Below is the link to my new paper (2 pages)
The CMB and the Last-Scattering Cosmological Spheres
According to the Scale-Symmetric Everlasting Theory (S-SET), the very early Universe was the loop composed of protogalaxies built of the neutron black holes. Due to the succeeding inflows of the dark energy, there was the exit of the loop from its black-hole state and the loop transformed into the expanding sphere. The Milky-Way Galaxy is very close to the centre of the expanding Universe so we cannot see directly the first stage of evolution of the early Universe. But due to some phenomena, the early binary systems and clusters of protogalaxies are imprinted on the CMB. Due to the mergers of the protogalaxies during the unseen period of evolution, the number of observed today clusters of galaxies should be smaller than it follows from the CMB and such conclusion is consistent with the observational facts. Here, I answered following question: Why we cannot see directly the evolution of the early Universe whereas we can see the CMB with coded initial number of clusters of protogalaxies?
Why the mainstream cosmology is incorrect?
On the CMB are imprinted clusters of galaxies. From the CMB follows that there should be about 2.4 times more clusters of galaxies than observed. It leads to conclusion that initial period of evolution of the Universe is unseen (some clusters should merge) i.e. that age of the Universe is greater than 13.8 Gyr.
In the very distant Universe we should see tremendous number of first-generation big stars, we should see tremendous number of dwarf galaxies and we should see tremendous number of merging dwarf galaxies. We do not see it. There are already the massive galaxies. It suggests as well that we cannot see the first stage of evolution of the Universe.
The initial conditions applied in the mainstream cosmology do not lead to the origin of the dark matter, dark energy and physical constants.
In expanding spacetime the physical constants cannot be constant. Just there does not expand the Higgs field and the Einstein spacetime. There expands the dark energy which is a very small additional part of the Einstein spacetime. The initial conditions should show the origin of creation of the dark energy.
Ludwig et al. (2009) derived solar ages from 1.7 to 22.3 Gyr applying very credible method (the Th/Eu ratio). It as well leads to conclusion that age of the Universe is longer. Of course, there is some uncertainty of these results but it cannot be +- 8Gyr! Moreover, the data concern our Galaxy i.e. the closest cosmos.
Within the mainstream cosmology we cannot explain the exit of the Universe from the black-hole state.
There are not in existence the B-modes associated with gravitational waves. It leads to conclusion that there was a separation in time of the inflation and the big bang of our Universe.
In the very distant Universe there are too many barred galaxies. It is inconsistent with simulations grounded on the Cosmological Standard Model.
There is the UV-photon underproduction crisis.
And so on…
Such problems do not appear within the Scale-Symmetric Everlasting Theory.
We need the New Cosmology.
We need as well the new theory of proton and neutron because the three-valence-quarks model leads astray i.e. within this model we cannot calculate exact properties of nucleons.
We can calculate them within S-SET.