Stranger things could happen?...

Animal/plant behaviour is far far stranger than anything anyone could ever come up with. And 99.9% of the general public will never see or even hear about 99.9% of this behaviour.
Even stranger are the ways each species behaviours interlock with the species around them to create eco-systems which are thousands of times more complex than any computer.
Strangest of all is how this all fails to humble the arrogant human, and he continues to view himself as the rose that grew from the dirt :rolleyes:
hi the most strange thing huh

well" lets see maybe it was the time i was riding in the middle on the consol whith 2 friends in a 69 dodge charger well we had been partying and it was late so 2 outher friends were rideing home we i was first anyway the driver was just saying that he was mad at his leather jacket hadnt been returned (borrowed) and we were crossing some uneven tracks about 35 miles an hour . There was a defect in the passenger side door lock and it was held closed by a peice of coat hanger wire as we crossed the slightly uneven railroad tracks the driver punched the gas to the ol 383 4 barrel well she(the car) jumped forward and sideways at the same time (dew to accelerration over tracks ) well the friend on my right was thrown out the drivers side and around by the right front wheel i on the outher hand was unaffected by the lurching motion somhow any way i could see my friend (who was no small person over 6 feet in height ) he was rolling just like evil kneival at ceasers palace it all seemed like slow motion . as i watched my friend it was plain to see somehow that he was scared by the expression on his face in the streetlight. I could see well the car was doing maybe 49 now dew to the bound of motion forward my outher friend the driver could not steer to the right because of the friend who was thrownout being on the right and we were now in a partial sideways position heading for a parked car on the left side of the street we all traveld ahead me and driver in car and outher friend rolling in a ball hand over foot about anouther 100 feet or slightly more back in the car we were trying to stop but the car skidded and did slow some but we head ended the parked full size car on the left side (parked car) smack middle and bounced back off it about 3 feet. Dogs were barking and this was a small town light were starting to come on because it was like 2:40 am or 3 and uppon hitting the car i ran to the place on the right side of the street were my unfortionate friend had stopped rolling also . I asked him if he was allright HE shakily replied "i think so . he had a brand new set of levi jeans and levi jacket it had been worn threadbare by the abrasion of the street and as a result the knees and elbows all but were threadbare we then directed our attention to the hood of the charger noticing the battery was smashed someone said ,"lets get the hell outta hear , well that was all it took we all began to run the remaining distance to my house a long blocks distance away as it turned out the guy who had been thrown out had been suffiently scared as to have addrenalin rush he was ahead of me and the driver who was behind me we were following the one guy ( who had rolled ove 100 feet like evil kneival at ceasers palace)he was ahead and running behind the houses as not to be seen the guy behind was trying to run be he was affected differantly he instead became impared in funtion; so' im running in the middle watching the guy in front i knew there was a big german sheppard" up ahead of us" . I was trying to yell ina whisper to warn the guy in front but he didnt hear. About that time i heard the log chain the dog was attached to begain to go out of the doghouse rerrrrrrrgh the german sheppard barking visousley and seen the next strange thing" that is" the guy ahead jumped about 5 feet into the air and10 feet side ways all in one motion and kept on booking as the dog had scared him shitless but he was makeing bounds like a buck deer he was like running with like 10 foot strides the guy behind was like hollowing" wait for me ". I was making a wide circle to give birth to the german sheppard we finnally arrived at my house a few minits later well our preacher was there and he took the 2 outher boys home when he got back he said there was a wreck down on the corner i just said hmmmm and laid on my cot the year was 1975, thank you! next day you know what the car was reported stolen
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