Strangest thing you've done recently

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
I watched 60 Minutes 2 with no clothes on. That is really, really wierd. What have YOU done [that is wierd recently]?
I stripped naked,
painted myself orange,
stuck a bannana in each ear,
and ran through downtown indianapolis quacking like a duck.

Well mabey not but wouldn't it be cool if I had.
I was showing off to my kiddos trying to jump over a large mud puddle underneath a swing set. It was one of them industrial strength sets made out of large logs and I was hoping to jump, grab onto the top of the swing, and swing myself safely to the other side. You can imagine my surprise when my fingers slipped and I landed right in the middle of the mud puddle on me arse. My kiddos thought I did it on purpose to make them laugh.

Originally posted by Pollux V
I watched 60 Minutes 2 with no clothes on. That is really, really wierd.

your idea of weird, is NOT! I never wear clothes, around the house, unless I have company. Neutrino has the right idea of weird.

Strangest thing I have done recently, hmmmmm!

Selling my house & my car. Turning back into a Hippie, after chasing "The American Dream" for the last twenty years. Turning my back on the almight DOLLAR. I've even been celibate, by choice, for over a year. I am completely turning my back on western "Babylon"!

Fewer possessions, no stress, & fewer responsibilities. Try living in the USA & not buy into the capitalist crap. People just don't get it.:cool:
Fewer possessions, no stress, & fewer responsibilities. Try living in the USA & not buy into the capitalist crap. People just don't get it.

I totally get it! Im trying to do the same - but when I see those damn pair of shoes....
Anyhoo, weirdest thing Ive done......
I dyed my hair blue last night!
Originally posted by *stRgrL*

I totally get it! Im trying to do the same - but when I see those damn pair of shoes....


Let me make it easier for ya,
Have you seen the anti-drug commercial. "Everytime you buy drugs, part of that money goes to fund terrorists." IT'S ALL CRAP!!!
Think about this. Terrorists own oil companies. Oil is used in cars.
Everytime you buy gas or oil, for your car, you are funding the terrorists. Terrorists have nothing to do with drug trafficking. There is not enough money, in drug import/export, for terrorists. Crappy little drug runners & small-time revolutionaries will use drug money. It's more of A South & Central American thing. They think too small to do any real damage to society.
Have you seen the anti-drug commercial. "Everytime you buy drugs, part of that money goes to fund terrorists."

You mean the one where it shows the prices of different terrorist equipment? I saw that. I was half expecting it to finish by saying: "Destroying WTC priceless. There's some things money can't buy. For everything elses there's Mastercard." :D
So any other wierd things? I'd like to not wear clothes more often, it's really a blast, but seeing as how I don't really own my own home I don't get too many chances.
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross

I was half expecting it to finish by saying: "Destroying WTC priceless. There's some things money can't buy. For everything elses there's Mastercard." :D

strgrl I chuckle to myself with the color and all....

and ratbat you may want to call an ambulance, I calculate with the amount of 'ha's' that your brain is about to enter a siezure and your heart may cease to function. Pine_net is dangerously funny.
I think strgrl needs to dye her avatars hair too.

Ooohhh that would be cool! I dont know how to do that though.... I can dye it to match MY hair! Brilliant Lesion, just brilliant!

Just load the image into some paint program, then use flood fill to fill in each color "layer" to each differant shade of the new color.:cool:
So most of you sit naked in front of your computers right now....? :eek:

Blue sounds good, and so does purple. Post a picture! :)

I probably could if I wanted to right now, my sis gets home in half an hour so I don't know....itsa bih risky.