Tachyon Slowing Hypothesis and Photon-Mass Flux


Well, from an external view of an observer, the relativistic increase of mass is really the increase in the neergy-mass system, so the external observer will observer will see their spaceships increase... since acceleration through space causes a type of frame dragging, the more you increase the speed, the more gravitational acceleration which is directly equivalent to the distortions/curvature/drag is increased also. Analagous, and equivalant by Maxwells equations of a moving electron, will emit electromagnetic gamma rays, (the speed must also be equivalent to the speed at which the electron is moving at), and thus, gravitational mass (the kind of mass an electron is made of) will also radiate gravitational wave distortions.

.... this was from quantum quacks inetersting thread.

I ask a question; if we could make a photon have a rest mass (such as an interaction between a tachyon and a photon *), could the photon be perturbed into mass upon aloof interactions? (1)

I question this because of the following known (albiet, maybe, not very well-known) formulations of tachyonic existences and observable and measurable constituents:

1) Tachyons (root word from tachycardia) would generate Cherenkov radiation in a vacuum.

2) Adding energy to tacyons slowed them down with the velocity of light as the lower bound.

If tachyons are added with real energy (such as a photon), it will slow it down. If the lower limit of the tachyon is the speed of light, then what would happen if interaction between a photon and a tachyon under certain conditions, such as a high energy surrounding which is of real value, inexorably flux the photon into a particle of mass?

(1) Just an essay i wrote on tachyonic matter being possibly found from tritium decay:

Tachyonic Dynamics

We have all heard of the hypothetical particles called tachyons. They have a rest mass M that also has an imaginary value $$(M^2<0)$$. It turns out that $$(E=gM)$$, the observable mass-energy of these light weight particles, becomes ''real'' and ''positive''.

If a particle was able to defy the light-speed barrier so that v was greater than $$c$$ or $$(v>c)$$, then both g and E would become imaginary quantities, because $$\beta$$ would be larger than $$1$$ and $$(1 - \beta 2)$$ would be negative.

When using imaginary concepts, we must use complex numbers... nothing too complex about them, so don't be scared off! We need the calculus in concepts that are imaginary - not quite existing in the realms of the real - but are ''real'' nonetheless... we use it when calculating the imaginary dimension of time, and even concepts beyond ''$$c$$'' - imaginary mass.

-this small paragraph is for the layman, even though i am novice :)

To understand this better, we must consider the pyhagorean theorem.Complex numbers deal with square roots. Now, you might remember square roots from high school. A number that is multiplied by itself produces the square root - thus, the square root of $$4$$ is $$(2 x 2)$$. The square root of 9 is $$(3 x 3)$$. The square root of 16 is (4 x 4), ect. Note however, that the square root of 1, is (1 x 1). Complex numbers move into the negatives; thus, it helps mathematicians work out the improbable square root of -1, for instance, which is $$i x i = -1$$. The $$i$$ stands for ''imaginary'', and it helps us in calculating numbers that are not in the real world.

Another example is the square root of $$4$$, which is $$(i^2)^2 = -4$$. Quantum Physics and Relativity would be impossibility, without complex numbers, and so would our ability to calculate time as an imaginary dimension of space.

In a standard course of geometry, one will inventually learn the pythagorean theorem. As you will probably know, the theorem applies to length of the right sides of a right triangle.

It is a simple formula, and it tells us that if one was to work of the angles on the sides of the triangle, the sums of two of those angles will equal the sum of the remainding value angle. We say that the third angle is the one raised on the hypotenuse. The formula is:


The sides of the triangle are similar based to how we work out the lengths of space and time. Because time is a universal invariant, we say that the imaginary time dimension is an invariant relationship.

If we apply this triangle as an invariance of space, we find some interesting results... explanations to why time is relative and why we move so very slow through space, and so very fast through time; or it can be seen that time moves through is very fast - at the speed of light actually.

If you regard time as a dimension of space, you create, according to Minkowski, right triangles with one side adjacent corresponding to time and the other to space. Both legs of the space triangle remain in in ''real space'', whilst in the time triangle, its legs remain in ''imaginary space.''

So long as the imaginary side of the triangle remained longer than the real side, the hypotenuse will have a ''timelike'' order... But if one speeds up, then the traingle becomes warped, and if we where to reach ''c'' then both sides become exactly the same. In this sense, time stops and you aren't really moving at all!

