
Hi TreeLyfe,

It sure is a good read. Good for you. Thank you for sharing. :)

Keep up the good Spirits.

See you... :)
Hey again =)

I've been searching up stuff and doing exercies lately. I've been doing some of that chi kung stance postures... kinda painfull when you first start but it aint like that no more =). I read up its real good for your inner energy , like building it up and focusing it at certain points and certain positions send energy in spots. I gotta admit I think its working , its like a meditation. My shoulder pain I dont feel no more =) its suppose to open energy spots and keep from energy blockages. I have a feeling I did this before cuz I was doing stuff like this before I knew about it. And I do it in my sleep sometimes, never realizing it cuz I never knew about it. I usually go out in my back yard and do this stuff early in the morning or late at night when everything is peaceful. I hide in the corner of the house when I do this cuz my folks wiill think something wrong with me LOL. It makes me feel embarassed. Its really helped me a lot , to clear my mind, keep up energy and stuff like that. Do you do or know anything about this stuff? If you dont you should try it out its pretty good for you =0.

The first part of this exercise is a physical stance, a very easy one in most ways and there are not many who cannot do it. If there are physical limitations like injuries that prevent you doing this one, there are others. It's an essence of the posture that is important, not the posture itself. Many postures exist which serve the purpose and to a large degree the choice of which one to use is individual. This one I'll describe is a good one, it's the one I used. One of the names for it is Embracing the Tree. I like that name because it has multiple levels of meaning. In this posture you embrace the concept of the Tree, becoming a spiritual being rooted in the Earth and deriving nourishment from Heaven, entirely naturally and without conscious thought or willful effort.

In this posture you stand with your feet just a little more than shoulder width apart and your toes pointing straight forward, your feet parallel. Both sides of the ball of the foot, all toes, edge of the sole and the heel share the weight and touch the floor. Most of us take what is to the greater society a natural stance when we stand like this. Our knee joints are locked back, our spines have an S curve, our shoulders are held back and our chins are up. We think of that as good posture. It isn't, it is lousy posture.

To correct it, first bend the knees just a little and sink down as though you are sitting on the edge of a high stool. Imagine you have a tail and use that imagery to tuck your tailbone down and forward. That thrusts your groin forward, people get embarrassed doing that and it's nice to practise this in private.

Bend forward in a bow until the S curve is taken out of your spine, and hold that new C curve when you straighten up again. The C curve is very important, in the beginning you have to check yourself constantly for that otherwise you tend to return to the S shape.

Relax and drop your shoulders, let them roll forward a bit like the shoulders of an ox, rounded instead of square. Tuck in your chin and push the back of your head upward slightly, look straight forward. Then, keeping your arms relaxed, raise your hands in front of you to heart level, palms facing in and fingertips shaped as though you are holding a football, the tips aligned and a few inches apart. The shape of your arms is as though you are hugging a tree trunk or a big beach ball. Finally, place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and keep it there.

That is the physical posture. A breathing method goes along with it, you breathe with the chest completely relaxed and the lower abdomen expanding and contracting. You do not breathe with the ribs and the upper chest muscles, those stay stationary. There are many fine points which you can discover later, the most important is that if you hold the posture correctly, your butt is completely relaxed and your strength is all in your thighs. Everything that doesn't contribute to holding the posture should be completely relaxed, and even the tension that keeps you standing upright should be as little as possible.

The mental aspect of this exercise is the visualization of a ball of light energy in your lower abdomen, imbedded half inside you just below your navel by two or three inches. It is about three inches in diameter and golden yellow, and is a ball of light, not a Christmas tree ornament, so it doesn't have distinct edges or surface density. It's energy. It feels warm. You keep that image in your mental vision and you focus your attention in the center of that ball of light. This is not easy to do, our minds tend to wander and the attention span of a normal person is about as long as one breath. Not a problem. When your mind wanders from this, as soon as you realize you have wandered just return to the visualization. It has a cumulative effect, concentration does not have to be unbroken.

