summer time

You mentioned landing sites; 90% (at least) of all alleged landing sites are merely crop circles. The only highly-publicised non-circle sites were Provence and a couple in New South Wales, as far as I remember.

Completely incorrect! There are a huge number on cases on record where UFOs have left landing traces. I can think of half a dozen straight off the top of my head. Soccoro 1964, Delphos, Cash Laudram Case etc etc..To say that so called landing sites are crop circles is total nonsense. For a start, crop circles have only been common since the late 1970s.

I see. So they're not covering this up because of contacts; every government on Earth is covering up evidence of aliens because... why? They think we don't deserve to know?

There are a number of vey good reasons that governments are secretive about UFOs. Not only that, who says that every government on Earth is covering it up? The Belgians happen to be very open about the fact that during their wave in 1990 that there was 'something going on that was outside of their control.'

Perhaps you recall the situation a few years ago when a large balloon was accidentally released over a US city (Chicago, I think). Hundreds of people reported UFOs that night. Coincidence?

I never said that balloons never cause UFO reports. My point was that they are often credited with the blame in cases even when it's patently obvious to someone with half a brain that it could not be the answer. For example, arch de-bunker Phillip Klass says the Mexican wave of UFO is being caused by ballooons. Completely laughable to anyone who knows the facts surrounding it.

To refine your figure slightly: none of these sightings involved zippy metallic craft. None.

Completely and utterly incorrect. A vast number of sightings do feature 'zippy metallic craft. To deny otherwise makes me realise that you know very little about this subject.

When have UFOs ever purportedly affected nuclear missiles?

Again, it simply seems that you do not know the subject very well as there have been a number of incidents in both USA and Russia where this has happened when UFOs have hovered over missile silos. Off the top of my head I can't recall the names of the bases. Some of the testimony aired in the Disclosure Project discussed one of these cases recently. Aircraft weapons systems have also been affected. Eg. The Tel Aviv case in 1976 when an F4 Phantom lost control of its weapons system when chasing a UFO. A case that was uncovered when the document pertaining to the incident was released.
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Har har...

Hi Spadge,

Not only that, who says that every government on Earth is covering it up? The Belgians happen to be very open about the fact that during their wave in 1990 that there was 'something going on that was outside of their control.'

LOL :). Okay, I remember the 1990/1991 UFO wave here (check rightside of this post for my location). There were reports of UFO's hovering above lakes in Verviers, spotted by several patrolling policemen and respectable citizens (not just the local John Doe). I do not recall the governement being open about what happened, they were simply ashamed to learn that one of the two (or was it both?) F-16 pilots who had been dispatched to intercept the UFO, appearantly did not know how to operate the onboard camera, leaving no evidence but some radar bleeps (sidenote: there was amateur video footage). The military did declare that they had absolutely no idea what was going on (they denied reports of American and/or Russian testflights of new aircraft in the Belgian airspace).

I would also like to add that it was enormously hyped in the local press, sometimes taking things to the extreme. So you'd have to be carefull deciding that something said here was real or fictious. Official declarations are sparse in this issue.


the menu w/ your location is not on the right side of your post, it is on the left :D

and, i remember seeing something on TLC or something on that. it was a while ago.... it was either in belgium,or washington....


Yes, sorry I did phrase that wrongly. It was indeed the Belgian Air Force who were the ones to come clean. They held a press conference where they displayed the radar tapes of the F16s to the press and Colonel Wilfred De Brower admitted that there was something going on in Belgian airspace that they did not understand. Wilfred De Brower also went on to say that he thought the answer to the mystery was likely to be extraterrestrial which is quite an admission if you think about it.

My main point was that could you possibly imagine the USA or British military giving such a press conference? Well, there's currently not a cat in hell's chance of anything like that ever happening. They won't tell us anything.

I have seen the video that was taken and there is also a photograph which, when light blasted, showed up the now famous triangular UFO with lights at each corner which was also reported in a mass wave in Britain exactly a year later. Strangely enough it happened to be on exactly the same night as the wave in Belgium the year before.

I have also heard a taped interview with one of the F16 pilots and believe me, their was no doubt in his mind that the craft was extraterrestrial. I was very interesting listening to him talk.

I am aware that the media in Belgium hyped the story a lot but it need to be remembered that the UFOs were seen by a huge amount of people which included at least a dozen gendarmerie. Not only that, but they were independently tracked by two ground radar stations simutaneously in Glans and Semmerzake. There was a geniune mystery here and it was not all down to media hype.
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