Taqiyya - The Obligation to Lie

Where is he now? Is he dissimulating?
Seriously - alright, tongue slightly in cheek, but only slightly - if you attack something/someone and it turns out the attack was invalid, not well thought through, weak
does one have an obligation to clean up?
Or to put it another way, is silence in face of good solid rebuffs a kind of lie?
Can it be equivalent to 'nothing happened' kinds of denial?

I suppose Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was lying because he was "under threat, persecution or compulsion?"

Do you think he lied because he is Muslim?
Just let me get this straight, (Q). Are you claiming that all Muslims are liars?

If so, I think you need to get some perspective.
Just let me get this straight, (Q). Are you claiming that all Muslims are liars?

If so, I think you need to get some perspective.

You see James, that's what happens when you toss out a generalized question, you'll get a generalized response.

Don't take lessons from Sam by throwing words in my mouth and jumping to erroneous conclusions.

Taqiyya is an obligation from Islam to lie. Under the prescribed conditions, all Muslims are obligated to lie.

It's the conditions and the abuse thereof that are in question, and the fact that religion should have no say in this matter, just like it should not have a say in punishments, honor killings and going to war.
I think it is kind of ironic actually. Essentially Islam is relativistic in this instance. It is creating a flexible response rather than, for example, the Christian on in relation to abortion. Flexibility: A trait we tend to associate with secular humanism: situation dependent response. Something, hell, that I would like to encourage.

swiid: it would be interesting in how many other areas Islam has flexibility in

because now that we are a few days from 9/11, I was remembering my initial thoughts of that event

I've always thought that those 19 guys had balls of steel to fly them into the WTC, my initial reaction was anger, dread (because of possibly more danger), fear, revenge, I wanted to join, but my Dad, Mom & uncles talked me out of it. We had 3 relatives that were ex-GI's & 2 active at that time. Only 1 is still in, he has been in Okinawa for 4 years, don't know how that works, since I thought they would rotate him into Iraq by now. anyway, I'm glad he's ok. anyway, enoough about me, back to subject at hand

how could having 70 virgins waiting for you pay for killing 3,000 innocent people?