

Registered Senior Member
Hi, Im new to this forum, but I've been in to spirituality and stuff like that. I need guidance with and some answers to what is happening.
I've been doing meditations and trying to be more aware of my spiritual self for a little while now and I've noticed changes in my mood and thoughts and feelings when it happens.
For example I feel vibes and warmness almost all the time now, with feelings of wind blowing. I feel pressure on my head , sometimes light, little vibes,or to feelings as if my head is going to explode, which is very uncomfortable and really scary cuz i keep thinking it will plus mixed in with my body sensations its like im going to spontaneoulsy combust... heh. I also notice a spinning tingling in my forehead, sometimes its in the center of my head, but if i concentrate on it I start feeling it in certain areas of my body, but it always feels nice. I know there chakras. But theres more the the 7 traditional ones Im for sure cuz I notice more than 7. But the 7 are more easily noticed and I have a little way of noticing them and i guess if you notice them your activating them ...? But all I do is know the mood or virtue or feeling or something I dont know what u want to call it. It has taken me awhile to understand it. But its like this.... whenever I think of Honor, its related to my root, when I think of strength its in my belly, when i think of love its in my solar plexus or that little hole area under and between chest, when i think of spirit its in my heart, when i think of insight its in my throught and in my forehead is knowledge, and the top of my head is peace. Notice how all the bottom chakras are thoughts of good? And the top are like soul/knowledge or consciouss? When I do this I reach peace and tranquility but sometimes , which is when i feel the pressure of exploding head, i feel imbalanced, like only my top chakras are working and i'm not noticing the bottom ones which is all the good thoughts. When this happens It's like I become pure intellect without emotion unit I find the answer that becomes me and then I feel the pressure loosen which gives me very strong bodily sensations. Thats enough for that right now cuz i have more to say.
Lately I've been thinking I'm going crazy or something which I know I'm not cuz if I was I wouldnt be asking it. Like I was saying above when I become pure intellect or something, I seem to ask questions about why this and that, nothing like , am i gonna be rich or stuff like that , material matters i would call it. But questions like how i feel and why i feel this way. And i usually get an answer but its weird at times cuz its seems to be coming from me, my true me! which is what ive been trying to do, get intouch with my spiritual self, and i know i am succeeding. Like last night when i was meditating I can see myself above myself but I was in myself... kinda confusing. Also I wasnt in just 2 places i was in 3... I was in a ball in my hand and my body self can feel the ball, but my above self can see the ball. I was feeling very intesne pressure last night during this too, for instance my nose, i thought it was bleeding cuz i can feel it like i had a cold. Also I've been seeing things not anything grand, though i did see what looking liked lightning , very small lightning , last night in the bathroom. It was a very bright yellow with a tinge of green, it was a tropical color i would guess. But usually I see little dots, all bright colors, sometimes its theres no color and the air seems to move. But lately I've been seeing black dots and I havent seem them this much, I even see them at night when Im going to sleep, your probably wondering how i can see black dots in a black room hehe but i dont know that either but i see colored ones too. I've ben trying to see my aura lately by mirror, I'm not sure if its after image at times or not cuz it keeps disapearing. When it doesnt all I see is a white cloud around me but no colors. Is that my aura , i read somewhere a white aura is someone pure. or is it I'm not skilled enough to focus on the colors , cuz isnt white all the colors in one?.... maybe thats why it makes someoen pure cuz there everything in one? I'll dismiss that idea cuz thats my ego talking. But yea I've been seeing colored dots heh, but i also notice how their becoming more... realistic i would say. Before they seemed like little images but now its more 3d.
I've had a aches in my body that comes and goes lately , especially in my left shoulder. When I meditate my left side seems to be higher than my right side. Also when I meditate it helps stop the aches , I just send the vibes i feel which i feel everytime i meditate , to that certain area of aching, but the aches keep coming back only to go away again. Its scaring me I keep thinking I'm growing tumors or something.
As to reaching... nah not reaching knowing, cuz we are already spirit. I guess from my experiences I can only be my spiritual self if I seem to only know good. Which is probably why I've changed a lot from the old me. I read somewhere that love creates a high frequency and good thoughts forms also. And consciousness is in the 4 or 5th dimension. Which I would guess a high frequency. And in the former Likes Attract and in the latter Likes Repel. So that would mean to know your spiritual consciouss in a higher dimension you have to have love in mind and body.
If anyone has anything to relate, plz lets talk and share. Right now this is only way I can meet others like me, cuz I know no one in real that has same intrest which is very lonely for my soul.

Thnx everyone, I hope you all can help. And hope also this info can give you some insight.
Hi TreeLyfe,

Seems to me you have out of body experiences. If you want to read al ittle more on the 7 main chakra's, then go *here*.

It is a thread where the most known workings of the chakra's are written down. I think you know very well what it is all about though.

You are right, there are much more than 7 chakra's. It seems to be so that where you ache, there is a chakra located. Are you by any chance lefthanded?

The white colour may represent your feeling and what you send out while feeling real good and warm. Other people are able to pick up that warmness and love you send out.

The colours you see are connected with your feeling of being connected to the spheres, by lack of a better word. I call it the spheres.

There are different layers in the cosmos (the spheres), in which all kind of spiritual beings "live". Apologies for the bad English, it is not a real good day for me I think, for writing down exactly what I want to say.

You are definitely NOT going crazy. I think you are getting to higher levels, so to say, with your spiritual, inner self.

Good for you. :) Check out the thread I posted, maybe it makes things clearer for you.

The colours I know very well. They belong and come with the becoming more and more aware of your inner self. Your inner eye is opening.

I'll be back later. I am sorry for the crappy reply.