If you exceed this value, then the real leg becomes longer than the imaginary leg, and you are now oscillating through the time dimension. This is what we mean by speeds that are bradynic, photonic or tachyonic. There is a boundary created at ''$$c$$'', and this is highlighted through the spacetime triangle.

Now, it has come to light (mind the pun) on the mass of the electron neutrino $$(Ve)$$, because it is a leading "dark matter" candidate... and we don't know the phsycial properties of dark matter. We have some examples of what some dark matter might be like, such as the axion particle which travels through material objects!

We can create neurtino's from the decay of tritium. The basic underlining rule is through the relativistic realtion between energy and momentum $$E^2 = P^2 + M^2$$... and we work out that it is mass squared that works out the neutrino mass from tritium decay... but this mass squared can be seen in light of either a positive reult or a negative result, and if it is a tachyon, containing a very light weight amount of imaginary matter of about $$i × 12 eV$$, there is the big problem that nothing fuitful will arise out of this... because the theorists do not believe its qualities would be observable or known.

But, i assume, that if we could harvest neutron energy, and also assuming that it is made of this imaginary stuff, then it might have profound implications for fuel... It might even produce the first spaceship that can jump into hyperspace!
Can i also add this equation, which might be inetersting among the inververted relationships between parallel velocities, relationship with energy due $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E = E^2$$ and the tachyonic expression under circumstances of energy density type, then we evaluate:

$$E^2=P^2+M^2=(E^2=\frac{v^2}{c^2}+E)=\frac{\frac{F^2t^2}{M^2c^2}}{1+ \frac{F^2t^2}{M^2c^2}$$
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(1) Just an essay i wrote on tachyonic matter being possibly found from tritium decay
Which, I'm sure, was as full of crap, unsupported nonsense, gibberish equations and pointless waffle as all your 'essays'. How can you write a meaningful essay on tachyons from Tritium decays when you know nothing about any kind of particle physics? It's just you trying to kid yourself into believing you're not a lying moron.

And as an example of that, lets look at your posts:

The square root of 9 is 3x3
No, the square root of 9 is 3. The prime factorisation of 9 is 3x3 (and it's \times not x when you're using tex! Haven't you posted enough equations by now to have learnt some tex?!).
(1-\beta 2)
Someone copied and pasted, since you lost the formating on the squared.
Quantum Physics and Relativity would be impossibility, without complex numbers, and so would our ability to calculate time as an imaginary dimension of space.
Obviously that statement is based on your HUGE personal experience and knowledge of those areas of physics, which must total a mighty 6 seconds of reading. Its possible to formulate anything involving complex numbers in terms of real numbers, it's just generally very unpleasant. But unpleasant doesn't mean impossible.
Another example is the square root of 4, which is $$(i)^{2}^{2}=-4$$.
You might want to use your crayons and a circle of paper to work out what $$(i^{2})^{2}$$ is, because its not -4.
The stands for ''imaginary'', and it helps us in calculating numbers that are not in the real world.
No, it doesn't mean 'This number is not in the real world', you're interpretiing a mathematical term using everyday usage. The usefulness of i comes from the fact the complex numbers are an algebraicly closed field and any order n polynomial with complex coefficients will have n solutions in C. That cannot be said for R.
It is a simple formula, and it tells us that if one was to work of the angles on the sides of the triangle, the sums of two of those angles will equal the sum of the remainding value angle. We say that the third angle is the one raised on the hypotenuse. The formula is $$a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2}$$
Angles? Looks like a formula for sides of a right angled triangle to me. But what would I know about Riemannian geometry, eh?
Can i also add this equation, which might be inetersting among the inververted relationships between parallel velocities, relationship with energy due $$E^2 \frac{v^2}{c^2}+E = E^2$$ and the tachyonic expression under circumstances of energy density type, then we evaluate:

$$E^2=P^2+M^2=(E^2=\frac{v^2}{c^2}+E)=\frac{\frac{F^2t^2}{M^2c^2}}{1+ \frac{F^2t^2}{M^2c^2}$$
And as usual, you cannot resist putting in a convoluted equation in the hopes that you look clever. Instead you demonstrate you can't even count units by posting an equation which cannot be correct on the grounds of dimensionality, something school children get taught. Tell me,

What's the units of Ft? What's the units of Mc? What's the units of Ft/Mc? What's the units of E^2? Are they equal? How many times have Ben, myself or someelse walked you through the concept of dimensionality of equations? Why do you keep getting it wrong? Do you deliberately ignore anything we say in a "Screw them, I don't need help learning!" attitude or are you just unable to remember that you shouldn't equal things like metres and kilos?
I will go through the dimensions, i will also explain the the constants and i will also cut your srcastic thread down to size, because, as ben found out (hopefully) i am not intentionally pulling equations out my ass, instigated through people like you, so please be patient, i amn still writing the second.
Which, I'm sure, was as full of crap, unsupported nonsense, gibberish equations and pointless waffle as all your 'essays'. How can you write a meaningful essay on tachyons from Tritium decays when you know nothing about any kind of particle physics? It's just you trying to kid yourself into believing you're not a lying moron.

