Tachyon Slowing Hypothesis and Photon-Mass Flux

gluon said:
Here is a philosophically-enhanced arguement, which will HOPEFULLY make you think twice. If the multiplication of time removes mass, then:

Do you understand that Alphanumeric was talking about dimensional analysis? Do you know what dimensional analysis is? You have gone off on some wild tangent about "multiplication of time", when the point was that force multiplied by time does not give units that have mass to the power of zero. See?

1) The de-Witt equation can easily be proved

What's the de-Witt equation?

2) In relativity, past and future do not exist...

What? Have you heard of light cones?

... so present time, [[hence quantum quacks arguement]] in another thread in this physics subforum, then matter surely can't exist...

What are you made of? Antimatter? Non-matter?

... unless there is a corresponding mathematical assertion, or contingeant affirmation between the relation: $$\Delta E \Delta t$$...

That's not a relation. There's no relation sign there.

... which is a fundamental law of the zero-point potential vacuum (which i am happy to show the derivation).

Show me the derivation.
"...the math is not wrong." "There is [sic] no errors in the math..."

You said that the square root of 9 is 9! That $$i^4 = -4$$! Hell, you even got the Pythagorean theorem wrong! No, Reiku, the math is very, very, wrong!

Given that you obviously cannot even do extremely basic math, how could you possibly hope to tell anybody about advanced physics? It's pure delusion, if you ask me.

Also, if you really are Reiku (as you appear to be,) why aren't you banned? You received a permanent ban, I recall...

James is a good man. I respect him greately.

But one must stoop low to try and manipulate one's opinion of another. As i have explained in the past, i know a great deal of math that would go over you puny ego's faster than the speed of light.


Difference is, is that i do not try to impress with mainstream mathematics. Exploring new, whether wrong or not mathematical analysis, brings out more of a student of physics willing to try and not only contemplate physics, but do so in a non-biggotive manner.
Do you understand that Alphanumeric was talking about dimensional analysis? Do you know what dimensional analysis is? You have gone off on some wild tangent about "multiplication of time", when the point was that force multiplied by time does not give units that have mass to the power of zero. See?

What's the de-Witt equation?

What? Have you heard of light cones?

What are you made of? Antimatter? Non-matter?

That's not a relation. There's no relation sign there.

Show me the derivation.

Let me answer each question, and if i cannot answer these questions sufficely, then i will bow my head, or maybe stick it in the sand and never come back.

But i warn those before you, these equations are perfectly sound and used in mainstream, so sir, give me a chance.
James, friend:

you said
“ Originally Posted by gluon
Here is a philosophically-enhanced arguement, which will HOPEFULLY make you think twice. If the multiplication of time removes mass, then: ”

Do you understand that Alphanumeric was talking about dimensional analysis? Do you know what dimensional analysis is? You have gone off on some wild tangent about "multiplication of time", when the point was that force multiplied by time does not give units that have mass to the power of zero. See?

Me> Ofcourse i do. Half the time here (in the past, i took the piss because no mod was going to challenge why alphanumeric would be compatibly nasty to me all the time... moving on, the multipliction of time in a given function, may indeed give mass to the power of zero, but any number/variable that is raised to the power of zero must equal the same value you began with.

''What's the de-Witt equation?''

It's a cosmological equation that describes that time may as well equal zero. The reason why, minus the internal interactions of atomic and human observers, the universe is non-changing, thus implying a static time.

''What? Have you heard of light cones?''

Yes, of course. The reason why relativity says no past and future exists, is because, according to Einstien, if you ''where'' able to look at your history, it would be frozen in time, as much as would your future. Time travel would be impossible if present time was a singular frame sandwiched between a past and a future. See Fred Alan Wolfs, ''Parallel Universes...'' --- According to relativity, this is how strange it gets: as soon as a big bang happened, (about a chronon later) a big crunch happened. Even Einstein once said, ''those who believe in past and future are fools.'' Only the present exists.

''What are you made of? Antimatter? Non-matter?''

>Niether. I am made of trapped energy.

''That's not a relation. There's no relation sign there.''

There is, and i will prove it in another thread, if you please me.


''Show me the derivation.''

I will very soon.
Can i also add this equation, which might be inetersting among the inververted relationships between parallel velocities, relationship with energy due $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E = E^2$$ and the tachyonic expression under circumstances of energy density type, then we evaluate:

$$E^2=P^2+M^2=(E^2=\frac{v^2}{c^2}+E)=\frac{\frac{F^2t^2}{M^2c^2}}{1+ \frac{F^2t^2}{M^2c^2}$$
Very interseting since from $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E = E^2$$ you can replace the $$E^2$$ in $$E^2=\frac{v^2}{c^2}+E$$ by $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E$$ in order to get $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E=\frac{v^2}{c^2}+E$$ Now you can see that $$E$$ cancel from both sides and you are left with $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}= \frac{v^2}{c^2}$$. Now also $$\frac{v^2}{c^2}$$ cancel unless they are 0 (which is not true for tachyons), so you get $$E^2=1$$.
So I understand that from your essay, you get that for tachyons, $$E=\pm1$$.
Wow, I am impressed
Very interseting since from $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E = E^2$$ you can replace the $$E^2$$ in $$E^2=\frac{v^2}{c^2}+E$$ by $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E$$ in order to get $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E=\frac{v^2}{c^2}+E$$ Now you can see that $$E$$ cancel from both sides and you are left with $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}= \frac{v^2}{c^2}$$. Now also $$\frac{v^2}{c^2}$$ cancel unless they are 0 (which is not true for tachyons), so you get $$E^2=1$$.
So I understand that from your essay, you get that for tachyons, $$E=\pm1$$.
Wow, I am impressed

I am amazed. Someone understood the hypothesis...

yes you math buffs, that was indeed the meaning of the math.