Focusing the attention is a learned skill, there were many old ways of doing this. It is more than just looking at one spot. In this stance you actually focus your eyes on the space between your fingers, but your mental focus is down there in that energy center. You are aware of that energy center without looking at it directly, in the way that you are aware of the tip of your little toe if someone pinches it, your attention goes to it and suddenly you are intimately aware of your little toe. If you extend your hand and stare at a fingertip and try to feel it without touching anything, the sensation of the fingertip increases until it feels larger and warmer than the others. If you close your eyes or look away, but keep your awareness on your fingertip, the same thing happens. That is what is meant by focusing the attention in the Dantien, the ball of energy in your abdomen.

What happens when you do this is that energy collects at that point. No one really understands why this happens, why Chi follows Mind, but it does. If you place your attention there, energy flows to that point and is held there. Power accumulates little by little and is not lost when you end the exercise.

As you practise these things, very gradually you may begin to see things that you don't imagine. Instead of your visualized sphere you may see a small point of light, or a sphere of a different color, and these images will be different than imagined ones, they will exist at a different level of consciousness. They will be what is really there, and will be an accurate description of your progress. Eventually the image you See will match the image you imagined. These things do not happen overnight, the process takes months at least, usually longer than that, and depends on daily effort and a lot of time spent in the stance. Usually by the time you can stand comfortably in the stance for a hour or more, you have achieved a respectable level of Power.

The third part of the exercise involves modification of human behaviour. The energy which accumulates during this practise is the energy which we usually express through ordinary sexuality or violence. Restraint in those areas of life is absolutely necessary for the accumulation of power. There are sexual practises which are extremely satisfying which do not burn up this energy, and there are physical activities which enhance rather than exhaust this energy. But if you express yourself solely in the ordinary ways which we have learned as ordinary human beings, your practise will be in vain and you will accumulate nothing. You will only drive yourself to extraordinary expenditures of passionate energy, something which many people have considered to be a satisfactory reason for doing this practise. The goal of the practise is to evolve beyond that tendency, to become something more than we were.

Many things happen as a result of this three level effort. It has a powerful effect on physical health, on mental and psychic ability, and on sexuality and Dreaming. It opens a doorway to something most people never experience.

I'm going to make a bold and outrageous statement now, maybe someone will notice it. No matter how accomplished you are, no matter what philosophy you follow or what tradition you have learned, if you have not done this practise and followed it to its natural conclusion you do not understand what I have been talking about.

I copied and pasted that from this interesting forum I was led to, I believe cuz when I went to the site I had a Deja Vu =) thers many there that have same experiences as I do. Like about the elements , sages, and certain dreams with purposes in them. And theres good teachers there. I do other stances right after another, But that stance is only a basic one, its kinda frustrating at first trying to get the spine the way its suppose to be but you'll get it=).
I started with less than 5 mins each time and that was a couple days ago now I can do between 10 and 15 lol kinda big jump it seems. Each time you well I do this I really feel energized thats why I do it early in morning. I don't know why , whenever I'm done doing a stance for about 10 mins I'm doing all this other stuff like kung fu movments LOL . I guess its just a way to expel some extra energy. Or maybe I've done it before =0.

Have you ever heard of a power animals? I've been trying to meet some in my dreams lately, its kinda confusing how to say what they do. Each animal tells you about being a "warrior" in his own way and teaches you things about itself I suppose. They can also be guides. Which leads me to another question , you heard about Nagual? Its a power animal but "your" power animal. Ive been trying to find my nagual and the only way you can do that I suppose to to know yourself, cuz its another part of you. Its the magical animal person of yourself. It's a ancient Indian type of tradition , like shamanism or the like. Im not to clear on this when I say it , but I got a good idea in my mind. Maybe if you know something you can explain to me better =).

I've got much more to say but I gotta go
Nice c'ing you again
Hi =)

Last night I had the first experience of being paralyzed in a dream LOL and it was very frustrating. I was on top of a hill a really big high kinda steep hill, and I kept jumping down rolling off the top, to come down then will myself to reappear to the top and to it over again , it was really fun hehehe. But then I couldnt stop rolling and I crossed this street and ended up in a school or something cuz I saw my old principle through a window and a school cop outside the room also, they always hassled me in school cuz i was "bad" they called me "alias" LOL cuz when I use to get in trouble I had to fill a form and I always used a differ name from the last so they wouldnt find out wat classes and such I was in LOL. But anyway I ended up in the school and I was getting up and I couldnt get up all the way, I was stuck with knees bended really low, it was like I was a magnet to the ground. I really wanted to get out of there cuz I was thinking im gonna get in trouble, and I ended up walking like a crab LOL!!! Going real slow.

