
Is it possible humans wrote these holy books?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
I did not - I said that THAT could scare the shit out of me. I read an interview with one of the Sunni trainers/handlers in Iraq. He was atheist. He used naive kids from KSA to carry out attacks and dressed them up to think they were martyrs. But he wasn't. He as just fighting against people he viewed as invaders. My point was that if I was somehow in the hands of someone who was a believer and they were going to kill me. That would scare the crap out of me.

You know what scares me? Stupid people who think they're intelligent. Idiots who think they know why the things going on around them are actually happening.

I was thinking, suppose I made it to the top echelons, you know, like Tom Cruise. And then I suppose they take you into this room where Ron is videotaped sitting there saying Congregations you've made it to the top of the CoS and now we will tell you the big secret. I made the whole thing up and this is just a big scam to make money :D

Why, I'd be shocked! Shocked I tells ya!

Okay, so modern-day Scientology applies in what way to the premise of this thread?

I'm surprised you're still lurking :p

I'm surprised you still haven't been placed in a mental institution.

Here why don't you answer the question and give an example from you're own beleif.

Why don't you stop blabbering on about bullshit I don't care about?

What are your thoughts on this: Protesters burn Indonesian mosque

It's things like this which compel me to believe that punching you in the face should be legal. You gave me this exact same link a few weeks ago, and I posted my full opinion of it. Guess what? Predictably, you've posted the same link again, and want my opinions ... yet again. You know what? Fuck that, and fuck arguing with you. I feel ashamed for wasting this much time on your hopeless ass.

You really must be having a hard time in life. Try not to get so wrapped up in Sciforums. It's simply a webforum.

Yes, I posted that link before - so what? It makes the point in this thread and that's why it's posted here. Again, these are Indonesian people, same ethnicity, same culture, same language, same socioeconomic status - VERY SLIGHT difference in the INTERPRETATION of mythology. Yet, we have these other guys holding a Qur'an in one hand and a torch in the other scaring the shit out of them. I'd say that THESE actions are what is scary about a religous book. NOT the book per say - but how it brings about such an intolerance and how it can be used to justify in the name of a magical sky-daddy the most heinous of actions. Do people act like arse holes anyway? Sure they do. "Nationalism", similar to religion, can bring our the best and the worst in people.

Although, to be fair, Buddhism seems to be evolving into a pretty damn fine faith.

Try not to pop a blood vessel over there Kadark and try to remember that everyone else has just as much (or probably much more) stress as you.

Okay, so modern-day Scientology applies in what way to the premise of this thread?

I also noticed you just pop on in here, rant for a bit, then leave.

here was the Supposition:

Suppose there is no God.

Just for a moment - stop and suppose there is no God.

HOW did the Torah come about?
HOW did the Bible come about?
HOW did the Qur'an come about?

Is it possible for humans to have written such books?
Well - you didn't answer the questions. So? How about it? HOW did the Qur'an come about? Is it possible for there is no God and humans have written the Qur'an?

In regards to Scientology, it fits the supposition. Is it possible that the books and teachings of Ron Hubbard were made up entirely by him? Yeah, sure it is. Actually, it's probably pretty likely that it was. The CoS probably has as much divine inspiration as John Frumism, Islam, Xiantiy or etc... which is to say it's all written by men. Isn't it sad that in such a day and age poor Muslims over in Indonesia must suffer the wrath of some KooKs who can't make such a simple distinction? Oh well.
I noticed your posts, Michael.

And guess what? It's the same repetitive bullshit. You know, arguing with you is like arguing with a wall. Hell, it's worse than that: I can confidently say that I've had more intriguing discussions in the past with my own genitals. Why is that, Michael? Is it because you're a walloping dickhead who harasses me with questions that I've constantly answered throughout my Sciforums tenure? Is that why, Michael? The fact that you cannot see the problem with asking for my opinions about the same article twice is enough evidence for me to conclude that you're an asswipe. I wish it ended there, Michael, but we both know it doesn't. You're not an "if your face" asswipe, which is what really pisses me off. You're more of a dangly-cunt kind of asswipe, with mind-bogglingly retarded remarks here and there.

