'stupid dirty girl'


You have to hear about this one:

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- State Education Secretary Richard Riordan jokingly told a child her name, Isis, meant "stupid dirty girl," prompting the head of the California NAACP on Thursday to call for his resignation.
The conversation, videotaped by KEYT-TV, took place July 1. The girl, 6-year-old Isis D'Luciano, asked Riordan if he knew her name meant "Egyptian goddess."
Riordan replied, "It means stupid dirty girl."
After nervous laughter in the room, the girl again told Riordan the meaning of her name.
"Hey, that's nifty," he said.


Where the hell did that come from? Well I'll leave this to all you "Stupid dirty girls"...oh I'm sorry. LOL! (just joking). :D
But Alice Huffman, president of the California chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said Thursday that Riordan "is not suitable to lead education in our state" and should be removed.
what does the NAACP have to do with this? it's the national association for the advancement of colored people. :confused:
Undecided, you need to take a look at the photo in that link.
Evidently the NAACP assumed the girl was of African heritage, when in fact she is not.
A group of civil rights organizations planned to protest Riordan's remarks at the Capitol on Thursday.

But the organizer, Democratic state Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, canceled the protest after an apparent mix-up over the girl's race.

Dymally was quoted in the San Jose Mercury News Thursday saying the child was "a little African-American girl. Would he (Riordan) have done that to a white girl?"

The girl is white, with blonde hair.

They are the ones who should be embarrassed. This comment was evidently a horribly unfunny and awkward attempt at humor. But they were all too ready to jump on it as an issue to use for some political leverage. Not a black girl? Outrage gone.

In a small way I feel bad for Riordan. I think we have all said things that we spend the rest of our lives wondering, "why on earth did I say that?"

If that had been my daughter, I really would have had to restrain myself from punching him though.
Hey, it was an Egyptian name he was making fun of after all. The NAACP still had a case to be pissed off there, didn't they?
In Riordan's defense, given the state of our public schools, Isis probably was indeed a stupid dirty girl! He was just calling it as he saw it.
What, they can't be human beings, too?

Just a note:

what does the NAACP have to do with this? it's the national association for the advancement of colored people. (Antifreeze)

Evidently the NAACP assumed the girl was of African heritage, when in fact she is not. (Repo Man)

So then why the hell would the NAACP care? (Undecided)

Hey, it was an Egyptian name he was making fun of after all. The NAACP still had a case to be pissed off there, didn't they? (SpyMoose)

First ... yeah, Dymally ought to feel ridiculous. He might wish to consider resigning ten seconds after Riordan does.

Secondly, and more to the point, I'm wondering if anyone has a source on whether the NAACP itself actually thought the girl was black. Because people give black civil rights groups all manner of shit for caring too much about black-specific issues and not general-equality issues.

They're damned no matter what they do. Oh, oh, I know ... they can just roll over and die, right? Okay, okay, I'll stay off the soapbox. It's just that I don't feel like fishing through press releases to verify Repo's claim.

Part of the problem, as I think I actually saw videotape of the incident on CNN today, is that when Riordan said, "Hey, that's nifty," it was not his best moment. Perhaps he actually realized that moment how big a gaffe he'd committed, but his expression and tone were actually sarcastic as if he was bemused by a little girl who was too stupid to know when to shut her mouth and go bake him some cookies.

"He's the governor's top person on education, which means we would expect him to have some love and respect for children," Huffman said. "I think he is the wrong man for the job. There is no way for him to explain this away."

Source: CNN/AP (topic link)

I disagree with the NAACP's Huffman, though. There is one way for Riordan to explain it away. He comes out and says, "I was high. I have a drug problem and I need help."

• Associated Press. "California education chief calls preschooler 'stupid dirty girl'." CNN Inside Politics, July 9, 2003. See http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/07/08/girls.name.ap/index.html
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Saying that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease would also explain it.
Claiming Tourette's syndrome would be a bit of a stretch though.

High voltage electrical shocks have been known to cause people to say and do bizarre things afterwards. His damage control team may want to explore that possibility.
The girl's mother, Trinity Lila of Goleta, said her daughter was fine, and she considered the issue over.

"Obviously it hurt her feelings, but she didn't take it personally. She knew he was wrong and she let it go," Lila said. "I'm not going to sue them for therapy bills."

"He's already apologized repeatedly," Lila added. Although Riordan's office has tried to contact her, "I don't see what else is to be done."

Go mom for not stooping low and whoring the system out of a stupid incident.
I saw the clip... reading the article seemed like he was being "mean" to the girl, or maybe making fun at the name - but after viewing the clip it seems like he was just having fun with the girl...

I bet that the girl probably thought he was being funny (which he was trying to do) until somebody told her that the comment was innappropriate... BLAH BLAH BLAH -

This was simply a grown man attempting to revert himself to the role of a child in order to get a few laughs. The comment was meant as a "childish" joke and did not seem malicious. People take these things out of context...

Poor Richard Riordan.
It was an assholish thing to say, but I'd say it too. However, when you're in political office, you can't screw up at all. Gotta be completely PC all the time, so I think it was a big lapse of judgement on Riordan's part.

I think it's awesome that the mother doesn't care much. How often does that happen? Most folks would sue the pants off of everyone. Major kudos there.
How offensive. My favorite goddess Isis has been insulted.

Another reason to learn how to use brass knuckles properly.
It was mentioned in the articles, but when he was the mayor of Los Angeles, Riordan also taunted a group of hunger strikers by eating a burgr in front of 'em, which is actually pretty funny, IMPHO.
Riordan also taunted a group of hunger strikers

See, that's part of an idea that is difficult to express. Riordan's "humor" and perspective seem to be much more about himself than anything else. Going out of your way to demean hunger strikers serves no purpose but personal satisfaction. But hey, this is America, and you're supposed to be all about yourself, right? Why should we be so rude and narrowminded as to expect people holding political offices representing vital institutions of the people to be about a little more than their own vicious personal satisfaction?
This announced from the vagina of the Goddess?

Okay, okay. I'll be serious:

• I dunno. Hype's post makes an interesting counterpoint to my closing line about vicious personal satisfation. Besides, there's something ultimately ... familiar about it. I don't have enough dope in the house to wipe out that damn telephone beeping.

Well-timed for a peripheral risk, and reasonably placed. At least it wasn't a Jon-Benet Ramsey joke.
Roman said:
It was an assholish thing to say, but I'd say it too. However, when you're in political office, you can't screw up at all. Gotta be completely PC all the time, so I think it was a big lapse of judgement on Riordan's part.

I think it's awesome that the mother doesn't care much. How often does that happen? Most folks would sue the pants off of everyone. Major kudos there.

I agree with your first paragraph, but as for the mother possibly not caring, maybe she cares very much so. Sweep this incident under the rug, don't make a issue of it and reduce the possibility of further damage to the child.