See you...
Cool an out of body experience?!? I'm not sure though, cuz I could feel my body more than me floating but I could see myself, I thought I was imagining cuz thats what I was doing, seeing myself from above. I probably didn't think to much of an obe at time I guess, cuz I was trying to reach that chakra that floats above the head. Was it my chakra then? But if that is, I was in it i guess. obe or being in chakra both cool to me =).
And as for my aura and sending out what I'm feeling and such, hehe, I was thinking that when I was at the store other day. I was thinking my aura affects others through what I'm sending out through emotion, I was sending out happiness and peace. At same time I felt it, and I was energetic. While I was sitting next to this old guy, he started smiling and I can see in his eye's that he was feeling good. But today I felt swamped when I was at wal mart I felt nothing, and I tried to feel the happiness but I just felt like a zombie. I'm going to try looking at my aura again , and change my emotion see if it changes. But its usually white, does that mean something?
As for those those little bright colored dots I keep seeing, those are related to my being as my true self, its like a sign the I'm getting in more touch with my true self =)? I usually been seeing mostly yellow, orange, and green, with every now and then purple and lately black I've never seen black till couple days ago - and what does black represent? I can't help but think maybe the dots relate to my chakras, you think it is a hint telling me that the colors of the chakras I see mean that those particular chakras are strong?
I was thinking other day about the pressure I keep feeling and I think thats energy. I try to spread it around to keep balance, but my ego keeps thinking what if you can really control it and make a ball of energy that can blast stuff... like in Dragon Ball Z hehe... I know if you can actually do that the ego will overwhelm me, but I learned from in my heart about abusing powers from my higher self I guess cuz it was telling me about ego. I remember a faint conversation when I felt real real good one day like I was in control of the moment , like knowing power. I don't want to say why I felt that way. But I when I came home I meditated and my consciouss or higher self was speaking. It was telling me about the feeling I had and it asked me "how did it feel"and at same time I knew that my higher self experienced what I did, and thats why my consciouss was at work and it was testing me. I said "it felt good but..." and it knew what I was thinking! and I felt light real light as if a burden was taken from me and I felt soo happy at peace, typing this down of that moment is bringing a smile to my face right now. I learned a lesson that day about ego. Its hard to explain just what I'm trying to say. Its like Mind-Body-Spirit. But its much easier to have control of myself and desires now.
See about why I was thinking I was crazy? I mean I'm learning about morality , self, and all the good stuff and the bad -the bad also cuz you can't actually truly know it till you know it and only then can you make good of it-through someone that isnt real, but is real cuz I truly am learning. It usually happens in my sleep . but I dont remember anything not even a image , but words in my head when I wake up. Which is weird cuz I usually always remember my dreams. I guess this is a new sense cuz usually when I dream I only see but dont hear anything. And when I hear in it I can't see!
This never happend till now but today when I was meditating I was trying to send out good feelings , to the earth , trying to help cuz earth is alive. But when I was doing this I was seeing the world, and there were grids around earth, like a graph paper, and the lines where passing through everything and at certain spots there were big white dots. And I saw the lines in going in and through me also and there where also white dots in me and they were the chakras. Anyway I then started sending my feelings through those lines like telephone lines or something. It was a nice feeling it felt like mother earth opened up to me =).
I read your aura and chakra page =) wow you sure are very dedicated to type so much to everyone hehe, as for me my fingers aching. Is the chakras I mean how you feel and what they do the same for everyone? Cuz for me the orange and yellow seemed switched around, everything else is ok. I remember when I first started doing this and it read somewhere that you can know the color of your chakra even if you dont you just got to know it and it will reveal itself to you, thats how I've been doing it for awhile now. I use to read about them and get a good idea and those I use, But other chakras that wasnt mention Like the ones in my hand I know the color of it now, its pink/green. I feel it better with those colors. And I know theres chakras in my shoulders both different from one another I think this cuz at times my left side sends vibes then my right or vise versa or same time. It makes me feel imbalance though, but i figured out a trick when I meditate, I try to focus both my eyes to balance in feeling them hehe, wierd huh. the shoulders are where most of my vibes come from but for some reason i dont know why cuz im not in tune with it as much as the others. I'm starting to think one is black , thats why I'm seeing black dots?
I'm at a writers block right now hehe, I really really thank you for your reply, and that page about aura's. Its sucks that I know noone that I can practice with =\. Are you spiritualy aware ? I'm just wondering, cuz I seem to like you not even knowing you, a feeling i feeling in my chest. What kind of experiences did you have? Are you able to see more than what seems? I feel like a little kid writing all this hehe, it just feels good to be able to let all this out , if like I was holding a big secret or something. Oh yea I'm not left handed.. does being left or right handed make a difference? I read that the right side of your brain controls the left, and the left side controls the right. And each side of the brain is different in peronality i guess, spiritualy, Like shiva. Something like the right side is feminine , with love and all the good stuff and left is male with ego and bad stuff. and shiva has 3 heads right , left and center, and center keeps the other 2 in check. As for your reply its not at all crappy to me, you might feel kinda dumb but don't . True cosmic knowledge isnt the kind of knowledge everyday people seek =). You actually replying is good enough for me. Your heart seems to be in the right place.

Thnx again, And take care
While I was sitting next to this old guy, he started smiling and I can see in his eye's that he was feeling good.

Where were his hands ?

As for those those little bright colored dots I keep seeing...

Stop staring at the sun.

I usually been seeing mostly yellow, orange, and green, with every now and then purple and lately black I've never seen black till couple days ago - and what does black represent... thats why I'm seeing black dots?

Thats a sympton for a colon problem called Diverticulitis. Stop eating junk food.
It is called an OBE, I guess you can call it whatever you want though. People like to label things, it will not say it is the right expression for it. Every person has his/her own experiences and deals with them. What if you've never heard of OBE's, than you probably make up a word for it yourself. :) It is not important. The experience is.

Your aura reflects basically how you feel and therefor it changes all the time. A white aura should say, you are a saint or some such, lol. :) Which you may be... :) The colours of the 7 main chakra's are called after the colours of the rainbow and as such it may differ from person to person how they feel a colour is working and at what chaka.

