Suicide Bombings in the Bible !!

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
NEVER, there is nothing in the noble Quran about suicide bombings.
Proud Syrian

Can you explain what the Islam views are on suicide bombings? arc...qi Women Suicide Bombers

Here is an extract from the link I have provided:

The two separate videotapes showed the women vowing to strike at US-led invaders. “I swear to God to sacrifice myself in jihad (holy war) against infidel Americans, British and Israelis to defend my country’s beloved soil,” said one of the women, holding a rifle and placing the other hand on the Qur’an.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
NEVER, there is nothing in the noble Quran about suicide bombings.

If the Jews are being hypocrites for not suicide bombing, aren't you just the opposite and being hypocritical for doing the suicide bombings.
Originally posted by guthrie
And your point was?

my point was some people in the west are is ok to bash and insult Islam and Muslims, but it is CRIME for muslims to defend their religion or even dare to criticize christians or jews.
Ahh, simplification. Ive not seen anyone bashing muslims and then saying no no, you cant argue back, because your the evil bad guys. However, ive seen people say you shouldnt use suicide bombers and terrorism to fight back. Of course it makes them look a bit bad because it lumps the moderates in with the extremists, but essentially, its the terrorism etc they dislike.

How about, you criticise jews and christians, and they critiscise muslims, OK?

And you can all criticise atheists and agnostics.
Scepticism: An anti-viral agent

Let us return to our list of symptoms that someone afflicted with the mental virus of faith, and its accompanying gang of secondary infections, may expect to experience.

4. The sufferer may find himself behaving intolerantly towards vectors of rival faiths, in extreme cases even killing them or advocating their deaths. He may be similarly violent in his disposition towards apostates (people who once held the faith but have renounced it); or towards heretics (people who espouse a different --- often, perhaps significantly, only very slightly different --- version of the faith). He may also feel hostile towards other modes of thought that are potentially inimical to his faith, such as the method of scientific reason which may function rather like a piece of anti-viral software.

The threat to kill the distinguished novelist Salman Rushdie is only the latest in a long line of sad examples. On the very day that I wrote this, the Japanese translator of The Satanic Verses was found murdered, a week after a near-fatal attack on the Italian translator of the same book. By the way, the apparently opposite symptom of ``sympathy'' for Muslim ``hurt,'' voiced by the Archbishop of Canterbury and other Christian leaders (verging, in the case of the Vatican, on outright criminal complicity) is, of course, a manifestation of the symptom we discussed earlier: the delusion that faith, however obnoxious its results, has to be respected simply because it is faith.

Murder is an extreme, of course. But there is an even more extreme symptom, and that is suicide in the militant service of a faith. Like a soldier ant programmed to sacrifice her life for germ-line copies of the genes that did the programming, a young Arab or Japanese [??!] is taught that to die in a holy war is the quickest way to heaven. Whether the leaders who exploit him really believe this does not diminish the brutal power that the ``suicide mission virus'' wields on behalf of the faith. Of course suicide, like murder, is a mixed blessing: would-be converts may be repelled, or may treat with contempt a faith that is perceived as insecure enough to need such tactics.

quoted from
Richard Dawkins
Article in Free Inquiry Summer 1993 pg 34-41
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Proud Syrian

They condemn the Palestinian Suicide Bomber Martyrs

I want to back up a little. Your original statement sends a very
clear message. Had you stated:

"They condemn the Palestinian Suicide Bombers"

then I could accept the purpose of the thread; however, seeing
as you stated:

"They condemn the Palestinian Suicide Bomber Martyrs"

It becomes clear that you support this behavior. This combined
with your self-acknowledged "Typical Arab Hot Temper" really
contradict your attempts to sell the Muslim religion as the ultimate
desensitized religion.

Anyhow, whens the last time a story in the bible talked about
kidnapping, drugging, and brainwashing children to become
explosive devices for the sheer purpopse of eliciting terror (not
that I don't think that Christianity has had significant violence
problems throughout history).