I made a typo, it should be $$L^{2}$$. But I'm sure you knew that
given how you claim to be familiar with quantum field theory...
Can you prove it? Can you prove that my interpretation is incorrect?
I'll rephrase : the claim of yours that superluminal neutrinos were observed from said supernova is not a foregone conclusions, as you present it to be. There exist models which explain the data and which have the neutrinos as subluminal.
I find it funny you jump on me saying "Oh yeah? Can you prove me wrong?" when I challenge you but you have no problem challenging the mainstream while ignoring how there are explanations in contradiction to your claim. Hypocrisy thy name is Sylwester.
Yes, today, due to the negative results, the SM needs altering.
No such negative results exist. Can you provide any from a reputable source? Given you cannot even read magazine websites properly, as illustrated a few posts up on this very page, I question your ability to read current literature on the state of particle physics.
The Everlasting Theory leads to the physical constants and hundreds theoretical results consistent or very close to experimental data. No one of the mainstream theories can do it so can you prove that my book and papers have not scientific merit?
You know full well I have explained a fundamental inconsistency with your work, namely your denouncement of the SM while simultaneously claiming to have accurately predicted the value of physical parameters whose extraction from experimental data presently
depends upon the use of the SM. Your inability to retort this fundamental flaw, despite a number of years passing since I pointed it out to you, is sufficient.
AlphaNumeric, why in your posts there is lack of scientific arguments?
1. You wouldn't recognise scientific arguments even if they get you a prostate check. 2. Threads started by you to spew nonsense about your delusions of competency are hardly places I'm going to post scientific work. 3. The scientific research I undertake as a professional researcher is covered under NDAs and the like. 4. You're too stupid to understand actual science anyway.