The black dots you see may represent the wrong doing in the world nowadays? Or something "dark" going on in your life, or something "dark" to come? It's best to figure that out for yourself, 'cause I don't know what is going on in your life.

I agree with you about the pressure you feel. It is energy, yes. You did very wise in discovering that it is better to share your energy, rather than to tie it up to one ball of energy and lay your will/power upon others. It always backfires, 'cause it is really the wrong way to handle spiritual energy. Never abuse your powers, if you do so, you will grow bitter and cold. It is so easy to give in and play with people's feelings that way. It is much more satisfactory though, to find your balance and feel good, most of the times, because you know you can make other people feel good with your energy.

The Earth Grids can be seen, in a certain way, as the chakra's of Earth and thus you are connected with Earth as you are connected with the whole cosmos. It is a joy to read how you are discovering your true, inner self and your being connected with All That Is.

That you wake up from dreams without images but with words is okay. It gives you all the info you need to know.

It is said so yes, that the right part of the brain is female and the left part is male. Then again, there are a lot of women behaving like men then and vice versa, haha. In the right part the feelings, emotions and all the like are mostly located while the practical, calculating abilities are more present in the left brain part. It goes the other way round for people who are left handed.

It may be that you feel a lot of tensity in your shoulders because it is a sensitive part of the human body and a lot of "stress" is going there. Maybe it is because one side of you, the feelable sprititual side, is more "in charge" than your calculating selfish side, that it gives you a "black" vision there. Try to find the proper balance and it will clear by itself.

I guess I am spiritually aware in that sense that I couldn't care less about material wellbeing. I go for the love and good in people, more than for power and control over others. I've had my good share of experiences and know for a fact I'm doing okay in this world. I can see people's aura's in so far that I can make up by seeing them, in what mood they are. Although this ability messes up when I'm not at ease. Then I make mistakes. However, first impressions of people are 9 out of 10 times, 100% correct. And first of all, I always am for the Earth and what is best for Her.

Dream experiences and energy are playing a big part in my life, as do colours. One way or another colours say more than a thousand words.

It is real good talking to you. Pleased to meet you. :)

Keep up the good spirits...Talk to you later...
LOL Q =). Your answers are very simple, scary, and funny.
For that old guy.... eeewww I hope he wasnt doing what you thought he was , but I know he wasnt =).
Those colored dots, yes I can believe that, but I dont go out much and when I do I dont stare at the sun lol.
That eating junk food stuff , I never heard of the disease you speak of but I guess its true. I dont eat much junk food like most people do. Most junk food I eat are skittles and some chips. I did have a reaction from eating too much skittles once though, I remember a long time ago I was watching TV while eating skittles and I laughed so hard that skittle juice came out my nose. I aslo get symptoms sometimes from eating hot chips, When I eat a bag of hot chips and when I got to go to the bathroom to do a number 2 , my butt burns when it comes out. Pllz help me with a cure for that , lol =)
Hey Banshee =)

I was practicing trying to see my aura today. It seems easier but I only see white around my head still. When I was trying I sometimes blink my eyes and I see myself in a really quick flash, in different color, it was like an infrared picture. I was all orange with differ colors spread out. Other times when I view my aura my head looks like its moving very very faintly that no one would notice. Also my face becomes shrouded sometimes, with a foggy screen covering me. At others my head seems to split in a different color either black or white and just slide away from the picture. When I think I'm really seeing my aura I see the outline of my head become really bright with a heat looking haze, but still white but more dense bright like silver and I notice a tinge of indigo color below and above the whitish silver.
Something dark in the world or my life or to become ... hmmm. That can make sense after all it is black. I remember having a vision that I was hit by a car one day, but I dont want to think about that cuz I had a feeling its going to happen before I'm 30. Maybe its cuz I'm planning on going into the army hehe. But that just makes me think I'm going to become something I dont want to become. As for the world nowadays part that can make sense too, I believe something is going to happen, you can see it in the weather. I might sound stupid for this is normal but its different, something is happening I can feel it, just dont have answers that can express with words. Lets say my head as an example, my head is earth. And that pressure I feel is energy right. And that energy creates my thoughts and such as for the world its the weather I guess, and lately the weather been more fierce than normal, like here where I'm at its been raining for very long time. But doesnt that pressure have to go somewhere? I let it go as good emotions. Whats going to happen when the earth lets go of the pressure/energy? is that energy released the weather? if it is its more fierce I believe. But what makes this different? How and why did it get so much enery than before?I believe its affecting people too, for more and more I think are trying to become spiritually aware, and more indigo children are being born. This will make many opinions so I will just let it go :
"Every question answered lead to seven other questions. Therefore, to a student the gathering of knowledge merely increases the awareness of how much more there is still to know."
Yea I feel good about what I did with the energy. The concept of what you said is the same thing my higher self , I guess, was telling me about. Cuz if you know you have power it probably can be very tempting to abuse it. Thats probably why most that can't use it, -though there are people who can that probably had it since birth- have to get in touch with there true self at first even if that isnt the plan from the start. Like me, when I first got into this I just wanted to project, but it lead me to spirituality, all cuz of a dream.
Connected with the earth and cosmos =) nice. I like that. I dont think it makes me special or anything though, for everyone is, its just I try to keep in touch.
Good idea about that balancing thing , its hard for me to think of how to balance it. I usually just try to let it do its own thing to keep everything in harmony. But notice vibes on one side and vibes on the other, sometimes I'm only getting them on once side. Thats when I try to balance but I dont know how. I try to balance soul and spirit with mind and body, though sometimes it works but not all the time.
Its cool your spiritually aware and living good =). For me its more difficult...hmmmm I guess thats where the balance need to be , hehe excuse me I had a thought. See I don't care about much material stuff either. But becuz of that I seem not motivated to much everyday work... but I do study a lot. I dont really care about relationships much either. I feel like a person apart. Apart from others , I don't like being around many people for I feel compressed, and like everyone seems to be looking at me or something, I usually try to avoid eye contact cuz I get the feeling I know how they are...when I do sometimes people seem to stare at me like there in a trance or they are judging me. I barely notice when I make eye contact they just dont look and turn they stare which makes me nervous, cuz I can feel them and that stays with me. I'm not like that all the time though... thank god. I have friends but I'm easy going, and hard at times. I never get mad or truly happy-just at peace. Ok thats enough of that its making me sad lol.

