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I have been reading a lot of Jungian psychology lately, and he speaks of this phenomenon he called synchronicity. It happens when events in your life are all linked together, and these linked events all have the same meaning and they are occurring simultaneously. I've been noticing these synchronicities a lot after reading about them, and i noticed that it normally takes about three or four things with the same meaning to tie them all together and pinpoint its actual meaning. I was thinking lately that if we could learn to recognize these events earlier this could be a way of seeing into the future, or atleast a way of gaining the meaning behind what is going to happen. Eh?
I was thinking lately that if we could learn to recognize these events earlier this could be a way of seeing into the future, or atleast a way of gaining the meaning behind what is going to happen. Eh?

Synchronicity works in business too and can be proven easily than ones personal life. The problem is to identify those events and act on them. Most people do not have the discipline to understand such events and the strategic management books do not teach any methodology to accept such events let alone act on them.

That is why we are in such an economic mess - unable to make decisions where they count....
It might help if you post what the books says on recognizing these things, so we can all look out for them and help eachother out. :D it may take a bit of typing but its definately worth it
I thought this might be of interest ...

"One of the "classic" examples of synchronicity, told by Carl Jung himself, concerns a crisis that occurred during therapy. Jung's patient was a woman whose highly rational approach to life made any form of treatment particularly difficult. On one occasion the woman related a dream in which a golden scarab appeared. Jung knew that such a beetle was of great significance to ancient Egyptians for it was taken as a symbol of rebirth. As the woman was talking, the psychiatrist in his darkened office heard a tapping at the window behind him. He drew the curtain, opened the window, and in flew a gold-green scarab---called a rosechafer, a Cetonia Aureate. Jung showed the woman "her" scarab and from that moment the patient's excessive rationality was pierced and their sessions together became more profitable."

Source: Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Matter and Mind By F. David Peat
Hi, im new here. This is my first post, but I have been studying and experiencing Synchronicity for quite some time now, so I just thought I would add a few of my views:)

Synchronicitys possible link to telepathy is exactly where my search has lead me to so far... At this level of Phenomena, when it is separated from other more comprehendable mediums is very elusive.

It can actually seem like our Psychic content is not only being reflected in the outside world subjectively, but manifesting objectively as well. and in an abstract unpredictive manner.

The only way to even think about attempting to study this, would be to start recording times, type, intensity, regularity ect... of the events and sorting through, comparing and analysing logicaly with an imaginative intuitive and open mind.

Mabe patterns would emerge. But as this whole phenomena is void to any testing by instruments or devises, only experimentation could begin to attempt researching this field.

The thing is though, you cant keep exact records of your constant thought stream, with times ect... So it would take emmense efforts to conduct such a task.
If it is statistically significant then a theory can be developed with causality and nature there of....
Do you think there would be any point in developing such a theory?

and would it gain any control over such phenomena, or just a deeper understanding of the transmission of natural mechanics from subjective to objective, thought to matter?

Do you think we can only be aware of these thoughts and events passing through and happening to us?

and can we interact in other ways besides taking opportunity at passing events ?

Do you think synchronicity is a medium through which magikal practises operates?

can we make these events intentionaly, or simply flow with them?

Is it all just a deeper awareness of "what goes on behind the scenes of nature" - mabe all following the deep & True will/intent of "all"?
Do you think there would be any point in developing such a theory?

YES, if nothing else, this can provide the laws and methods that can be utilized for common good just as we use antibiotics to save lives after observing the mechanisms.

and would it gain any control over such phenomena, or just a deeper understanding of the transmission of natural mechanics from subjective to objective, thought to matter?

Control similar to our ability to manage external threats from developing all the tools.

Do you think we can only be aware of these thoughts and events passing through and happening to us?

It would be more than just awareness. It becomes a part of reality as we understand it.

and can we interact in other ways besides taking opportunity at passing events ?

Application of any tool lies in its ability to add value many different ways.

Do you think synchronicity is a medium through which magikal practises operates?

What is reality today (Wi-Fi, Cell phones) could be considered magik of yesterday...

can we make these events intentionaly, or simply flow with them?

I think, we can control the events as needed - once we understand the rules and structure.

Is it all just a deeper awareness of "what goes on behind the scenes of nature" - mabe all following the deep & True will/intent of "all"?

It is more like a layer of consciousness beyond our 3 layers (reptilian, limbic, neocortex) or something along these lines. It may be possible that we have a wi-fi communication infrastucture (whether chemical, electrical or electromagnetic) that interacts with the 4th layer that sorrounds us...the same research that has produced understanding in bio-electric communication between cells can have analog to the upper layers too...Plants communicate over a very wide area using chemical messengers...but cells do communicate via specific (perhaps encrypted) electric signals too...if such signals are picked up by earth's magnetic field and amplified and modulated....then we have a comm network.
Thanks for pushing up this thread. My problem is that my syncs are extremely useless and not very apt to give much insights... On the other hand they are extremely numerous - I got a reputation for that *sigh*.
I am curious, has anyone read Synchronicity: An Acausal
Connecting Principle
by Jung? If so, any thoughts?
Thank you for including me in your thoughtpattern kmguru.
I'm still around, but haven't much to say anymore.
Every discussion seems so old nowadays, or is it just me....getting old....
Thanks for your views kmguru:)

Im going to have a think about it.

I get lots of usefull syncros which seem to line up with my will/intent or mabe deeper su-concious will. also lots of random ones as well.

Its hard sometimes to separate the social ones from normal thought form activity. But i guess syncros ARE thought form activity, just on a higher level/frequency.
You are welcome , Bebelina. It does seem that way - nothing new anymore, rehashing old ones in new ways...but then again, basal human actions, thoughts and needs have not changed for thousands of years. Just minor changes such as the discovery that light once travelled trillions of times faster than the constant speed of light.

9/11 changed the pattern of activity the same way the last world wars did. This is a precursor to what is yet to come. May be, staying in synch can provide some insight as to where you are going and take some pre-emptive action.

In business world, situation seems to be returning to normal - but I can not help but thinking that with our new found complexity and information overload coupled with population growth, what would be the new structure look like? Can we see the light or just walk around like jombies, bumbling along the way.

Alan_ology, thank you for reading my post. May the universe show you the connections you seek.
I get lots of usefull syncros which seem to line up with my will/intent or mabe deeper su-concious will. also lots of random ones as well.
How are those syncs useful to you? I mean apart from telling you "be careful", "rather not" and "yesyesyes"? How can you get at the deeper meaning of them? What's the use if you say a thing and *bang* it happens? For me they are a confirmation of your 'being tuned in', but nothing more. Am still unclear whether there is more to it.

Another question: how do those syncs affect your personal life? Do people fear you or seek you out because they happen to you?

About 2 years ago I started having some synchronocities..

Like for example watching the number 11 all the time, on a lot of places..

My intuition is starting to "predict" the synchronocity just seconds before it happens..

Its fun, as If our subcounscious is "talking" with us, as if It as no borders, and is capable of being aware of everything around us, making the bridge from our mind to matter, and making us see these fantastic synchronicities..

Cause and Effect not always holds true with this phenomena :p