

How are those syncs useful to you? I mean apart from telling you "be careful", "rather not" and "yesyesyes"? How can you get at the deeper meaning of them? What's the use if you say a thing and *bang* it happens? For me they are a confirmation of your 'being tuned in', but nothing more. Am still unclear whether there is more to it.

Another question: how do those syncs affect your personal life? Do people fear you or seek you out because they happen to you?



Yes...being more in tune is probably the nearest clarified view to explaining it. - being more aware of repeating cycles, co-incidences ect....

Its not like "magic" hey "poof" at all. & sometimes really nasty subjective stuff gets thrown at you.

I think mabe we are all connected through some sort of Deep, deep sub-concious, which even betters the power of intuition.

Mabe the "outer" world is the Mind of the planet, just like our "inner" mind has dreams. The outer is the "planets" dream.
& it is evolving just like a giant mind?

I dont Talk to people about It, as It is difficult to see the difference (if any) between A true phenomena & social or normal explanation. so until I get more learning done, telling people could add unbalance to it by making people "create" syncros purposely. (if they arent somehow already). but that would require intense ammounts of equipment, planning, which is WAY unrealistic.

But yes it is kind of a mix of co-incidence, sub-concious, self projection and usual mediums, but there is still "something else"
which operates on a higher plane I think that we cannot yet test properly too well.

They are only usefull as to bring past the OPPERTUNITY to thing I want or need or would like.

Its like a cosmic conveyor belt, with things passing. Strangely thing I might have been "thinking of that day" like even mabe all of them strangely. But you still have to 'pick them up as they pass' some come straigt into your hands. other not. & some things can seem subjectively mocking.

I am open minded enought to explore many possibilities.
The thing with deja-vous is that it can range from before, during or after something happens. sometimes as soon as a memory becomes memory its like deja-vous as well. you can even get triple deja-vous...."has this happened 3 times?"
You mean Deja Vu?

No, nothing like it..

Deja Vu is the act to think "Oh, I think it happened before" when you actually see the event..

What I mean by predicting..

Is a little example... I know for example that at a certain time my mobile clock is ticking 11:11 And I have no information to know that..
I open my suitcase, look at the mobile and "bang" its 11:11 precisely..

But of course I get predictions way more important than these synchronocities..

A lot of times feeling Im going to receive a message or phone call, and a couple of seconds later... the mobile rings

Or for example driving... Before I make a turn, I see a children close to the road... So I decelerate... make the turn and see the kid :eek:

And for example looking at the window when Im at a bus... knowing that "the event" is going to happen soon.... and then a license plate on a car that passes by shows the number 11 (here in my country license plates have this format: ex: 47-11-AB)
Or a house passes by, and the numbers at the top of the door are 111 or 11

These examples actually happened to me... And I believe they have beaten probabilities... Because I have these at about a rate of 3 to 5 per day...

A mix of precognition, intuitive thinking, and synchronocities..
The more your mind is attuned to it, the more you have these, and the more your subcounscious proves that this type of things are possible..
My syncs are often related to numbers, too. Whatever happens to me, my friends and colleagues are eager to process it into numbers. Like a few days ago when I came home at night and closed the gate, a rat landed on my head (not a nice experience, but I guess the animals was at least as shocked as I). When I told my colleagues the next day, they swarmed out to buy lottery tickets. A few hours later the number of the rat won!
Sometimes I tell them about special dreams I had and whenever they can find the connection to a lottery-number they buy it - and win...

but what exactly is the number of a rat? heheh. (sorry)

My syncs are all things that I want or would like to do. Things just happen or arrange themselves so it happens or the opportunity springs up. This only seems to work with things That I dont have an attatchment to. Although opportunitys and strange "mystical" timing (I call it GhiAs conveyor belt) do come along, but its usually me who needs to make an effort to "connect" or "catch the Ghian boomerang", other times its straight into the hand.
Say Im thinking for some strange reason of a friend whos a builder, called bob. as im pulling down the sliproad onto the motorway..then a minute later I pass a truck thats got "bob the builder" (childrens program) graphics covering the whole cab.
what are the chances of that! do we catch things sub-conciously that are far away, or in the background of our vision, but not realize until our main concious notices? I think mabe this can happen with all our other senses as well. its an idea for some of the syncs anyway.