Thnx again =)
Hi TreeLyfe,

It is rather hard to do, to see your own aura. It is much more easy to see the aura of other people. Colours are important in life, in everything you do. They represent a certain way of living, of being. I am amazed at the Silver you see. Some think Silver is the colour of the "string" which what you are "attached"/connected to the Cosmos, as in, All That Is.

Visions you get, you have to pay attention to. They might very well come true. If you have the feeling it will be so, than probably it will come true. So, pay attention to this vision about a car accident. You can change things, when you know of them up front. Not always, it can be done, though.

You are right again. The weather is changing. There are major changes in the Sun's heat and behaviour. Geomagnetic storms, directed at Earth are a result from this and these GM storms cause influences on human behaviour and on Earth Herself. It can give all kinds of tensity on people who are sensitive for this. A lot of people do not know about this and do not feel that it is coming from cosmological changes. They might feel different though, they will blame it on something else, most probably. Here's a link on the *interplanetary magnetic field* and
*geomagnetic storms*, in case you want to read a little more about the subject. It's not necessarry though, lol.

Not being interested in material wellbeing does not mean, not being interested in interacting with other people and doing what you have to do to take care of others.

Maybe it should be a good thing when you do look into people's eyes. It makes it clear immediately whether you can trust a person or not. Let your inner feelings do the job in this. It is almost always right. Rely on your feelings. It is worth it.

I can imagine why you do not want to have so many relationships with other people. People are selfish and cold nowadays. Deep inside, everybody needs other people.

I am sorry if I sound like I am correcting you. That is certainly not the intention. I just say it as I see it. :)

Finding your balance is sometimes very difficult to do, 'cause you don't feel balanced at every single day. Because of influences from others, energy from outside (cosmos) and oh, so many other things.

I think you are a beautiful person, not stupid at all. Don't put yourself down, you see it all very clearly.:)

Sorry for the short reply. I will be back some later though. See you...
keep walking , Walker? Whats that mean?I dont think I'm way over my head, everything else is =).

I heard about the silver chord thing you saying. I woulda actually thought it to be a real string or something =). But I think I believe you cuz at moment I'm at site that shows what color auras and what they mean. It says Silver is the link between the spiritual realm. I also saw that indigo color and it talks about it here too. It says Indigo, strong psychic ability. Even though I dont feel like a psychic. Whenver I think of psychic I think about telekenesis and all that stuff people can do with there minds that affect things. But I guess you can say some things I experience are psychic even though there not the kinds I think of, I probably have more potential than I think, but I dont want to get excited over it. And plus theres so many differ colors of blue that Im getting confused of which color it really was, I'm thinking of aqua now heheh. Which is a healer, I'd like that more than being a pyschic.
I also looked up abot a black chakra since maybe thats what those blacks dots I've been seeing is about. Don't want to think Black just means bad =). But I found that there is a black chakra... and its very very bad it means I'm evil LOL im playing =). For real though it says ... I'll paste it
The black chakra is the 12th chakra (or 13th if you count two aspects at the heart chakra). It is located approximately 6" below the feet, surrounding the outer layer of the aura like an envelope. It is the energy of the Tao, from which everything springs, like a fountain of water. The feminine aspect of the black chakra is the movement in, and the masculine aspect is the movement out. This ray is extremely powerful when used for psychic surgery; it allows you to get to the core of a problem quickly and easily. The black ray also embodies the universal androgynous element, or "neutral space." Buddha is an excellent historical example of the black ray energy.
Theres more chakras on that site I got that from that most dont know about here link:
Reading about that black chakra, really made me think about myself, sometimes I feel like I'm a Tao hehe. And as for that nuetral space, I'm in it I believe when I meditate. When I meditate my body expands, and I feel like I'm in space I see nothing feel nothing hear nothing. Yet I'm in the center of it and I am the emptiness space. Its very peaceful like tranquility.
It says the same thing about silver too, But its a chakra also. Below the feet is the 8th chakra tying you to Mother Earth. It is the feminine balancing energy to the masculine gold ray. It's the transformational energy that you find in nature, a basic kinesthetic knowledge, a doorway to parallel dimensions. The silver chakra amplifies the alchemical nature of the gold ray. At this chakra lies the possibility for one to shapeshift.
LOL shapeshift heheheh that would be soo cool I'd turn myself into a bird =). I think my eyes are changing color or something LOL , I hope it isnt something bad... =( See my eyes are brown, and its seems to be getting lighter and I have a black ring around the brown. And lately brown is coming out of the black ring making another ring around the black but its a golden color.... I hope this isnt bad. I see perfectly clear. Dont want to say more before I think bad thoughts about it =).
It also talks about a gold chakra which I already knew about =). And at same place this says that I feel it at. I always imagine that I'm on a elevator or climbing up a gold rope sometimes when I meditate, when I try to get out of my body. Usually when I feel like I'm out of my body all I see is blackness but I feel like I am out, whats up with that?
Above the crown is the 9th chakra. It is the masculine balancing energy for the feminine silver ray. You need the gold chakra to sustain power whenever you move into other dimensions. It amplifies the alchemical nature of the silver ray. The gold ray's power is self-intuitive.