I also so saw a group of kids doing kung fu stuff like shaolin, all in harmony doing there thing, in a big green field and they were between 2 biiiig trees.
I remember a image of this boy clearly in my mind that wont leave. He was on a white wide cobble road with I believe to be golden buildings in the area. He had blue hair and was wearing nice clothes like silk but the thing that I really noticed was on his forehead there was a symbol of sky blue. It was round and had intricate designs on it like the chinesse pin wheel or whatever but it was different. I dont know why I thought this but, I thought he was Atlantean for some reason. Its wierd cuz no one ever seen one before and I dont know why that came to me.

I mentioned this in a different thread but I heard a voice in my head during meditation. A different voice from my own yeling ARIZONA! then it got meaner yelling ARIZONA! then after awhile I heard a woman saying courage honor and love. Then after awhile again I heard her saying Help. Then after awhile I heard crying. It disturbed me much cuz I couldnt help.

I've been trying to find my nagual. I want it to be the hawk. I dont know why I just do. A while ago I was in the forest at the railroad track, its where I usually go to be with nature. I heard a high pitch aaaawwww-awwww aaawwww-wwaaaa. And I turn around, I see a big brown hawk flying above the creek and landed on a branch right infront of me with sharp long talons. That was the first time I ever seen a hawk in that area before and I go there a lot. Anyway I was looking at the hawk with awe, it was the biggest bird I've ever seen, in person. Maybe 5 or more feet wing span, I know it was bigger than my my torso to my head. And it was maybe as tall as my feet to my knee or more. But it was doing its calling and I heard another hawk a little distance away and the one infront of me went to the other. They were beautiful, it touched my heart just seeing them. They just kept cawwing over and over again.
Today I went to that special spot again, cuz I havent been there in awhile. First thing I hear when I go there was the hawk =). But there were 3 callings, not as loud as the first time when I saw the hawks. I look up and I see a white!! a white hawk going doing its calling there was another little hawk too it was brown like the others. I know it had to be a hawk cuz it was bigger than normal birds I see and when it did its call I see the bigger hawks fly by. I was soo happy just seeing them again, I felt welcomed going there. I was there for like 2 hours just doing my stances and meditating.

Oh I see a new color in the air now =) its a bright pink swirling. I also see the dots moving really fast from the air to the ground. Some in differ colors but usually red or yellow.

Last night in meditation I heard a voice say "the WORD is SEEING" what does that mean?

Im gotta go
BYE =) take care
Hi TreeLyfe,

The boy you saw with the skyblue mark may represent a memory of a kind only you can find the answer on. I will not speculate here with you. Recall it back in your conscience as much as necessary and you will find what he represents. Go on, on the way you are in this, is all I want to say.

What's this with the Arizona! yelling and the words you heard and the crying? Think on it, it will make itself clear to you one way or another.

The word is seeing, well, that may be referring to your inner eye, as in seeing beyond the obvious.

As I do not wish to bring you in confusion, it is better when you focus on it yourself.

Keep an eye on the colours, too.

Let's hear what shows up, what do you think it stands for?

Keep up the good spirits. You are heading right along in the right direction.

Good for you. :)

See you soon again. Sorry for the late reply...:)
Hey =)

Its ok no prob. Kind of thought u forgot about me.

