
If your hypothesis is correct, IAC, then Noah need not have carried any apes on the arc, which means that all apes descended from humans.
Darwinian change should be noticeable in nature, at least "punctuated equilibrium," but it's not, and for thousands of mutations to happen to be good for a creature as it serendipitously moves into a new ecological niche is beyond the pale, so I guess the jury is still out shall we say.

Microevolution has been illustrated many times already in a variety of simple models, as have phenotype-genotype correlation (in innumerable situations). Similarly, genotype-by-environment interaction resulting in unpredictable shifts in phenotypic means have also been illustrated. The jury is not out. They're back. And they're mad.
But none of which were found on an Ark. Not even a 500 million year old one.
Oh? Is all the continental rock above sea level exposed to erosion, or covered with a soft spongy insulating blanket of soil laid down by plants and dead organisms?
Riiight. That explains all the mud and such in the park next block over.
Which erosion are we talking about? How is rock covered by dirt exposed to wind erosion, for example? What is your source for this assertion? Details, details.
All right: then finding it should be similarly straightforward.

Bring your proofs, if ye are truthful.
At the current erosion rate of Mt Everest, it's going to be several miles higher than it is now in 15 million years.

But maybe the ocean will be up there, too, with a little ark bobbing on the waves.
Since the Earth is supposedly millions of years old, where is the evidence of the "Ordovician," and "Permian," and "Carboniferous" mountain ranges? Hundreds of millions of years of supposed slow mountain uplift?

You say in 15 million years the Himalaya mountains will be miles higher, so where are the ancient mountain ranges which must have risen over hundreds of millions of years?

The localized uplift of the Himalayas, and I think the Andes, and maybe others, is residual movement from the runaway tectonics of the Deluge, just a local phenomenon.

Just look up the sediment load and flow of all the major rivers, factor in the small rivers, and you'll discover the rough calculation that the continents, at current erosion rates, should have leveled to sea level within 15 million years.
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Deposited material, rather.

Sediment load and flow of the rivers applies to the rivers themselves, doubtlessly. The entire surface of the land is not covered by river. And this is earth science, not even evolution: surely you don't think that the only thing holding back all this erosion is the direct hand of God?

Or wait: are you actually a Young Earther or something?
Don't be ridiculous. You haven't responded to anything I've written. I don't think you were even in the ring.