Take care of life

I'm sure your body will be well looked after in a prison: 3 square meals (probably) and a cell-mate who wants to call you Gloria.
You mean if I get caught and punished accordingly?

Alternatively, if everyone adhered to the sentiments of the OP it could, heaven forbid, lead to the Golden Rule.
"Whoever has the gold, makes the rules" or something else?

(Btw I am being facetious here ... not that I think you would have missed it, but I thought it might warrant a disclaimer since others appear, at least if we take their comments on face value, to struggle with comprehension skills unless they are decked out with readers notes or something).

After all, what better way to look after your body than to be part of a society where we all look out for each other?
History certainly illustrates several viable alternatives. In contemporary affairs, the rising position of china as a super power illustrates another. I mean, china has been accused of many things, but being humanitarian does not appear to be one of them.

Where we treat others as we would wish to be treated?
Makes sense when there is a level playing field in terms of distribution power. But if I am actually in a position where you cannot retalliate in any consequential manner (or I am too dull headed to forsee you have such power to deliver consequences), what then?

I mean you certainly don't see such behaviour where the rewards of ruthlessness are high (the financial and corporate sector comes to mind ... dodging taxes, employee turn over, rolling assets to avoid compensation pay outs, declaring bankruptcy to avoid paying subcontractors, etc)
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