Student Expelled for being gay

Those are valid points you make, Jerrek, but they're more suited to a civil rights lawsuit than a breach of contract complaint.

but the breach of contract happened while the school invoked its constitutional right... so the breach of contract is legit

and the points are relevant

but the breach of contract happened while the school invoked its constitutional right... so the breach of contract is legit

As Kim Basinger, if you need one.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Do we have all the facts? I suspect he was being too gay and disrupting studies.

Well I don't necessarily know what you mean by "Too gay" but I assume it deals with some sort of hideous misconception of what a gay person is, and how they act, unless you're implying that he was making out with his boyfriend in class.

If you'd read the article you'd have seen that it was not apparent that he was homosexual until he told a member of the school's staff in confidence, there was apparently no problem with overtly homosexual behavior.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I suspect this gay student was like this guy, maybe saying "gays have rights as well you know"

Again if you'd read the articles then you'd have seen that this simply wasn't the case. At most there was some subtle overt action which caused the school staff to be a bit suspicious, but no outspokenness or disruptiveness was mentioned.

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
while freebasing and sticking dildo's to his chairs with suction cups etc.
So yeah, no need to feel bad for this guy, he was a nut.
End of story, lets talk about something else.

What did I mention earlier about wild misconceptions, again? Honestly, Lou, don't feel like you have to come here and be a troll on my threads just because I've unapolageticaly issued you some verbal bitch-slaps in the past, it makes you seem petty.
Originally posted by Jerrek
It has nothing to do with the government.

I don't remember anyone implying that it does up until this point.

Does anyone here know if there is a way to switch Jerrek out of nonsensical rhetoric mode? He seems to switch into it every time he thinks he smells something vaguely liberal, and, like the limited responces of a magic-eight-ball, it's scope usualy doesn't fit the situation.

Originally posted by Jerrek
Don't forget the Constitutional right we have to assemble. If the school chooses not to allow gay people, so be it. It is their right.

Yes, but we are talking about the school breaching it's own policies. A private school is a business just like any other, and the parents of those children attending enter into a contract with them. If that contract is breached, as it has been in this case, then there are grounds for legal backlash, which is exactly what's going on. They are free to discriminate in the future, so long as they make some sort of allowance for it in their contractual agreements.
Firstly you took that post way too seriously.
And secondly when the hell did you issue me a bitchslap?
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
when the hell did you issue me a bitchslap?

Oh, I see, haven't had your fill, then have you? Well I tell you what, I'd be happy to come over there and knock that chip off your shoulder for you so that I can ram it right down your throat, if that’s the way you want to play.

(sorry, it's talk big hour, I'm obligated to say these things)
Originally posted by Mystech
it's talk big hour
Hey remember when I saved you from that burning wreckage and you were all crying and shit?
And remember that other time when i created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh?
Those were good times man.
Originally posted by okinrus
If we don't expel people from church then why would we in school? Of course I could be wrong...
I could be wrong as well, but last I heard Catholic Churches, though they do accept visitors from other religions, DO, in fact, expel homosexuals from the congregation.

Originally posted by Nasor
You're probably right, but I wouldn't be surprised if the school handbook also included a line about students being required to 'live according to Christian principles' or something similar.

I would be surprised if the book DOESN'T have something such as that.
Beyond that, in all likelihood, it has a disclaimer along the lines of "Rules and Regulations subject to change without notice at the sole discretion of the administration".
People are used to litigation.
They prepare for shit like this.
I could be wrong as well, but last I heard Catholic Churches, though they do accept visitors from other religions, DO, in fact, expel homosexuals from the congregation.
No, nothing could be further from the truth. Although the Church restricts those who recieve communion, homosexuality is not consider a sin but the homosexual act is. While the Church would require someone who was in mortal sin to confess their sins before recieving comunion, people can attend mass in practically any spirtual condition.