About that boy with blue hair and symbol on forehead. I see that symbol as my 3rd eye chakra all the time now when I think about it. It spins in a clockwise from the front and counter from the top. It's a symbol of power or something I think cuz I can feel my chakra there real warm and pulsing more than before. I've been thinking about that boy a lot cuz I keep seeing him but I dont know what its suppose to mean =(.
As for the Arizona thing I have no clue whatsoever. But it was real and those words were real.
Its hard trying to pay attention to things I've been seeing and hearing cuz its seems like so many things going on at once. Like I be trying to focus on the Arizona happening then I see the boy with blue hair. Or other images pop into my head from other dreams. I have this word if it even is a word I think its a name of someone or something its Jako'bee (jack-O-bee) it was from a dream. This girl , not sure if she was old or real young, she looked young but when I look in her eyes she seems old. Anyway me and some people were in a house and all of a sudden it got real scary in there like monsters were coming. And me and this other person went to the attic. There was a window up there and we saw the woman outside and the sun was setting. I dont know why this happend but I cut my right hand many times cuz I couldnt get it to bleed good, but I did and my left hand was bleeding instead and I handed my cutted hand to her and she licked it. And the guy next to me was like looking at a watch and as the sun was going down he was like its time to go and closed the window. I had a feeling me and him have been through this before and knew what to expect. The lady knew that we knew this scenario happend before cuz she looked at us and smiled a wicked knowing smile with a gleam in her eyes and said the Jakobees will come for you 2.... and I woke up soon as she said that with beating heart and confusion.
My mind was stuck on the other guy with me cuz I think... that was me also. I coudnt see him but I could see what he sees... I couldnt see him but he was there. The dream was kinda like a Deja Vu except the lady and the cut hand and the other guy. I been through that dream before and it was scary.
Last night I was meditating on laying down trying to project cuz I think I almost had one not to long ago by accident but I stopped it cuz I didnt know what was going on till the next day. But anyway between my chest and throat there was a electrocution feeling and I was like damn that hurt! and I was feeling a straight line from my chest all the way to my root chakra and up to my head. It felt like... like liquid light. It was warm and slow moving.
I think a dream I had came true today heh. I was dreaming that I was at my house though it wasnt my house and there were 2 german shepards outside. They were mean looking with teeth barred and barking. I had this dream twice in a row. But I was outside in my backyard today and I was just sitting down looking at the clouds and trees and looking at the flying dots in the air and this german shepard sneeks up behind me and just sits down right next to me =) and there was another dog a rotweiler a small one in the backround sitting under a tree. But I tried to pet the german shepard and it runs away but it always comes back to my yard and sits on the grave of my gerbil I buried other day, with the other dog. I was out in the backyard racking just to keep the dogs company. They werent mean but they were shy, always keeping their distance. Only time they came close was when I was sitting down putting myself in a mild meditation.
I'm kinda guessing "the word is seeing" is just what it means LOL simple but something to think about. I may not see but I hear and that is in a sense seeing, in the spiritual sense. Like when I meditate trying to reach new spheres I cant see anything but I can hear someone sometimes. What I sometimes hear , people couldnt, and what I'm told and taught is seeing for my mind is getting the info. That might be the first step to actually being able to "see" for me cuz I may "look" but I dont know , like a newborn. Maybe in the future the "word" I may actually truly look at , from its source.
Erm I dont know if that makes any sense to you hehe. I think the answer is the saying.
Does any of your dreams come true ? It got me thinking what if those dreams I have come true hehe but its not what you expect =)

Thnx again =)
Well I should say you get mixed emotions through from others. In this timezone or from the past. I cannot say that for sure.

Peculiar though, that this blue haired boy keeps showing up. It might be you in another timezone. Maybe from way back, even.

Why was it that you were cutting yourself? Why did your blood have to flow properly? For the sake of the woman?

It sounds like a warning you've got here, somehow. The blood is human's juice of life. I do not like the scenario you describe with the woman. It doesn't feel right when I read it, I cannot put my finger on it exactly. Why was it time to go? Can you figure that out? I think you are right when you say that you and the other, are one and the same.

The electrocution feeling and the straight line may have to do with the efford to project. Then your astral body tries to seperate from your physical body, which can go with some strange feelings.

Animals react from out their instinct and know when something or someone is alright (which includes the mood you are in)and in what situation they better back off. I guess you know that. :)

You make perfect sense, yes.

Dreams do come true, it may be in a different way in day/waking life, the recognition will be there immediately when it happens. In the dream world, there are much more symbols which may give an indication of something to come. (and what, in a broad sense)

It happens often, though, that you recognise it, when it is already taking place in day/waking life. It also happens that you dream exactly what is going to happen and it will happen just as you dream it.

Rather confusing, isn't it?

