Survival and Sex

Survival and Sex - perhaps the two most important forces directing/underpinning human behavior.


I know we rehash this often, but, again, I was thinking about the "Why do people believe in God" thread and one of the main, if not THE main reason, people believe in God is because they don't want to accept eventual oblivion.

It's not so much about a belief in Gods. It's about ANY belief that offers life after death.
Judaism, for example, is pretty silent about an afterlife.

In order to be a successful religious meme you MUST offer some form of life after death.
Then why doesn't Judaism?
- Polytheisms usually have some sort of Heaven/Hell.
- Monotheism have Heaven/Hell.
- Buddhism has reincarnation.
Except the idea is to learn how NOT to be reincarnated.
BUT, what about Sex? Sex USED to be an important element in religion. Can you find a Pyramid without a big penis etched or painted into it? It used to be so important for humans to express sex in their religion. This changed over time, I have my ideas why, but, I was wondering what you guys think?
Well, certain religions gained dominance. And what a great way to go about it if you make people feel guilty about their own urges. Thus the struggle becomes within oneself instead of with power outside oneself. Which is a politically expedient shift for empire builders.
I said wayyyy exaggerated. There are many complications that come along with sex too and living a promiscuous life is not so easy to do. People get attached to the other person, you hurt people and they take revenge on you or you get hurt yourself and call the woman a slut etc. when she doesnt love you back and just had sex with you, you get diseases that can kill you.

bonbos dont seem to care one way or the other and they are our closest relitives
bonbos dont seem to care one way or the other and they are our closest relitives

Bonobos dont have the intelligence of humans, so in that sense you are correct that just going out and having sex every chance you get is a sign of low intelligence or some kind of mental issue.
Post #22 does nothing whatsoever to support your position.
Bonobos are a different species.
You're comparing apples and oranges.
For one thing bonobos don't have the social strictures that humans do: therefore any correlation between their (lack of) intelligence and frequency of sex is specious supposition on your part.
Now in the case of the bonobos: clearly this is due to low intellectual capacity. With humans it can be low intellect but most often is a sign of some mental problem. Could be something as simple as low self esteem, drug and alcohol addiction is also high up there, but some of these mental problems can be very serious. I am not talking about two people in a long relationship.
Now in the case of the bonobos: clearly this is due to low intellectual capacity.
Wrong. Clearly you're barking up the wrong tree.

With humans it can be low intellect but most often is a sign of some mental problem. Could be something as simple as low self esteem, drug and alcohol addiction is also high up there, but some of these mental problems can be very serious. I am not talking about two people in a long relationship.
You're not talking sense either.
Where is your data?
Or are, as usual, simply inventing your own correlations?
Yet you still haven't given any supporting data.
I mean, by your "reasoning", snails (not a species particularly noted for their vivacity of wit or stunning grasp of abstruse subjects) should be shagging themselves to death 24/7.
Yet they aren't.
How do you explain that?
Yet you still haven't given any supporting data.
I mean, by your "reasoning", snails (not a species particularly noted for their vivacity of wit or stunning grasp of abstruse subjects) should be shagging themselves to death 24/7.
Yet they aren't.
How do you explain that?

Uh oh.. next, John will be claiming that snails aren't even animals.
Why is it a criminal offense in almost every country to walk around without pants if your a guy and without a bra and pants if a girl? because sex thought of as something natural? give me a break.
Is 'something natural' and 'a world where sex rules' interchangeable?
We should ask you to show us some proof.

Let's just take the phrase "something natural". What is "natural" for humans? Many spend most of their lives avoiding anything others would call "natural". Perhaps some humans are naturally un-natural.
Further, is your idea of 'natural' a better or "more natural' definition than the next?
In short, your psychobabble is only that.
bonbos dont seem to care one way or the other and they are our closest relitives

Bonobos are a different species.
You're comparing apples and oranges.
For one thing bonobos don't have the social strictures that humans do: therefore any correlation between their (lack of) intelligence and frequency of sex is specious supposition on your part.

Thank you.

More of asgaurd's nonsense refuted.

That was a very interesting little essay. Thank you.

Sex in religion? Yes. Personally, I see sex in everything. It is inevitable simply due to the fact that humans are obsessed with sex.