutter degree, and their method of teaching in many cases usually just consists of telling students to write notes out of a text books.
but the teachers are failing the children, they are poor at they're jobs (in blackpool they are anyway) and why shoudl they get extra money for not doing what they are suppose to do properly?

this year at my sons school the pass rate for exams was just 45%, and they were celebrating that mark, so no they dont deserve a pay rise

You ever hear the phrase "you get what you pay for"?

Teachers are hired based on their abilities. Of course, you're only going to attract mediocre individuals, largely, since you're paying them shit to do a thankless job.

If I had to put up with an illiterate, ignorant mother like you? I'd want to punch your child in the face!

Ideally, the government would give up the monopoly on education and let private businesses do it. Then you could choose where to send your kids, and how much you thought an education was worth.

But I guess you just see school as daycare, huh?
those people are on national minimum wage, and yes your right, they are operating smelting ovens all day and they...to be honest...are always having to be careful because all it tkaes is one accident and they could serverly hurt themselves or someone else, teachers on the other hand, get to teach kids all day, and basically compared to unskilled people have a better day!

Yeah. My grandfather on my maternal side worked in an iron smelting factory back in the 'good ole days' when Poland a vassal to the USSR, so I doubt he got paid much at all. Both of my parents worked in those unskilled labour jobs, from factory work, cleaning, meat lumping, boat painting, etc. They got paid diddly, but they had enough to get by and even get ahead. The problem today is that people live beyond their means.

As for your son, you might want to home school him if its possible. Public schools are renowned for being shit, and they would cater even worse to someone with 'learning difficulties'. I mean, the fact that teachers go on strike and abandon their students over stupid shit like a pay rise just shows how little dedication they have towards their students.
You ever hear the phrase "you get what you pay for"?

Teachers are hired based on their abilities. Of course, you're only going to attract mediocre individuals, largely, since you're paying them shit to do a thankless job.

If I had to put up with an illiterate, ignorant mother like you? I'd want to punch your child in the face!

Ideally, the government would give up the monopoly on education and let private businesses do it. Then you could choose where to send your kids, and how much you thought an education was worth.

But I guess you just see school as daycare, huh?

we pay taxes for decent schooling, and we don't get it, what we get is PC people who are busy teaching the children who they feal are worth it!

the teachers are crap, we pay a fairly high percentage of tax for schools, its NOT down to me what they get pid, that dear sir, falls into the hands of, the goverment,

i am not ignorant, i just have opinions that people disagree with, and thats ok, because i can stand my ground!
You ever hear the phrase "you get what you pay for"?

Teachers are hired based on their abilities. Of course, you're only going to attract mediocre individuals, largely, since you're paying them shit to do a thankless job.

If I had to put up with an illiterate, ignorant mother like you? I'd want to punch your child in the face!
Ideally, the government would give up the monopoly on education and let private businesses do it. Then you could choose where to send your kids, and how much you thought an education was worth.

But I guess you just see school as daycare, huh?

oh and thankgod your not a teacher!
You ever hear the phrase "you get what you pay for"?

Teachers are hired based on their abilities. Of course, you're only going to attract mediocre individuals, largely, since you're paying them shit to do a thankless job.

If I had to put up with an illiterate, ignorant mother like you? I'd want to punch your child in the face!

Ideally, the government would give up the monopoly on education and let private businesses do it. Then you could choose where to send your kids, and how much you thought an education was worth.

But I guess you just see school as daycare, huh?[/QUOTE]

and for the record, NO i do not just see school has day care, i am not one of these single mothers who sit around smoking dope, shagging everything in sight just becasue they're kids are at school, (not all single mothers are like that, but some ARE)

i take a big part in my kids schooling, and i don't sit back and not bother with them.
we pay taxes for decent schooling, and we don't get it, what we get is PC people who are busy teaching the children who they feal are worth it!

the teachers are crap, we pay a fairly high percentage of tax for schools, its NOT down to me what they get pid, that dear sir, falls into the hands of, the goverment,

i am not ignorant, i just have opinions that people disagree with, and thats ok, because i can stand my ground!

you say that it falls into the hands of the government its not down to me blahblahblah.but you started a thread saying that you dont think they deserve a pay rise...........

I never said that, although admittedly I was a bit vague.

What I do mean is that there is a continuum of skill + qualification + experience. Manual labourers sit at the bottom of the scale, and senior specialist medical consultants sit somewhere up the top, and the difference in wages reflects that.

Of all jobs which requiring a tertiary education, primary and secondary school students are at the bottom of the barrel. In Australia, you become a primary/secondary school teacher if you know that you don't have the ability to shoot for something better. I guess you might REALLY love kids, although I find that a little hard to swallow. Nobody loves kids.

Anyway, said individuals usually consist of those who done a TAFE (Technical College) course, or completed a cookie cutter degree at university without progressing on to honours/masters/PhD. They can often just coast through getting borderline passes.

This is reflected by the fact that teachers today are vastly different from the bygone eras, where they were actually academics.

But yeah, it's fucking ridiculous that teachers expect 'better pay', when all they tend to have in the way of qualifications is a cookie cutter degree, and their method of teaching in many cases usually just consists of telling students to write notes out of a text books.

i love teaching kids.they are like blank slates without any of the certainty and pigheadedness that makes some adults so frustrating.
you are talking about teachers from bygone eras,i assume you are basing this mostly on tv and books,but even if you arent dont u think that part of the reason those people arent attracted to teaching anymore is that they dont get paid (relative to the rest of the working population) as much as they did then and that teachers now get literally zero respect.