You don't have to worry about feeling like your correcting me LOL. Besides your right =) you see it as you see it, and I can see it too. I want to interact with other people, I use to be one of the most popular people in school back when I was in 9th grade =) and it felt good, and it always does knowing you have friends. But that was before I moved =( and got into the spiritual. And if I want to be a healer I cant just be like a turtle =).
I guess I'm just real shy, I get the urge to just go out and talk to everyone and say hello , how you doing, to everyone I meet and see. I'm always energetic and fun loving when with friends and at home. I dont know, it will seem wierd how everything is nowadays , I mean you don't see much strangers just going up to people and start conversations and the like. I bet a lot of people feel how I do when there just sitting or standing waiting somewhere with a bunch of people, theres just waiting for someone to go talk to them like I want someone to, But it isnt always good to do that just with anyone. I guess your right I need to open up to the feelings I get so I'll feel more secure about it.
Today I feel very balanced =) my inner self is smiling right now hehe. Just got done doing a little meditation and a little nap after, which I usually do for some reason. As for that vision of a car accident , I know where and how its going to happen since I first saw it. And just to let you know , I dont drive, even though I can. I was hit by a white corola (if thats how its spelled). It was near the walmart. I was crossing a four lane road, and when I got to the center part crossing other 2 lanes I got hit. I even saw the car that passed by the car that hit me , it was a red car. It was a sunny day and I was right next to the LOL fire station , thank god =). But I dont believe I die, cuz I also see myself in a desert with desert fatigues and a black cloack around me, and for some reason I have a sword..... maybe that symbolizes something. I see many parts of this vision but I dont want to say, its nothing bad, and I am not bad there. I'm purposely seperated from other people and was on my own mission ....
Stopping a vision from happening... I guess that can happen , but isnt a vision whats going to happen? I mean if I had it and can change it, and the higher power knew I can see the vision why would he give it to me? To change it? Then why did I have a vision in the first place if its not going to happen. since I know it is now. Im confusing myself LOL.
I didnt understand much from that link lol =(. But it seems magnets have much to do with the cause of it. Which I can understand since moving energy creates magnetic forces right? I'll have to study the link more, I just kinda did a quick read hehe.
I was wondering about Kundalini, I wrote a topic called ecstasy and what was happening, and wondering if that was it.
Thnx, I'm beautiful person LOL =) well the girls say I'm fine or cute but, that just gets ego started and makes me nervous. I like to think I'm beautiful inside like you =).

Thnx again bye
Interesting links on chakra's TreeLyfe. I haven't seen them before.

While meditating, your Spirit (or whatever you call it) is in higher spheres, literally. That is like empty space I guess. Only it is not empty at all, if you know what I'm saying. Yes, it is a feeling of tranquility. Isn't it bliss?

I don't know about a Silver chakra, this is the first time I read about it. Makes me wonder...Shapeshift? Cool! Wouldn't that be something, lol. Maybe there is meant that you can actually travel, like a bird for instance, when you go out of your body. It is not only in a dream you can go out of your body. It is a state you can bring yourself in while concentrating on it.

Well, I have green/grey eyes. They change into very green whenever I get real angry. Does that say someting about shapeshifting? I guess I become a cat then. Now I would love to be my cat though. He seems to have the easiest life ever, lol.

When you feel you are out of your body but only see blackness, it might clear and give you sight, when you try to actually establish to reach another layer of the spheres. The help you use, by climbing a cord or the like, whenever you meditate, is a good one.

I have the same thing with people. I love to talk and go to everybody. I do not do so though, 'cause a lot of people would not understand it, when you do things like that. They will think you're crazy. And a lot of people are not okay, either. They are feeling angry (or other dark feelings) and want to be left alone. That is where your inner feelings come in and tell you who you might speak with or contact and who you better leave alone.

A vision can certainly be changed. It can be there as a warning. If you see when and how a vision will happen, then you have the possibility to change it. A vision is not given by someone. Who is the "he" you are talking about? I am curious...

Yes, you are a beautiful person, you write very colourful and are a joy to read. I hope you will post a lot more. :)

See you...
HOLY CRAP! Banshee. I had another vision I think today. When I woke up I was trying to remember some parts of my dream last night, cuz it was kinda wacky. But anyway when I was trying to remember, it hit me , I saw Sadam Hussein. And he was dying, I think from a gunshot wound. He was in a big white marble room with big white pillars from floor to ceiling and there where red curtains, and everything was dusty.He was wearing the green clothes and the beret, dressed up like I see him on the news sometimes. I saw him fall next to a pedastool. I was trying to bring the vision back, and I'm not too sure what really happend. I keep thinking that I saw another Sadam Hussein shoot Sadam Hussein but thats little to wierd... it my be a sign or something. But when he was dying there were people around him , it was people he knew.
I'm not sure if it was from what I dreamt or not but it seemed real enough to me. I was kinda excited when I saw it cuz its first time I saw a clear vision of something happening to someone besides me.
As for that "he" hehe, its little wierd, I don't really want to say , cuz people might think me wacked out if they read this lol. But remember one of my other posts I wrote about someone teaching me? And how he was talking to me telling me about how I felt after what I did, telling me about ego and and asking me questions as if it were a test. My "guardian" or something maybe, but I think it was him, cuz I had the vision when he was talking to me during meditation maybe a month ago. I make it sound simple hehe but it seems that it shouldnt be cuz it seems crazy. Its like my conscious I guess.
When I meditate I feel like as if my spirit really is in a sphere =). And your right it is bliss, if bliss to you is serene happiness =) I love it when Im there my mouth is stuck with a little smile and I feel a great calm =). Cool idea about trying to reach another sphere when Im in the great calm. I never really tried I always just went to the first sphere and stayed thinking something will happen. Yeah I know what your saying about not being alone there either, I think the emptiness is the higher me and the center is my mind , if thats what your saying.
I cat LOL, now that I think about it, it does have an easy life it seems. Always seems to be at peace with itself and lounges around a lot =). Just don't try to eat me when I'm a bird hehe. About for my eyes, now that I think about it I have black people eyes. Im not saying all black people have eyes like it, but most I see do. With the light brownish color in the white surrouned the eye color. But my eyes are really getting a gold rim around the black rim.
I always wonder, when you meditate and focus on chakras in your body its in straight line up to down. And the ones out of your body are the same, But what if you lay down ? LOL. I mean will the chakras that are out you body will they be in a straight line still with your inner ones? Or will they be below you and above you? hehehe. you get what I'm saying? I've always wondered that.
When you meditate, do you really try to concentrate on what you want to do? Cuz I keep thinking you have to relax your mind and let your conscious be free. Like when I try to focus on my chakras I always try to keep them in harmony. I start with one at a time, but as I progress I try to focus on the ones I just got done with, with the one I'm working on which gets kinda hard at times. And that takes concentration and I dont get the "great calm" I usually try to go for. But I guess thats just the first step to it =). Or sometimes when I really want to know the great calm I just forget about all the chakras together and think to myself that there already in harmony and open, just let yourself relax and let them do there thing. Which gets me to the calm real quick. I had real hard time today trying to find my heart chakra today also, I wasnt sure where it was at LOL it seemed like it was to the left of where it usually is and at center. But I did notice my solar plexus chakra real strong today =).
I'm kind of embarassed to say this hehe, since I'm a guy and all. But while I was watching a movie I was meditating just relaxing to the vibes I was feeling. If its even possible to meditate and watch TV at same time LOL =0. But I was watching a movie and this guy died so this other guy would live, but the guy that lived was the one who wanted to die to save the other guy. But the "he" in my head asked me would you do that? Do that to save the world? If world peace wanted it, would you do that? Would you honor mother earth as you believe you do? By then I wasnt even paying attention to the movie. My eyes were closed, and I was in the great calm. And I was saying yes with all my heart. heres the embarassing part... I was crying LOL. But I felt real real good afterward, since I was feeling real down today. I'm laughing so hard about it right now, but not with regret, but because I surprised myself. My ego laughing at me though right now too LOL. You know what they say though its takes a big man to cry.... but I heard on TV once it takes a bigger man to laugh at him LOL, and thats my ego. All of that was another test, I know.
I'm out of stuff to say at moment =(, I should really get use to using the faces instead hehe. I right colorful =) lol. I always get happy writing to someone though.

