Tea is the elevensies delection.

duendy might have a point. Not that the quantification is erroneous but our perception may be one-dimensional from observer. Similar to viewing a hypercube only from one angle. But I think this would more apply to complex multidimensional arrays partly because we really don't know how many dimensions really exist or what they might be.
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iam said:
duendy might have a point. Not that the quantification is erroneous but our perception may be one-dimensional from observer. Similar to viewing a hypercube only from one angle. But I think this would more apply to complex multidimensional arrays partly because we really don't know how many dimensions really exist or what they might be.

Blah Blah Blah. Duendy think that the Universe is conscious. It's some hippie concept based in fantasy and hallucination, not fact.
phlogistician said:
Blah Blah Blah. Duendy think that the Universe is conscious. It's some hippie concept based in fantasy and hallucination, not fact.

oh yeahhh, it all began wid de hippies didn't it mr phlo-he-knows-yu-no??

did it ek. the idea of an alive universe/Nature goes way back. it is called in modern idiom, 'animism' and 'panpsychism'.

you actually my dear, are NOT an authentic scientsts at all, to of course u tink you are. reason being you've alREADY MADEyer mind up! all you know is ridicule, insult, and wallowing in what you think is 'the truth'-----never do you ASK QUESTIONs. cept only inthe safe remit of your cocksuredeness. a sure sign of closed miiind

"It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, no matter how suspect, is superior to any imaginative excercise, no matter how true" Gore Vidal
duendy said:
"It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, no matter how suspect, is superior to any imaginative excercise, no matter how true" Gore Vidal

How can a 'fact' be 'suspect'. Facts, are facts. Gore Vidal was always an asshole, and it's fitting that chose that quote. A muddled, senseless sentence is your life!
phlogistician said:
How can a 'fact' be 'suspect'. Facts, are facts. Gore Vidal was always an asshole, and it's fitting that chose that quote. A muddled, senseless sentence is your life!
Gore would use you for atoothpick!
and 'facts' are your downfall. you cant see the reality for the facts, as it were...
phlogistician said:
There are only facts, duendy.
oh, i thought there were trees and clouds, and laughter, and....etc too. what a sorry world you aspire to, wid yur facts facts facts

what were the 'facts' pre-modern physics??
They were still facts. You really are an idiot, duendy.

Anyway, have a real long hard thought about your witty comeback, because I'm off to the Alps for a week, for a bit of skiing. Toodle-pip!
phlogistician said:
They were still facts. You really are an idiot, duendy.

Anyway, have a real long hard thought about your witty comeback, because I'm off to the Alps for a week, for a bit of skiing. Toodle-pip!
'solid facts' huh? howcome theen some of thephysicists became really disturbed when they found out that realisty was notas they had imagined it to be. and that yet STILL they do not understand quantum reality??
think on that when yer on the piss, tallyho
duendy said:
'solid facts' huh?

Nope, I said 'still facts', so if you are going to quote, do so accurately.

howcome theen some of thephysicists became really disturbed when they found out that realisty was notas they had imagined it to be.

Who? How disturbed?

and that yet STILL they do not understand quantum reality??
think on that when yer on the piss, tallyho

What is 'quantum reality'? A made up non-scientific term, perhaps? Why would a scientist 'understand' a woowoo corruption?

Jesus, you had a week, and this is all you came up with.
phlogistician said:
Nope, I said 'still facts', so if you are going to quote, do so accurately.

me))))))ahhhchhhh 'still' 'solid' all he same in yur rigid litte closed-system world dudey

Who? How disturbed?

