Sufi-Islamic Philosophy : Allah (1) and His 99 Attributes

Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
heflores, Now u take that 200$ thank Allah and give it to a worthy cause :D .

typical Allahmath, we love you man even though we rebel occasionaly....just whisle if those freaks are misbehaving in politics.

Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
Hey and on psychiatry , I consider them all a bunch of wankers who merely try to repress (just as every other discipline tries) instead of solve so that it wont happen again .

Absolutely Amen to that. That's exactly my idealogy regarding all disciplines, specailly the social and environmental sciences, even economics, all of them are bull shit.....Keep putting and replacing a bandage on an oozing site.

Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
I wasnt raised on the Qu'ran , i knew the very basics of God and the first Abrahamic book I started to read was the Bible

Looks to me like you had very good open minded parents. Are you sure you didn't get send to a Saturday or Sunday Quran memorization school. Most Saudis memorize the entire Quran at the age of 5.....Wow, what kindda of understanding or appreciation can a 5 year old have?
I was not too outspoken about religion when I was young and through my teenage years, but I definetly have formulated many views already in my mind. The first thing that turned me off Islam was seeing contradictions in the surrounding muslims. I was raised in Egypt, and lived for 2 years in Saudi while my dad wsa working there, so I heard the call to prayer 6 times a day, or more, I saw many many people praying together, I saw people wearing Islamic wear, I saw them glorifying the name of god in a circle of beads, ect,,ect.....But their life was really empty from Islam....Fathers didn't befriends their sons and daughters properly, fathers discriminated between a daughter and a son, husbands didn't respect their wives, the streets were filthy dirty, while their houses from inside were full of gold and beautifull decorations, noone gave a hoot about the environment, ect..ect....So I associated Islam at such a young age with the muslims that I saw. I was also heavily involved in sports and travelling the world with the little Gymnastic wear, something although I liked, I couldn't find justification for in the Quran or Hadith, actually it appeared to me that me playing sports is a sin, at least by the traditional muslims views. I became an Atheists....I started questioning everything, but I really never questioned the concept of one god, but I questioned Prophet Muhammed, his Sunna, the Quran, the Islamic history. I wanted people to tell me, fine what we are doing is not Islam, it's our tradition, but no....they refuse to call it tradition, they call it Islam..and I wanted nothing to do with that Islam.

I later moved with my Sis to the US, I was born in the US, so I had the citizenship, and moving back was easy. My dad remained to teach in Saudi as Mechanical Engineering Prof. I loved the US....My first job was working in a Senior Citizen lunch Cafeteria. I volunteered to do everything from Cashier, to wiping floors and cleaning the toilets. I had so much energy that I felt was repressed back home. 3 month later I got into the Engineering school and it only took 3 years to finish Bachelor with Cum Laude....I was serious as hell and didn't meat any boys, I specially avoided all contacts with arabs, they looked really funny and stuck on their old ways. My current husband saw me and asked me out and I told him to call my dad on the phone on Saudi and ask his permission....He did...I really didn't expect him to. He studies Islam on his own and converted, although it wouldn't have made a difference to me if he stayed christian, I was very confused then...I was ready to marry him at any cost.....he converted and we got married and had two children, Now, he's at peace with his god and he's the convert, and Im the muslim by birth and still not at full peace with myself.....I haven't really found my religion of Islam right, isn't that a sad story.

Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
Oh and a good read (at least certain aspects of it) is :
Sigmund Freud - psychopathology of everyday life
I could send u if u wish , I have it in PDF .

Please send it to me, it looks like a good read and different from anything I have read on the subject.