Thnx again bye
So it might come true. I can imagine it scared the hell out of you. Keep your eyes on the news, is all I can say. Write it down, your visions. It is a good way to deal with them. Write them down as soon as you've got them.

So you have a sage? That's what I wanted to find out. Thank you for telling. It is not weird/crazy at all. It makes a lot of sense to me. :) Does he show up in presence too?

Chakra's are not really located in straight lines, lol. It makes more sense to think of them as being little fields of energy, which float around your body. Then it doesn't matter whether you are laying down or standing up. All chakra's connect, always, in and out of your body. It's a little like the Moon and the Earth, keeping eachother in "magnetic" balance, only it is not really magnetic. You get the point I guess.

I usually do not go by the chakra's anymore when I want to make my mind empty and free to roam. I simply go into the purple-blue colour and let it do its thing. I do not know how to say it in another way. Most of the times it will take me up, up, up and into the spheres. There are also times this will not work out. That are the days/nights I feel real aweful and cannot accomplish anything. Best is, for me, to be outside, in the Forest, as much as I can. That is not always possible though, not in a long run.

It is not embarrassing to cry because of an enlightened feeling and kind of revelation you've got about yourself. Although it is easier to think about it, than to actually do it.

It is of no question to me that whenever necessarry, I will do what I have to do. Death is part of life and of returning to the Cosmos.

Brings me to the question if you can recall memories from former life-times here on Earth or so?

Keep on talking. :) See you...
Hi, again =)

How you doing?
The vision thing I'm kinda thinking it was in my dream maybe, thats why it came to me. But arent dreams a kind of vision ? But more difficult to understand or decypher whatever you want to call it hehe.

Ahh ok =) that chakra thing makes sense. Know I can kinda clear up my mind about it hehe. So you go to a certain chakra or something when you try to reach the higher sphere like focusing on your crown chakra? I can say I do that too sometimes but I can't help it most of time cuz my crown and brow chakra I always feel strong. And I just go up from there. Which is why I asked about if they were in a straight line hehe cuz when I lie down I was thinking isnt my higher spheres suppose to be higher into the air? But I try to get all my chakras feeling like my head at same time lately. I usually try to imagine that all my chakras go together making a big ball of love and peace around me. =)
Yes very easy to think about it than to do it. But it makes me feel better knowing that I'd be up to it. Death doesnt scare me either =) it's only a new experience thats been experienced many of times. Only thing I think of is how it will happen. Painfully, slowly, etc. Which makes it scary. I dreamt I died in a dream once, I got shot in the right chest. I truly felt I was dying LOL everything was getting black real real slowly in the dream. When I got shot I woke up at same time but I wasnt fully awake , I was partly in the dream still and I started feeling a pain in my chest, and I just wanted to go back to sleep. It was really true if you dont believe me.
A sage hehe =) maybe, it feels like it though. Sometimes I get confused though , cuz I get the feeling as if I'm watching myself when I'm doing regular things. As if I'm looking out of someone else's head.
Also like what I said before that sometimes when I meditate that when I'm in the "great calm" hehe I'm getting use to ssaying that =). That I'm in the center of all this blackness and its very peaceful and the blackness is also me LOL. I see myself but I dont feel myself or any emotion, as if my mind is clear of all thoughts, though I can see myself at the center as if I'm the blackness and looking out of someone else's eyes. All while I feel myself in the center like it was my true body. While I know that I'm not in my earth body. But thinking that maybe the sage was the blackness thats why I cannot feel emotion or thoughts, but can see myself. And what I was seeing was my true self and I was my true self. Since I'm sending out good loving emotion, trying to know my true self, my the true self is more open cuz my emotion and good intent.. So I start to know my true self in the making and since it is love and peace and I'm trying to know and keep in touch with my true self it is attracting only good thoughts from the cosmos creating a sage? I say to know my true self in the "making" becuz I believe thats whats happening "I" my body/mind is learning first hand from the sage through my true self which makes it easier to understand the reason it is. Since all this is happening while in meditation I'm consciously aware of whats going on so "I" can learn, making me know and understand my higher self, imprinting its reason in my mind then soul. It's like I'm learning to live with the reason and principles of my higher self.
It seems though this is a big circle that happens over and over again, if you think of the end. Cuz if your more spiritualy aware , I believe, in one life. When you come back it you will be more knowing of it. As if it will lead to more evolved humans, since this type of knowledge I think imprints in the cosmos better cuz the more advance in spirituality you are, the more you are your true self and the more you know the cosmos, recycling your knowledge of how much the person knows of his true self. The more you know your true self the more you become your true self and he is essence and cuz your essence is from and part of the cosmos so when you die the more spiritual aware you become when you come back cuz you are more of your true self than the last time, so when you come back it will be easier for your mind to know that you are essence that you are soul and that imprints it in the cosmos for essence is part of it. You realize your more than what you are, that what you truly are is the reason your being.