Surely you realize you're talking with Reiku and remember that he proved to all of us (scores of times) that he couldn't compute his way out of a paper bag?:shrug:
The units, speculaions? Whatever

Which, I'm sure, was as full of crap, unsupported nonsense, gibberish equations and pointless waffle as all your 'essays'. How can you write a meaningful essay on tachyons from Tritium decays when you know nothing about any kind of particle physics? It's just you trying to kid yourself into believing you're not a lying moron.

First of all, supreme one, this was a hypothesis/question which was a more diplomatic way than i have been assituating my time here than usual. The essay is located at the end, through conversations with Dr Cramer. You will find, there is no waffles about it, but you certainly like applying the grease-factor to every single one of my posts.

And as an example of that, lets look at your posts:

No, the square root of 9 is 3. The prime factorisation of 9 is 3x3 (and it's \times not x when you're using tex! Haven't you posted enough equations by now to have learnt some tex?!).

Someone copied and pasted, since you lost the formating on the squared.
Obviously that statement is based on your HUGE personal experience and knowledge of those areas of physics, which must total a mighty 6 seconds of reading. Its possible to formulate anything involving complex numbers in terms of real numbers, it's just generally very unpleasant. But unpleasant doesn't mean impossible.

You might want to use your crayons and a circle of paper to work out what $$(i^{2})^{2}$$ is, because its not -4.
No, it doesn't mean 'This number is not in the real world', you're interpretiing a mathematical term using everyday usage. The usefulness of i comes from the fact the complex numbers are an algebraicly closed field and any order n polynomial with complex coefficients will have n solutions in C. That cannot be said for R.

I'm sorry, i wrote it quickly at the time, and i have made a few mistakes. Big deal, you just like to make a zoo out of any time i do. I bet you make plenty yourself when you are not around, and i also bet that anytime you do come here, you copy from texbooks, (which i have) however, i like to learn from memory. Work that out

Angles? Looks like a formula for sides of a right angled triangle to me. But what would I know about Riemannian geometry, eh?

Huh? This is the pythagorean theorem is it not?

And as usual, you cannot resist putting in a convoluted equation in the hopes that you look clever. Instead you demonstrate you can't even count units by posting an equation which cannot be correct on the grounds of dimensionality, something school children get taught.

i don't want to look clever. I just get a great deal of imaginative thoughts which i try to put down here, so that those thoughts to me are never lost to time. Dimensionality was taught to me, back at highschool You forget i wasn't there since eight years. So be a bit more prespective.

Tell me,

What's the units of Ft? What's the units of Mc? What's the units of Ft/Mc? What's the units of E^2? Are they equal? How many times have Ben, myself or someelse walked you through the concept of dimensionality of equations? Why do you keep getting it wrong? Do you deliberately ignore anything we say in a "Screw them, I don't need help learning!" attitude or are you just unable to remember that you shouldn't equal things like metres and kilos?

the units of F are kg·m·s−2. F.t has the units of: m^2/s^2. E^2 would simply be (m^2/s^2)^2... so shut up and let diplomacy resume please. I had a serious question, and a question but it is. Questions are not a pre-requisite of automatic pseudience.

So no alphanumeric, as much as you hate me, don't try and bring about this again. You've done this for a good year, and i am sure others are sick of it as well. Remember when quarkhead asked you sincerally why you bother.

The only logical assumption would be you are bored, spiteful little mas who can't be happy with himself. I actually feel sorry for.
Surely you realize you're talking with Reiku and remember that he proved to all of us (scores of times) that he couldn't compute his way out of a paper bag?:shrug:

oh yes........ Yet another crab, who has very little good left in himself, so very little to share with others.
What reaction were you hoping for, gluon?

All over the world, in everywhere where triangles are studied with mathematical methods, for thousands of years the relationship between the squares of the lengths of a right triangle have been recognized, proven and taught as an elementary lesson.