See you later...:)
Hi =)

That boy I keep seeing I was thinking same thing, that might of been me in a different past life and if it was it was reaaaallly a long time ago cuz I thought of him as atlantean for some reason. I gotta say if it was me I sure did look handsome LOL!
That dream with the woman and what is the meaning of it is starting to scare me. I don't know why I cut my hand at all and it does seems like something wasnt right about it. I think she was a fortune teller maybe? Or a witch of some sort. And needed my blood to answer something I dont know? But I can't help but think why was there 2 me's and why the other didnt do nothing to stop it like it was a good thing. I think he said we had to go cuz he knew what was going to happen if we stayed in that dream to long, it was a deja vu dream and it was a nightmare one of the most scary ones I've had and that woman was never in it. I'm not sure why it had to be that dream out of the many place we could of gone to. And as for the jackobees.... =(
I had a nightmare last night I died many times in one night... from what looked like to be that woman I'm not sure. I was a detective and was at this mansion doing a case of a murderd man. There was another person there with me but I dont know who. But anyway I was looking at the dead guy and all the lights go out and spirits start coming through the ground and walls and they all looked the same, they were all white in white dresses and white hair and all floating and they had swords , like samurai swords and they started coming after me and the other guy and the other guy was about to get stabbed. And I jumped in the way and grabbed the sword.... as I think about it now I realize my hand was cut again like the other dream from blocking the sword. And another ghost comes up and stabs me... stabs me over and over and over again and they start doing same thing.
Remember I told you that I had dream when I was shot and dying I was partly awake and felt like I was really dying? Same thing happend to me, I was awake but still dreaming. And I was getting stabbed a whole lot and I couldnt move my waking body. Thing thats different is that I couldnt feel or see from my dreaming body. I was seeing in my mind the women stabbing me while I was seeing my room with my eyes open and I was getting cramps in my body. I was looking at my hands and I couldnt feel anything I felt paralyzed. It was like I was about to have an out of body experience from dying. It took a lot of will power for me to sit up and when it did come I flew out my bed and landed on floor. Next thing I know Im sleeping in the living room with tv on and lights on.
I hope they were the jackobees cuz I hope its all over. I been realizing lately when I have nightmares I dont run anymore like I use to. I use to run so much but never could truly get away but I was never hurt atleast. I think to myself when I have nightmares its to get me prepared for the road I'm taking. So I can conquer my fears, for when I spirit travel cuz anything can happen and being scared is times more than normal there. I think this cuz of what I've been doing in nightmare before I use to run and hide now I stand up to them.
I mentiond before I had power dreams, I think thats to prepare me too. When I have them theres always someone teaching me. But a power dream is a different type of learning it seems. Cuz I learn to fight in the spiritual realm. And anything can happen. Like I mentioned before I had a power dream where I was fighting an old man using air elemental creating tornados and fierce winds at him. But he just absorbed it. He was teaching me.
This whole spiritual thing is a mystery to me. Cuz I dont know where its leading me. What kind of dreams do you have most of the time? Nightmares , good , learning? I'm just wondering cuz I seem to have more nightmares than good ones.

Well to get off that =). I think I saw an aura today =). I was in my backyard and yup the dogs where there again. Anyway I was on the exercise bycycle maching and I was looking over my wall 7 ft maybe and I saw this guy walking and above his head I saw a yellow aura. It didnt look like what I expected I, but I learned you can never expect anything of how you think it to happen. Anyway , U know when you look at a light and u see the rays of the light from the source? It looked like that, just shining over his head about feet up. Is that how u see auras when you see them? Do you see auras all the time or only when you want to? hehe Oh yea I can see auras of trees easier than I see peoples =) there mostly white but I did see a black ball above a tree today.

I hope some of my dreams dont exactly happen how I dreamt it =) But I believe you in some cases. Its not mostly of whats gonna happen when I see it in dream but more like what I'm going to see . Like I dreamt of the dogs and now I see dogs in my backyard. And also I dreamt I saw dinosaur dragon flies ... LOL whats that dinosaur called... a brontosaurus the one with a long neck. It was a brontosaurus dragon fly LOL. But I see big dragon flies in my backyard now...hehehe. Its kinda wierd that animals I see in dreams appear in my life. Like the white hawk I saw. I'm pretty sure it was a hawk cuz it was big and there were other hawks doing the same call as it.

Thnx again banshee =)
I hope you dont have nightmares from what i've said