I sometimes wonder about this place in respect to who indeed moderates it, apart from James and Plazma, who seem to be more diplomatic, and who think more about what is saying.
It can be reduces as well 1100f, if you replace for photons v=c. Then, if you work it out mathematically, then you find only a negative tacyon solution.
Do you know what> Going back to Einstein/Alphanumerics thread no. 10, he forgets, or intentionally forgets the relativistic laws stating that if time removes mass, then mass can remove time.

An excellent example of this, inspired (yet again) by quantum quark, is that at t=0, mass removes time.

You know, if you do that is, when Heisenberg created $$\Delta(Et)$$, it was ridiculed for, if my memory serves me right 22 years, until a collection of science found it applied to many area's of science, such as the potentail vacuum, where virtual particles are allowed to appear with a negative energy, but only for a very very very short time, and exhibit superluminal speeds.
It's amazing to see that you even don't understand how ridiculous it is to say that everything has an energy = to $$\pm1$$.
What's wrong, the gluon caught your tounge? Not like you. You usually let your oversized cakehole run you, George/Alphanumeric.
No, as of 10.40am this morning I was doing some marking so I didn't reply instantly.

As for oversized cake holes, I notice you couldn't retort anything I said. As usual. Instead you just swear at me.
p.s. So far, my math remains non-erreneous.
Other than all the things I mentioned. And that's just this thread. I could search for threads started by you in Pseudoscience and I'm sure that 90% of them would involve you posting equations whcih are wrong.

(Though, i must admit, admirally or not, i did make mistakes in the complex analysis but again, i see this not as psuedoscience, but a general mistake which a moderator must retain dignaty to teach to those who know less.)
Multiplying together i's isn't complex analysis. Complex analysis would be doing contour integrals and using things like stationary phase and residues to compute propogators in a field theory.
''So force is and when I multiply that by t I get units of ? Wow, so multiplying by time removes mass? Amazing. So that's where physics has been going wrong all these years!''

(by alhanumeric) in this post


Here is a philosophically-enhanced arguement, which will HOPEFULLY make you think twice. If the multiplication of time removes mass, then:

1) The de-Witt equation can easily be proved

2) In relativity, past and future do not exist, so present time, [[hence quantum quacks arguement]] in another thread in this physics subforum, then matter surely can't exist, unless there is a corresponding mathematical assertion, or contingeant affirmation between the relation: $$\Delta E \Delta t$$, which is a fundamental law of the zero-point potential vacuum (which i am happy to show the derivation).
You equated $$E^{2}$$ (units of energy) with $$\frac{F^{2}t^{2}}{M^{2}c^{2}}$$, units of nothing. That's wrong any way you shake a stick at it.
(By the way - this is an arguement it prooves the uncertainty between energy and time.... something which you overconfident dogmatic physical and non physical researchers like to involve.... errors in others, before they see their own.)
No, it doesn't prove it. You need to give the commutation relations between the two variables to be able to them work out the uncertainty in their simultaneous measurement.
(By the way - this is an arguement it prooves the uncertainty between energy and time.... something which you overconfident dogmatic physical and non physical researchers like to involve.... errors in others, before they see their own.)

I am not here to teach my known physics, but i will explain my own conclusion, with or wthout the need of math. Just so happens, you lot (exactly those who have entered and replied to this thread, are dilluional to a peak of ego where school children bully the outcast) - and trust me, more people than you know, could be on my side of this unfortunate outcome, of an overzealously-compactified group of so-called physicists, who haven't even reached their PhD's, in this good forum.
So you, someone without an A level, degree, masters or PhD in physics are trying to insult Prom and myself because we've not got our PhDs yet? Good one. Jesus, talk about an own goal....
Do you know what> Going back to Einstein/Alphanumerics thread no. 10, he forgets, or intentionally forgets the relativistic laws stating that if time removes mass, then mass can remove time.
Epic fail. Again.

Firstly, relativity says nothing of the sort. Secondly, the mistake you made wasn't to do with some particular complicated result of the Einstein Field Equations, you took something which has units of force (which has SI units of $$kg.m.s^{-2}$$), multiplied it by something which has units of seconds, (s) and didn't get somethign which has units of $$kg.m.s^{-2}.s = kg.m.s^{-1}$$. Relativity's intertwining of mass, energy, time and space doesn't negate simple algebra. It doesn't allow you to say 2*3 = 5. It doesn't allow you to say "Mass = energy". E=mc^2 doesn't mean "Energy and mass have the same units", they don't, the c^2 has units.

So all you've done is you're either willing to tell further lies to try and dig yourself of a hole you made or you're so ignorant of the stuff you're talking about you honestly don't realise you're wrong. And the thing you should be worried about (or ashamed of) is that I can't tell which one you are, dishonest or stupid. I suspect it's a little from column A and a little of column B.