In case you haven't noticed (which wouldn't surprise me at all), the topic of this thread interests me about as much as tetraneutrons. I was merely commenting on your off-topic, highly-inaccurate rants against religion's involvements within social and political events. So yeah ... I'm at a loss for words here. You get my point though, right?
I can confidently say that I've had more intriguing discussions in the past with my own genitals.
Haaaaa! That was funny.

kadark, I can not remember exactly every single little question that I proposed or remark I've made in every and all threads.

I thought this was a relatively new one:

Suppose there is no God.

Just for a moment - stop and suppose there is no God.

HOW did the Torah come about?
HOW did the Bible come about?
HOW did the Qur'an come about?

Is it possible for humans to have written such books?

You see, some people will say no it is impossible for men to have written such books. Well, they'll say yeah, any book but my precious.

I find it very fascinating that someone could really truely believe that Ron Hubbard (or Mohammad or whomever) were inspired by a God to write these books. It's sort of mind-boggling to me.

Just imagine there was this ulternate universe where one group of Robots cut the electricity supply from another group of robots and was EVEN trying to reformat their hard drives - ALL OVER THIS:


You see the one Group of Robots KNEW that only the GREAT programmer could have written such beautiful code :D
Michael said:
You see the one Group of Robots KNEW that only the GREAT programmer could have written such beautiful code :D


kadark, I can not remember exactly every single little question that I proposed or remark I've made in every and all threads.

A case of (conveniently) selective memory?

I thought this was a relatively new one:

Yeah, well you clearly thought wrong. Do you expect me to apologize or something?

Well, I suppose I will apologize for defecating on you, alongside relieving my testicular "waterworks" on your forehead. For that, I am truly sorry.
Wow, indeed.

S.A.M. said:

Wow what an argument.

Well we learned something about Kadark today, for sure. I'm not sure coprophiliac masturbation is necessarily a new standard in the Religion forum, but I confess I've underestimated Kadark:

Kadark said:

Well, I suppose I will apologize for defecating on you, alongside relieving my testicular "waterworks" on your forehead.

More to the topic itself, though, I do wonder how something so sublime as these holy books are supposed to be can bring such devastation. Did God not know what His Word would bring? Or did He look over the names written in the Book of Life before time began, see how we got from A to Z, shrug, and say, "It is good"?

It's a bit of a conundrum that is easily reconciled if we accept that these books are human interpretations. Even if we hold that God inspired or created these books, the expressions of sublimity are subject to the limitations of human communication.
Just for a moment - stop and suppose there is no Great Programmer.
Is it possible for Robots to have written such code?

IS is possible that:
00100010001101010011001010110010100100100100100101 01001
01001010010101010101010101010100100100010001101010 01100
10101100101001001001001001010100100100010001101010 01110
10101100101001001001001001010100110010010010010010 10101
10010001000110101011001010010101010000100100100101 01000
00100010001101010011001010110010100100100100100101 01001
01001010010101010101010101010100100100010001101010 01100
10101100101001001001001001010100100100010001101010 01110
10101100101001001001001001010100110010010010010010 10101
10010001000110101011001010010101010000100100100101 01000

Was written by other robots and not a Great Programmer?

Well, I suppose I will apologize for defecating on you, alongside relieving my testicular "waterworks" on your forehead. For that, I am truly sorry.
Well then Kadark, I will also apologize, I apologize for causing you to ponder :idea: Actually, Satan and I had a bet :deal:, She was pretty sure you'd lose your eternal soul somewhere on these Sciforums, whereas me, I knew you would.

Well we learned something about Kadark today, for sure. I'm not sure coprophiliac masturbation is necessarily a new standard in the Religion forum, but I confess I've underestimated Kadark:

Shut up, you greasy mut. I only do it because it satisfies your disgruntled mother. In your sick, twisted mind, I'm doing something "wrong", aren't I?

More to the topic itself, though, I do wonder how something so sublime as these holy books are supposed to be can bring such devastation.

Books don't cause devastation, unless you're referring to some sort of deforestation. Even then, however, you're wrong.

Well then Kadark, I will also apologize, I apologize for causing you to ponder :idea: Actually, Satan and I had a bet :deal:, She was pretty sure you'd lose your eternal soul somewhere on these Sciforums, whereas me, I knew you would.


You missed a spot.

How embarrassing.
Well someone picked NO :D

Anyway, I've often heard that the Bible is the inerrant word of God or that the Qur'an is soooo perfect no human could have possibly written it...

Hence my question.
I think aliens wrote those books while taking a lunch break from building stonehenge and the pyramids.