I'm sorry if you don't get what I'm saying its hard to say it right hehe, but I got the ideas in my head perfectly lol. I'm thinking all of this trying to make sense of it, for the question about the sage, while the experiences are clear to me, and ideas in my head. =)

I don't really recall any of my past lifes. But I get the feeling I know what I was, but I dont see how I lived or any of my past life experiences. Do you see any of your past lifes?

I'm gonna stop right here hehe, this has taken me 2 hours to write down LOL! =) Take care.

Thnx again
Hi TreeLyfe, :)

Well, dreams are partly vision too. When a vision comes in dreams and stays with you so clearly, mostly it means something significant. I died in dreams too, yes. One, I remember very well was when I was on the run for a person with a knife. I kept running and running. Didn't go fast enough and it felt like I was getting nowhere at all. This person gained speed on me rather quickly and stabbed me with the knife. I could see the blood come out of my upper back ( Isaw myself from a distance, like I was another person, watching myself). It was between the shoulderblades. I remember falling to the ground and losing consciousness, going under in an unknown "world". It was pretty scary, though.

You explain it very well, about your inner, true self and becoming more and more aware of your true self. You get what you give, so, if you give love and peace (thoughts/emotions/behaviour) you will get it back.

I think it is so that you keep your spiritual awareness and what you learn in this life-time. And that you take it with you to a next, new life-time. Only it doesn't go for everybody. When a person lives his/her life in selfishness and hatred towards others, he/she'll have to pay the price, somehow. And deal with the consequences in the next life. There are people who have Near Death Experiences and go into something very cold and threatening. These people come "back to life" totally freaked out and are so scared to die afterwards. It makes me wonder what it might be they've seen.

It's case to stay in touch with your true, inner self and Nature and the whole cosmos. It broadens your view on others and how it really is in this world.

Keep on sending out the good feelings, it'll only help you to see. In all kinds of ways.

What I really do believe is that we meet other people for a reason. Nobody you meet in your life, you meet just coincidental. All persons make a difference in your life. People, who come on your life path, I mean. Every one of them makes his/her mark and you learn from all of them, may it be good or bad, it still is a lesson in life.

Some people are so familiar, even if you've never seen them before, it feels like they were made for you, to come on your way. Like long lost friends. I think that is miraculous. I also believe some people have been there over several life-times. And that they will come back into your life, one way or another.

It just happens too often that a person feels so wellknown, so familiar.

How's that with you and the people you meet or have met?

See you later...:)
Hi again

People I've met hmmm .. more like the same kind of people I keep meeting heh. I can't say that the people I know are people I "knew" but I get along with some from the very start, and some I can relate to from past friends. I seem to keep meeting and befriending the same kind of people I've been meeting for the longest time. Even after I've moved many many times. As if I'm drawn to them and them to me. No matter what the situation is it seems, I say that because I know some mexicans that are my friends but I dont speak spanish LOL though they speak some english! And I chill with them a lot. It doesnt seem to bother me that I dont understand them either.
I don't get that spiritual connection with them though. I remember someone long time ago when I was in elementary that I still think about. Now that is a feeling something special.
I've been losing my urge to make many friends like I use to be. And I miss it. I use to love going out with friends and hanging out. I remember I use to love school cuz I knew so many people, and I can just get along with anyone, like I said I'm very fun loving. I use to be in the middle aaaallll the time, like one friend doesnt like another but I'm friends with both hehe, and I remember when I use get grounded and can't go outside I just think, well theres school tomorrow =) LOL! *sigh* =( I miss it really much. I wish I never moved so much.
I never had any real "enemies" as I remember. Just times when I get into it with someone I know but that heals quickly. I'm usually first to apolagize.
I guess the past is too strong in me, I dont mind that but I seem to dwell in it sometimes. I remember the people fondly but I get no joy from it. They made me who I am today, caring , friendly, loyal, honorable, loving. They gave me those from themselves. Even though I do or we did wrong at times we never did it out of malice, more so just for fun. I never get real mad cuz I never was real mad.
I've just never and can't opened up to anyone like I use to but I want to know it it again. Yes, I feel those with friends I know now but it doesnt feel the same. And it makes me really sad...
Like my life has nothing for me anymore. I have no dreams, I dont even know what I want to be. I feel as if I have some type of purpose I'm suppose to do, but I guess thats how everyone feels when they feel down.
I read in a book once this two people where having a conversation, I remember it clearly cuz I felt it in my heart.
I'll start off before the part about strangers and friends when these two people just met.
"Who are you to question me!" she snapped
He turned and said "I am a stranger. You do not need to lie to me or pretend. Only with friends do you need masks."
"How sad" she said softly. "Surely it is only with friends one can be at peace."
"It is easier with strangers, for they touch your life for only an instant. You will not dissapoint them, for you owe them nothing; neither do they expect anything. Friends you can hurt for they expect everything."
I feel like with people sometimes. Never lying or pretending to be someone else, but my mask is that I can never really open up to them about how I feel and how I think. Cuz I get the feeling they think me something I'm not. And it will only hurt me for I expect them to understand..... you can say I know "hard" people. But those are the people I always run into, lately. I wish it was as easy as knowing people on computer than out actually meeting them.
I think to myself at times if this lifetime is for me, I use to think it was. I've thought before what if I died, I"m not scared of dying. But I dont want to do that, for theres no honor in going out like that and it will only hurt my soul. "It takes no nerve to die, but it takes hell of nerve to live." I keep saying that to myself. Only to think to live for what?
Im gonna stop now.... sorry for the sorry response, I say what I feel. Truly sorry.

