No demonstration, no evidence, no algebra. Precisely as I expected from you. You can't provide anything but vacuous posturing.
My advice for readers is as follows. You can press the field with my name, next the ‘Contact Info’ and next the ‘Home Page’. There is my book, the 120 pages A4 (soon there will be the 126 pages), 241 formulae derived from the 7 parameters only – they are recorded on the page 10 (soon the page 12). The math is very simple. On pages 10-25 (soon 12-27), I described the phase transitions which lead to the physical constants and to my EFFECTIVE M-theory (string/loop theory). On pages 104-105 (soon 106-108), the very simple calculations lead to the MINOS and OPERA data and to the 3 hours delay for the supernova SN 1987A. The obtained theoretical results are equal to the experimental and observational data.
All can see that there are indeed 7 parameters only.
All can see that the hundreds theoretical results consistent with the experimental data are derived from the 7 parameters.
All can see that scientific community neglects the internal structure of the bare particles and the spacetime. This causes that there is the very complicated math.
Below I explained it on base of the QED i.e. the hocus-pocus as said FEYNMAN.
The real picture of the electron is as follows. There is the Compton-size torus (today we cannot see it because it is the polarized Einstein spacetime only) – this is the electric charge so it has the electromagnetic mass only. In centre of torus, there is the ball i.e. the a little compressed Einstein spacetime responsible for the weak interactions. The weak mass is equal to the electromagnetic mass. This structure of bare electron is neglected in the QED. Outside the torus, there arise the virtual electron-positron pairs. They collapse and explode. This looks as the absorptions and the emissions of the photons by a photon ball. The diagrams in the QED are associated only with collapses and emissions. The hocus-pocus follows from the fact that the electromagnetic mass of an electron-positron pair is the same as the whole mass of the bare electron. In fact, the electron has electromagnetic and weak mass. In fact, the virtual pairs interact also weakly with the ball in the centre of torus. This follows from the fact that the bare mass of electron and the Einstein spacetime consist of the binary systems of neutrinos i.e. of the particles interacting weakly. Due to the weak and electromagnetic interactions of the virtual pairs with the real electron, there is emitted the radiation mass and this radiation mass is the scene for the Feynman diagrams. We can see that we can describe the radiation mass applying two methods.
1. The Feynman method is as follows.
We neglect the internal structure of bare electron. We take the real mass of electron from ceiling (this is the parameter in the QED) and next, due to the renormalization, we separate this real mass into the bare mass and the radiation mass. But the electromagnetic bare mass of the electron-positron pairs in the QED is the same as the whole mass of the bare electron in my theory. This means that due to the renormalization, the radiation mass is the same as in my theory. Next, we take from ceiling the fine structure constant (this is the parameter in the QED) and applying the perturbative theory (the diagrams) we calculate one thing or another.
For example, the central value for the electron magnetic moment in the Bohr magneton is
For muon is
2. My method is as follows.
We do not neglect the internal structure of bare electron and Einstein spacetime. The torus and the ball follow from the phase transitions of the fundamental spacetime and such phase transitions lead to my effective string theory. We calculate the mass of bare electron (see formula (18)), we calculate the fine structure constant (see formula (21)) and the coupling constant for the weak interactions (see formula (58)). There appears the radiation mass due to the electromagnetic and weak interactions between the virtual electron-positron pair and the real electron. There is only one diagram so my theory is the non-perturbative theory. Next, we calculate one thing or another.
For example, electron magnetic moment in the Bohr magneton is
For muon is
The experimental data are as follows. The central value for the electron is
For muon is
The results of subtraction of the experimental data and the results obtained within the QED are as follows
For electron is -21*10^-12 and for muon +29*10^-10
For my theory is as follows
For electron is +7*10^-12 and for muon -6*10^-10
Why my results are better? This is because in my theory the only one diagram is equivalent to the infinite number of diagrams in the QED. It is obvious that the theoretical results obtained within the QED are only for a few the first orders of the perturbation theory so the theoretical results obtained within the QED must be worse.
So once more: Where is the Feynman hocus-pocus? In the QED assumes that the bare mass is the electromagnetic mass only. This is not true but the electromagnetic mass of the electron-positron pairs is the same as the mass of the bare electron in my theory. This causes that due to the renormalization {m(radiation) = m(real) – m(bare)}the result of subtraction of the real mass and bare mass of electron in the QED and my theory is the same i.e. the radiation mass, due to the renormalization, is the same as in my theory. What it means? It means that within the QED we secretly assume that electromagnetic mass of electron is two times smaller than the bare mass of electron! We must change the mainstream picture of electron. We must eliminate the hocus-pocus. Then the QED becomes the very simple non-perturbative theory of electron described within my Everlasting Theory.