Sufficient humans to repopulate?

I have said I was wrong on many thing before, but I am never saying I am wrong to a jerk that calls me a “dumbass” every other thread, second I have not been wrong on this subject yet: I have stated that it is unlikely for a single pregnant female to repopulate a species without either die off all together from inbreeding or result in a new variant or even species from gross genetypical and phenotypical changes… so far no one has argued against me on these points only attack me with ad hominems and strawmen on things I never said.
yes....for some species it is really easy...

for instance C. elegans.

pick one up, put it on a new plate...and there you have your new colony.
We are talking about a hermaphroditic nematode here, I already made exception for hermaphroditic, especially ones that can self fertilize.
take one pregant fruitfly...or one mouse...doesn't matter. Big litter mates simplify having partners for the next generation I guess.
Really never heard of it, but then again I have not done much with fruit flies (aside from a single graded mutagen experiment)
Dam it to hell if its going to be paulsamuel! I'll ask Dr. Kvaal here at SCSU about it, he might know, hes a real professor and he does not have the maturity of a snobbish 6 year old.
This would seem to support WellCookedFetus's position on HUMAN
repopulation of a species. Low birth rate, usually only one offspring
produced at a time.

A multilocus stochastic model is developed to simulate the dynamics of mutational load in small populations of various sizes. Old mutations sampled from a large ancestral population at mutation-selection balance and new mutations arising each generation are considered jointly, using biologically plausible lethal and deleterious mutation parameters. The results show that inbreeding depression and the number of lethal equivalents due to partially recessive mutations can be partly purged from the population by inbreeding, and that this purging mainly involves lethals or detrimentals of large effect. However, fitness decreases continuously with inbreeding, due to increased fixation and homozygosity of mildly deleterious mutants, resulting in extinctions of very small populations with low reproductive rates.

It would be nice if you could post a reference to dam all those that might disbelieve.
still...there seems to be no theoretical hindrance to the notion of one pregnant female repopulation the human species. People have been presenting the worst case scenarios of inbreeding, but not all scenarios have to be worst case.

hence my position is still the same.
Re: swede

Originally posted by paulsamuel
you're too ignorant to understand the concept

whew! flew right over your head. perhaps if you removed your lips from your own ass, jesting at your expense wouldn't escape you so easily.

stop lying!!!! you are so slimey, you give me the heebie jeebies, you ought to have gone into politics.

no one disbelieves effects of inbreeding depression, or that deleterious recessives result in inbreeding depression in small and inbred populations. i explained it to you! i have spoken and met with both Dr.'s Charlesworth (have you? have you even heard of them??!!). we work on similar topics in the broadest sense (they are more mathematically oriented and use plant systems in their models while i work on real data and from animals) i.e. conservation genetics, and i know that they would agree to my answer to the original question while at the same time knowing the problems associated with inbreeding. this abstract, agrees with me, not with you.

good job on your literature research!

i wish wellcookedfetus would do some research, but he already knows everything

pubmed at ncbi is a great resource. did you use search terms I provided or did you pick one yourself? and what was it?

thanks, Paul