I don't know what reaction you were hoping for, but this post combined with my instant impression of the nearly inexplicable message you left on my public comment page and it leads me to the conclusion that you don't think things out well prior to public posting. This, it seems to me, is precisely the opposite of good scientific practice intended to bolster one's reputation.
except rpenner, the math is not wrong.

So its a matter of opinion, since, the main aim of read-only in the past, alphanumeric in the present, and you in the background bolstered my reputation under such a method.

Now that there is no errors in the math, you and alphanumeric (not so much read-only, since he's not a mathematician, or really a good physics analyzer), have now switched onto my literature.

What a combination of trying to bring someone down.
First of all, supreme one, this was a hypothesis/question which was a more diplomatic way than i have been assituating my time here than usual. The essay is located at the end, through conversations with Dr Cramer. You will find, there is no waffles about it, but you certainly like applying the grease-factor to every single one of my posts.
Given you don't know any special relativity or quantum field theory, how can you have a meaningful, high level discussion about tachyons? The most you could hope for is someone else explaining in laymans terms various things in physics which may relate to them, such as the Higgs mechanism.
I'm sorry, i wrote it quickly at the time, and i have made a few mistakes. Big deal, you just like to make a zoo out of any time i do. I bet you make plenty yourself when you are not around, and i also bet that anytime you do come here, you copy from texbooks, (which i have) however, i like to learn from memory. Work that out
The problem is that you make such mistakes every post. And you make them consistently. I am not saying "I'm perfect, you're not!", I do make mistakes, but when I'm typing out equations etc the mistakes are intermitant and generally random. For instance, if I accidentally typed $$i^{2} = 1$$ somewhere its very likely I'd do it everywhere, because I know full well the correct expression. You, in the vast majority of cases, do not and your errors are systemic. For instance, how many times did you type $$|\psi|^{2} = 1$$, when you meant $$\int_{\textrm{Domain}}|\psi|^{2}dx = 1$$? Only after repeated correction did you change what you typed and even now you struggle to get it right.

And, in general, I have no need to fall back to textbooks other than to check fiddly things like factors of i or $$\sqrt{2}$$, which are often a matter of convention anyway. There are few equations in non-research particle physics I haven't used at one time or another (ie anything which is taught in lectures I've probably done at some time or read a lot about).Practice breeds familiarity. Things like the Dirac equatin, Schrodinger equation, Einstein Field Equations are so ingrained I sometimes forget most people don't know them. I bearly remember that there was once a time when I didn't know how to differentiate things.

I don't deny that I do use textbooks. I use them a great deal, for both concepts and equations. But anything I'd have to post here to discuss with is almost certainly something I can recall off the top of my head. Don't project your short comings onto me.
Huh? This is the pythagorean theorem is it not?
Yes, the formula for side lengths. You talked about angles and then posted a formula about side lengths.
i don't want to look clever. I just get a great deal of imaginative thoughts which i try to put down here, so that those thoughts to me are never lost to time. Dimensionality was taught to me, back at highschool You forget i wasn't there since eight years. So be a bit more prespective.
There's two problems there. Firstly, if you were posting speculative thoughts you'd not phrase them as if they are established fact. You never post it as "What if...". Secondly, if you were really doing all the maths and physics at college you so ardently claimed you were a few months ago, the concept of dimensionality of units in equations would be second nature to you. I haven't been taught differentiation in 6 years but I use it everyday so its fresh in my mind. If you're really doing the physics courses you claimed then you'd understand the importance of having consistent equations, its not something you just get taught once when you're 17 and then never use again, it's always there. If you write down an equation which says metres = seconds, it's wrong. Or isn't that something you've done in the last 8 years?
the units of F are kg·m·s−2. F.t has the units of: m^2/s^2. E^2 would simply be (m^2/s^2)^2... so shut up and let diplomacy resume please. I had a serious question, and a question but it is. Questions are not a pre-requisite of automatic pseudience.
So force is $$kg.m.s^{-2}$$ and when I multiply that by t I get units of $$m^{2}s^{-2}$$? Wow, so multiplying by time removes mass? Amazing. So that's where physics has been going wrong all these years!
So no alphanumeric, as much as you hate me, don't try and bring about this again. You've done this for a good year, and i am sure others are sick of it as well. Remember when quarkhead asked you sincerally why you bother.

The only logical assumption would be you are bored, spiteful little mas who can't be happy with himself. I actually feel sorry for..
You're my morning fun before I sit down and do actual work.