I belive Ghia has us all tuned in together in some deeep deep un-comprehendable sub-concious.
The number of THE rat (not of A rat!) is 15 5 5 (three numbers). Do you want to try it belatedly in your country? ;) My colleagues know almost all of them by heart. Number games are very customary here and people usually spend a lot of money in both buying lottery tickets as well as trying to get the right numbers. Often they go to the temples and ask monks for the next lucky number. However, the answer they get is somewhat along the lines of “two snakes on a tree” and then you can figure that out yourself: will it be the number of the snake only? What does the tree mean? Where do I put the “2”, before or after the snake number? *head scratch* I think that is most complicated. They like my dreams and syncs better than those cryptic answers they get from a monk. :eek: However, I am very grateful to whomever is responsible for lucky numbers that this time it was not the turn of the elephant, but only a rat, phew.

This only seems to work with things That I dont have an attatchment to.

Hey, same for me. That’s why I myself never feel like buying a lottery ticket myself (or to challenge “luck” in any other way). I also think those syncs have a lot to do with being alert. If you are not, they will slip away and nobody will notice them. I actually started getting interested when our team car (license plates have four digits here) got exactly my birth date on the plate. And because I am born on a 29th, there is no fooling with months versus days. After that I started watching out and realized that my ID-card has the number 029 (three digits only) and other documents, too (bridge crossing tickets, entry tickets etc.)...
Heheh, sounds like the "abstract art of mathematics" to me.
thing is though, you can change it to what you like really cant you?

& yep, I think this like a thing they call "the cubic centimeter of chance?" always be ready to grab it.

I do still belive there is some deeper aspect to it all.

Its kinda like "THE MASK" from the movie yes? The only limit is the imagination!

Whatever your imagination can Squeeze outa reality!!
For The First Time

Hello Folks

Since 2003---experiences of Synchronicity (documented, locked in firesafebox) I've looked on the WWW for quite a long time and not ONCE have I seen anything remotely close to the documented many cases of this phenomenon taking place with my family and various people abroad around the world. So powerful are these real experiences that it has brought tears to milady and family members. I have not gone public with these experiences.

I've only shared them with a few friends and on rare occasions with folks that I've met For The First Time. I've named these events For-The-First-Time---because they have not happened before that moment---not have they been reenacted. If I were to share these things with a live Jungian type person it would be soul shaking to say the least.

I find it amazing that a stronger case of synchronicity has not surfaced on the WWW since I first learned about Carl Jung from a elderly friend of mine in September of 2007. I shared my experience with this person and this person would say things like, "O my word!". This elderly person explained to me For The First Time the term synchronicity. I said, "What?" I have a large family and they are all witnesses of these extraordinary events.

Some of these events involved more than six persons. Milady with astonished and laughing at the same time slapped me on the shoulders saying, "What going on here?" Before we married I told her that I had this Gift that works from time to time once in a blue moon---but I never knew when they would happen---but---beginning in 2003 they occured more frequently.

Milady tells me, "You have to be careful what you wish for!" I say, "I'm very careful!" Well anyway---that's enough rambling---maybe someone else who is a perosn of Reason and Logic with no biase non-sense will want me to share these events.

Thanks for reading

So are you claiming you cause these synchronicities or simply notice them?
Milady tells me, "You have to be careful what you wish for!" I say, "I'm very careful!" Well anyway---that's enough rambling---maybe someone else who is a perosn of Reason and Logic with no biase non-sense will want me to share these events.

Milady is correct. Becareful what you wish for. Because your wish could bite you on the arse.

There is no reason to happy what you got and welcome to sciforums.
Synchronicity works in business too and can be proven easily than ones personal life. The problem is to identify those events and act on them. Most people do not have the discipline to understand such events...

Do you have the disciplin to understan synchronus events in personal life an act on them.???