me))))))oh gaaaawd, he oesn't know. here:
"My interest in he change of the worldview in science and society was stimulated when as a young physics student of nineteen I read Werner Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy, his classic account of the history and philosophy of quantum physics. This book exerted an enormous influece on me and still does. It is a scholarly work, quite technical at times, but also full of personal and even highly emotional passages. Heisenberg, one of the founders of quantum theory and, along with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, one of the giants of modern physics, describes and analyzes in it the unique dillema encountered by physicists during the first three decades of the century,when they explored the structure of atoms and the nature of subatomic phenomena. This exploration brought them in contact with a strange and unexpected realiy that shattered the foundations of their world view and forced them to think in entirely new ways. The material world they observed no longer appeared as a mchine made up of separate objects, but rather as an indivisible whole: a network of relationships that included the human observer in an essential way. In their struggle to grasp the nature of atomic phenomena, science became painfully aware that their basic concepts, their language, and their whole way of thinking were inadequate to describe this new reality.
In Physics and Philosophy, Heisenberg provodes not only a brilliant analysis of the conceptual problms but also a vivid account of the tremendous personal difficulties these physicists faced when their research forced them to expand their consciousness. Their atomic experiments impelled them to think in new categories about te nature of reality, and it was Heisenberg's great achievement to recognize this clearly. ((Uncommon Wisdom: Conversations with remarkable people, Fritjof Capra)

What is 'quantum reality'? A made up non-scientific term, perhaps? Why would a scientist 'understand' a woowoo corruption?

me)))telll me. what exactly do you Do agin??

Jesus, you had a week, and this is all you came up with.
i see the mountain air hasn't cleared out your waxed-up brain...
duendy said:
ahhhchhhh 'still' 'solid' all he same in yur rigid litte closed-system world dudey

Obviously not, or I wouldn't have pulled you up on it!

oh gaaaawd, he oesn't know. here:
"My interest in he change of the worldview in science and society was stimulated when as a young physics student of nineteen I read Werner Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy, his classic account of the history and philosophy of quantum physics. This book exerted an enormous influece on me and still does. It is a scholarly work, quite technical at times, but also full of personal and even highly emotional passages. Heisenberg, one of the founders of quantum theory and, along with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, one of the giants of modern physics, describes and analyzes in it the unique dillema encountered by physicists during the first three decades of the century,when they explored the structure of atoms and the nature of subatomic phenomena. This exploration brought them in contact with a strange and unexpected realiy that shattered the foundations of their world view and forced them to think in entirely new ways. The material world they observed no longer appeared as a mchine made up of separate objects, but rather as an indivisible whole: a network of relationships that included the human observer in an essential way. In their struggle to grasp the nature of atomic phenomena, science became painfully aware that their basic concepts, their language, and their whole way of thinking were inadequate to describe this new reality.
In Physics and Philosophy, Heisenberg provodes not only a brilliant analysis of the conceptual problms but also a vivid account of the tremendous personal difficulties these physicists faced when their research forced them to expand their consciousness. Their atomic experiments impelled them to think in new categories about te nature of reality, and it was Heisenberg's great achievement to recognize this clearly. ((Uncommon Wisdom: Conversations with remarkable people, Fritjof Capra)

In what way was any of that 'disturbing'? Scientists understand that new research will cause them to re-evaluate their worldview. These guys were privileged enough to be in the middle of a major re-think. It's not disturbing, it's science. Did you transcribe that quote from a dust jacket, btw?

telll me. what exactly do you Do agin??

I debunk woowoos on the internet. I used to be a physicist, and now I work in IT. I have issue with your term 'quantum reality', and am asking you to define what it means to you, because it means nothing to me.
phlogistician said:
Obviously not, or I wouldn't have pulled you up on it!


In what way was any of that 'disturbing'? Scientists understand that new research will cause them to re-evaluate their worldview. These guys were privileged enough to be in the middle of a major re-think. It's not disturbing, it's science. Did you transcribe that quote from a dust jacket, btw?


I debunk woowoos on the internet. I used to be a physicist, and now I work in IT. I have issue with your term 'quantum reality', and am asking you to define what it means to you, because it means nothing to me.
now would i even WASTE ay effort trying t communicate wid a smartarse? what do you think?
I think you're a dishonest person about tea, Mr. Phlogistician. You really shouldn't be saying the things you do, yet, there you go, saying those things you do.

Shame on you, Mr. Phlogistician, shame on you.