Thanks for posting links to your papers. You do deal with the current issues. Do you ever get any comments posted to your papers at that are noteworthy? Do you ever get into discussions with peers about the papers?
Thanks for clearing that up.Black-hole information paradox (GR is non-local)
According to the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST), the Higgs field is the remnant of the inflation field so Higgs field is composed of non-gravitating tachyons (gravitating relativistic objects cannot be superluminal). Gravitating objects produce gradients in the superluminal non-gravitating Higgs field - they are the gravitational fields.
Consider the gravitational field around a black hole. Photon (energy is information) is the rotational energy of the luminal gravitating Einstein-spacetime components i.e. of the very stable neutrino-antineutrino pairs the gravitating masses consist of (there can be neutrinos as well). Detection of the neutrino-antineutrino pairs (their resultant weak charge is equal to zero) is much difficult than neutrinos. Notice that in SST, photons do not follow from interactions of neutrinos in their pairs as it is postulated in other theories - they are the rotational energies of very stable neutrino-antineutrino pairs so in SST do not appear the known paradoxes.
Photons via the neutrino-antineutrino pairs (i.e. via their carriers) can interact with the Higgs field i.e. there can be transfer of rotational energy of a photon to the tachyons and vice versa.
The interactions of photons with the superluminal non-gravitating Higgs field cause that gravity is non-local. It solves the information paradox for black holes.
Emphasize once more that due to the Higgs field, which is the remnant of the inflation field, the General Theory of Relativity (GR) is NON-LOCAL.
The transmitted rotational energy of a photon does not change distribution of tachyons in gravitational field of the black hole - it changes rotational energies of the tachyons only - they can be transmitted to or from other free or bound tachyons in arbitrary regions of the Cosmos.
I wrote this post because there appeared a few incomplete theories that try to solve the information paradox. No one tries to solve the problem via the non-locality of GR.
You demonstrably do have time.I have no time for such "discussion".
Is there some reason why all your papers have to be so insistent about being "The Truth"?
Science is not about Truth.
Anything looks perfect - in a vacuum.Probability that such a theory is incorrect is practically equal to zero.
Anything looks perfect - in a vacuum.
I once built a beautiful house out of playing cards. It was perfect in every way - to me. Except that it could never be exposed to the slightest breath of wind, or it would tumble into a pile of chaos.
When you turn your back on external feedback, you are building a house of cards that looks perfect, no matter how frail it really is.
You know this.
Anything looks perfect - in a vacuum.
I once built a beautiful house out of playing cards. It was perfect in every way - to me. Except that it could never be exposed to the slightest breath of wind, or it would tumble into a pile of chaos.
When you turn your back on external feedback, you are building a house of cards that looks perfect, no matter how frail it really is.
You know this.