Talking about god...

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Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
"Perhaps atheists will spend a lot less time talking about god when we have our own meeting places on every other corner, when our organizations are tax-exempt, when our slogans are printed on your money, when we elect a president (or any other leader) who understands science, when those idiotic little fish disappear, when organ donor cards no longer have a blank space for religion, when holidays commemorate great ideas instead of mythological beings, when newspapers devote a weekly section to atheism, when people stop saying "God bless you" every time we sneeze, when we open a motel room drawer and find a copy of Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History Of Time", when pimple-faced kids stop coming to our houses on Saturday mornings to 'save' us, when...."

Quote from Alt.Atheism
Here's another from your side of the fence:

"I think that naming your ignorance God and pretending that, having named it, you have converted ignorance to knowledge is a sorry approach to the unknown."
What theists don't seem to realize is that many atheists discuss religion because of this:

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. - some old chinese military dude (Sun-tzu)

If atheists were to ignore or take blithly the presence of theists and the position they occupy in the world, that would be tantamount to letting the inmates run the asylum.

The fact is that theocrasies based on any of the major religions are and have always been totalitarian pits of human repression.

We don't really want that, now do we?

Now, I'll just wait for some theist to explain how religions promote free thinking, tolerance, personal freedom, personal responsibility, and intellectual integrity.

*twiddles thumbs...*
Hmm look at all the tolerance dripping from the atheists.

All the free thinking, personal freedom, personal responsibility, and intellectual integrity.

The OP is a prime example.

My way or the highway.
Hmm look at all the tolerance dripping from the atheists.

All the free thinking, personal freedom, personal responsibility, and intellectual integrity.

The OP is a prime example.

My way or the highway.

Still didn't get it, did you?
If atheists were to ignore or take blithly the presence of theists and the position they occupy in the world, that would be tantamount to letting the inmates run the asylum.

You mean they don't run it?

What's really hilarious, is that theists claim it's all politics.
Let me guess, its all in the interpretation. :)
No. It's more in the suicide bombings, blind following of "leaders", crushing of individual lifestyles, mass killings of those who don't believe, for no other reason, etc.
and lest you theists imagine an opportunity during the twiddling of thumbs, for rabble rousing,


it is ploy to lure you out in to the open
No. It's more in the suicide bombings, blind following of "leaders", crushing of individual lifestyles, mass killings of those who don't believe, for no other reason, etc.

Hmm sounds very stalinistic or eugenistic.

Btw, did you hear Watsons comment on blacks? Hispanic libidos? Fat people? Rosalind Franklin? Hear he lost his job. No tolerance for freedom of speech or racism these days, I tell you.

Hmm sounds very stalinistic or eugenistic.
Does, dosen't it. Too bad it's christian and muslim...

btw, did you hear Watsons comment on blacks? Hispanic libidos? Fat people? Rosalind Franklin? Hear he lost his job. No tolerance for freedom of speech or racism these days, I tell you.

Yeah. A shame really.
Try thinking instead of guesswork.

How could we ever hope to reach your level of delusion illusion pomposity rigidity intolerance "wisdom"?

Put us out of our misery, o wise one.
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