Suicide Bombings in the Bible !!



Suicide Bombing in the Bible:

Jews and Christians are really clear hypocrites! They condemn the Palestinian Suicide Bomber Martyrs who are defending their lands and trying to drive the Israeli occupation out of their lands with every way they can, while intentionally ignoring the fact that their very own Bible allows suicide bombing.

The story of the Mighty Samson:

"Self sacrifice" and giving your life away intentionally and taking as many enemy lives with you as possible for the sake of GOD Almighty and your people exists in the Bible. Let us look at the story of the Mighty Samson in the Bible:

"Samson said to the servant who held his hand, "Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them." Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. Then Samson prayed to the LORD, "O Sovereign LORD , remember me. O God, please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes." Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines!" Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived. (From the NIV Bible, Judges 16:26-30)"

As we clearly see from the Bible, Samson gave his life for his people by killing as much from the enemy as possible.

Samson prayed to GOD to give him back his power (Samson lost his power after the seven braids of his hair were shaven by Delilah and her people while he was sleeping, Judges 16:1-20), and GOD Almighty granted him that revoked power back. Samson then was able to bring the temple down upon him and his enemies.
That has nothing to do with the topic of the debate:

we are debtating suicide bombings in the you have anything to say about it ?
Troll Spam

What, are you going to post this in every thread as well as one all its own?

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, spamity spam, wonderfull spam!

why no one answer !!!!!

are you to embarrased to answer !!!

Hmmm, ok then.

What sort of bombs were there in the Bible?

Dirty bombs, atomic, nuclear, ......what sort?:confused:
Originally posted by Vienna
Hmmm, ok then.

What sort of bombs were there in the Bible?

Dirty bombs, atomic, nuclear, ......what sort?:confused:

The same sort that you guys claim is in the Quran.
If you are talking about Samson can I tell you that happened around 3,200 years ago.

If you insist on bringing up quotes from the Bible let me tell you that Islam is based on the Old Testament and the Qur'an.

So Samson also applies to Islam.

You make a habit of taking the piss out of yourselves.
Originally posted by Vienna
If you are talking about Samson can I tell you that happened around 3,200 years ago.

If you insist on bringing up quotes from the Bible let me tell you that Islam is based on the Old Testament and the Qur'an.

So Samson also applies to Islam.

You make a habit of taking the piss out of yourselves.

Samson was fiction and not part of Quran. Only Bible has fiction. Wasn't he the homo with long hair or something with the super power fantasy?:bugeye:
Well, yes.

If you insist on bringing up quotes from the Bible let me tell you that Islam is based on the Old Testament and the Qur'an.
I fail to see how the terms of an old covenant are any more--or even equally--relevant to an evolution of the faith as compared to a "fulfilment," such as Jesus was.
Hang on, so your saying these muslims nowadays are copying an old jewish bloke?

I thought it took years of arguing and debating in the late 70's/ early 80's before suicide bombing became an accepted weapon against enemies. Or in other words, the Quran was reinterpreted.
I'm wondering what is the purpose of your rantings other than propaganda? Do you just like to piss people off? Because you are not influencing anyone to join in support of your cause. You are a great example of muslim fanatics all over the world- piss off your enemies until they attack you, then claim to be the victim.

Anyway, christians and jews are still not hipocrites in condeming suicide bombers. Samson killed philistines not Jews. Also, the suicide bombers kill fellow muslims, too, this is greatly hipocritical. Samson just killed his enemies. Samson must have gone to hell, too, as he violated the first commandment, thou shall not kill.

You don't need to wonder why people hate muslims, you are actively encouraging people on this board to hate you, its a reflection of your philosophy.
Originally posted by ScrollMaker
In the Qu'ran does it say that you should commit suicide bombings?

NEVER, there is nothing in the noble Quran about suicide bombings.
Originally posted by spidergoat
I'm wondering what is the purpose of your rantings other than propaganda? Do you just like to piss people off? Because you are not influencing anyone to join in support of your cause. You are a great example of muslim fanatics all over the world- piss off your enemies until they attack you, then claim to be the victim.

Get a life dont say your same filthy crap to those who bash Islam and start threads deemed very insulting to Muslims.

It only enforces our beliefs in the Muslim world that you are bunch of FILTHY HYPOCRITES.
Jews and Christians are really clear hypocrites! They condemn the Palestinian Suicide Bomber Martyrs who are defending their lands and trying to drive the Israeli occupation out of their lands with every way they can, while intentionally ignoring the fact that their very own Bible allows suicide bombing.
Your Quran says that all unbelievers are hypocrites. That is the only reason why you chose to call us hypocrites isn't it? Perhaps the true mark of hyprocrisy is sticking to what your book says and not your heart.
The great difference between these religions seems to be a difference of prophets, i.e. Christ-ianity recognises Jesus as a prophet, or saviour, while other religions do not. However this does not mean that the religions do not have the same foundation or roots.

One will read in (the Old testament of) the Bible, of Moses, who is recognised as a major prophet by other religions, while only being a prelude to Jesus in Christianity. Having written this Moses apparently did (and does) play a major part in Christianity, though i suspect he is not as highly recognised in Christianity as he is in other religions.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Get a life dont say your same filthy crap to those who bash Islam and start threads deemed very insulting to Muslims.

It only enforces our beliefs in the Muslim world that you are bunch of FILTHY HYPOCRITES.

You just proved his point........
Originally posted by spidergoat
You are a great example of muslim fanatics all over the world- piss off your enemies until they attack you, then claim to be the victim.
I wonder if your knowledge of history is large enough for this to be true. :)