And the reason I've been doing this for 'a good year' is you've been doing it for a 'bad year'. You post as if you're stating established physics, which means if someone who doesn't kknow much physics reads your posts they might be fooled into thinking you're telling the truth, which you aren't. Therefore I think its important that if its easy to point out your mistakes, I should. So I do, because it is.

Tell me, which is worse, me taking a little time in my day to point out the errors you make or you putting in large amounts of time and effort to post BS which is then immediately cut to shreds by anyone who didn't sleep through physics class in school? In the 'good year' I've been doing this I've become a published physicist. What about you? You've gotten nowhere with your physics. This is nothing but entertainment to me, a side event in my day. By the end of today I'll have done some physics. The same cannot be said about you. So when it comes to sad and pathetic, I think you need to take a long look at your achievements in the world of physics because that glass house you're in ain't going to withstand many stones.
Don;t know any physical theory or that of relativistic theory...

...alphanumeric, i will now put you on ignore, yet again, afterall, you know fine well i study physics, so yet you are but a fucking liar. You have a cheak to call me one.
Also, your analogy of the mistake, is hardly the bound-level of a perfect arguement, afterall, i hardly ever use the same equations twice.
What's wrong, the gluon caught your tounge? Not like you. You usually let your oversized cakehole run you, George/Alphanumeric.
except rpenner, the math is not wrong.
Now that there is no errors in the math, you and alphanumeric (not so much read-only, since he's not a mathematician, or really a good physics analyzer), have now switched onto my literature.
"...the math is not wrong." "There is [sic] no errors in the math..."

You said that the square root of 9 is 9! That $$i^4 = -4$$! Hell, you even got the Pythagorean theorem wrong! No, Reiku, the math is very, very, wrong!

Given that you obviously cannot even do extremely basic math, how could you possibly hope to tell anybody about advanced physics? It's pure delusion, if you ask me.

Also, if you really are Reiku (as you appear to be,) why aren't you banned? You received a permanent ban, I recall...
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Mmm... Funky-shit,

I admitted i evaluated it wrong. Get over it.


Enetertaining in what sense? That one makes a stupidity of himself, or one's stupidity could hold reasonable questions?

I AM A PHYSICS STUDENT - one who only wants to question the laws of physics, not against them. If this is a crime of sciforums, then sciforums is not a community, but incontrevertibly a commitee.

Please, anyone who agrees, speak up.

p.s. So far, my math remains non-erreneous.
(Though, i must admit, admirally or not, i did make mistakes in the complex analysis but again, i see this not as psuedoscience, but a general mistake which a moderator must retain dignaty to teach to those who know less.)
''So force is and when I multiply that by t I get units of ? Wow, so multiplying by time removes mass? Amazing. So that's where physics has been going wrong all these years!''

(by alhanumeric) in this post


Here is a philosophically-enhanced arguement, which will HOPEFULLY make you think twice. If the multiplication of time removes mass, then:

1) The de-Witt equation can easily be proved

2) In relativity, past and future do not exist, so present time, [[hence quantum quacks arguement]] in another thread in this physics subforum, then matter surely can't exist, unless there is a corresponding mathematical assertion, or contingeant affirmation between the relation: $$\Delta E \Delta t$$, which is a fundamental law of the zero-point potential vacuum (which i am happy to show the derivation).
(By the way - this is an arguement it prooves the uncertainty between energy and time.... something which you overconfident dogmatic physical and non physical researchers like to involve.... errors in others, before they see their own.)

I am not here to teach my known physics, but i will explain my own conclusion, with or wthout the need of math. Just so happens, you lot (exactly those who have entered and replied to this thread, are dilluional to a peak of ego where school children bully the outcast) - and trust me, more people than you know, could be on my side of this unfortunate outcome, of an overzealously-compactified group of so-called physicists, who haven't even reached their PhD's, in this good forum.
"...the math is not wrong." "There is [sic] no errors in the math..."

You said that the square root of 9 is 9! That $$i^4 = -4$$! Hell, you even got the Pythagorean theorem wrong! No, Reiku, the math is very, very, wrong!

Given that you obviously cannot even do extremely basic math, how could you possibly hope to tell anybody about advanced physics? It's pure delusion, if you ask me.

Also, if you really are Reiku (as you appear to be,) why aren't you banned? You received a permanent ban, I recall...

No, i made it clear TWICE i made a mistake there. So what, we all make mistakes. Moreover, you picked one and then used it to pick on one.

Guess who?