Hi again
Just had to say. Im not usually like this. So dont think me suicidal or anything K =)

My spirits starting to lift again =) feels good letting stuff like that off my chest . Your that stranger I dont have to wear a mask for =0

Thnx for listening
I had the funnest experience last night in meditation =).
We were speaking in rhymes LOL it was very enlightening and yet fun and funny. =)
A poem was forming in my head at the time. So I wrote it down, it kept changing cuz I was losing some parts of it when tried to remember.

"Im one of the known forces that keeps the world in balance.
I am known and yet not seen.
I dance with the wind in the night time sky.
I can destroy without hate by my side,
And I can bring life with no love & I cannot die.
I am everywhere & I am dense,
yet I am passive & subtle & always at rest
I am influenced by the winds & rarely by other beings
I ride emotion as I ride winds
I can be a hurricane or a cool night breeze
But at the end I'm always me, Im true peace & tranquility
& my passiveness is the reason for my harmony
I am known yet I am sought
For I can change meaning with a thought
The first step to understand what I am
Is to know yourself then be me and I'll be your hands
I am energy or in other lands I'm called chi
But that is another form of myself
Influenced by the thoughts of someone else"

I was told that my element is air. And something about a wind mage.
There is no good and evil there is only right or wrong but there is TRUE good or evil, the act of doing and how your heart and soul feels decides if its right or wrong. It's all about perspective.
Buddah once said that the middle path is the way to change
and remember I spoke of the neutral energy not literally nuetral energy but in self. But I can kinda understand.

Its like that poem, its like air. Hate , greed, love, good, bad , evil. It knows yet it doesnt know, it only knows through us. It rides emotion like the air rides wind, like thought rides consciousness. In doing so its always at peace, for nothing truly effects it cuz it will always be the same. Its another part of harmony. You give bad thoughts it wont stand in the way but will let it pass through as with love. If it does stand in the way, through thought, it will break the harmony like rushing water hitting a wall. There is no good or negative energy in it for it will always go back to what it was. But in being so passive it creates peace and tranquility. And we feel that through our conscious making us at peace creating love even though it wasnt its intention. It doesnt know emotion but through us. The only way to understand this is to be it as so with any other element. And thats essence congealed by our souls and being.

Yes harmony is also balance but thats different situtation. Like all the elements together keeping each other in check. I believe everyone has a affinity with an element most just dont realize it.

I'm not sure but when you seek, seek with your heart & soul for it will know what it is. When you think you have it try to be it and understand it and then you will truly know. Yes knowing the basic of the element through study is natural, but you have to beee it. It will sing to you it will call you or show itself in a poem like it did me just listen search, clear you mind and you will know. =)

" words spoken from the soul within & part of the grand, asked from the heart. Is the true knowledge of self & reason within the micro for the macro. That is cosmic knowledge & from today I will call it cosmo'ology " =) heheh
"to wonder is to believe and to believe is to wonder"

But anyway I woke up happy & so alive. WOke up with a yawn and a great big smile =) Its pretty cool cuz I went to sleep a quarter pass 3. I feel refreshed, but I guess through meditation from around 12 to sleep energized me enough for not much sleep. =) LOL I was one with my soul, talking with someone, and we spoke in rhymes like I have told, it was much fun. =)
We spoke of many things, I asked my reason for being and living. He said I contribute my part, for your thoughts of peace and love is always a good start. I thought, Im only one person so I felt like theres nothing big to that. He said but it only takes one spark to light a room fool of gas.
Your soul is fun loving peace in many thoughts so, that will go, to the great cosmos.
When enough people realize themselves through heart and soul. All those good feelings will become dense, and reveal itself in the worlds popu-lace.

LOL it was soo funny last night =) its funny but whats funny and saddens me, is the constant struggle of gaining material or the thoughts of money. Does it bring joy? Yes indeed, but it can never compare to the joy of the at soul content peace. =)
I think its pretty sad for when we run outta trees, we'll have no money and no trees for balance and us to feed. We pollute the seas and cut the trees even polluting the very air we breathe. What hurts my soul, is thinking of the days when humanity reaches its true goal, in spirituality. In many life times and a new age from now. Will it be too late cuz of mother earths fate? There might be plenty for us today but in the future there might not be much nature for us to stay =(. It will be sad for those who dont understand, they'll be growing up in a barren wasteland. We'll mostly be reaping of many past times of sowing. I hope you understand. For I think of the end, for it comes quicker than we expect so its much better for everyone to suspect.

LOL its fun thinking in rhymes maybe I should do this more often in future times =0 it sharpens the mind if you keep the point right. =)

Oh yea I am seeing a new color dot now =) very nice looking, it appears every now and then but its the biggest. Its very bright and it changes hues. It can get from light blue to dark and soemtimes with a tinge of purple in it. =)
Last night also when I was trying to sleep after all the meditation and fun rhymes I can see flashing lights in my head and when I open my eyes It was like flashing lights where behind my eyes. I saw a big black dot with light behind it. It looked like an eclipse =) it was great. When I was going to sleep I was saying thank you for the fun night and I can feel tingly on the top of my and I fell asleep quick , with nice dreams.

THNX BYE =) I hope this is a fun read LOL!