Stranger things could happen?...


Registered Senior Member
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I would like you to post the strangest things that have either happened to you, or things that are strange in the natural or technological world that you have noticed. I would like these things to be Non Sci-Fi. They don't have to be proven factual. They may be based on theory or be explainable only by theory. Some things may be a given, but post them anyways. I just don't want Mother Goose stuff please. Personal experiences are welcomed.
Here, I'll get you started.

1). Dreams
2). Ringing in the ears.
3). Cryptozoo animals/mamals.
4). Cell phones and all other communications/media abilities. (radio waves, light waves, laser beams, etc.)
5). Ghosts, aliens, etc.
6). Humans are driven to reproduce a world that has overfulfilled it's quota.
7). The reason for existance at all. (The final meaning of life.)
8). The fact that almost no one ever questions most of these things.

I have to go. I will check back in later. Explanations to any of these would be nice to hear, also add anything you got.

we believe in things originally to justify unknown causes and now drive us to even today to identify somethign we dont understand. been teaching myself to enter a lucid dream on demand. I cannot do it all the time but a decent portion of my attemps work. Also I can make myself re-enter a dream after waking up from it, which I hear is not suppose to happen? But I can. You know you are having that awsome dream with Spears or whatnot and wake up. BUMMER. I got sick of that so taught myself to get back into it.
Religion is a good response. The need for us to have a 'Parent'... so to speak. Or is it that we need to have someone above us to place the blaim?

Paxil, well, I don't know much about, since I very rarely even take Tylonal. But dreams, I do know something about. They are one of the strangest things I have ever experienced. What are they for? How is it that we can see the dream as if we were watching TV, or in real life, when our eyes are closed? How is it that we can dream about something or someplace that we have never been to,... a place where the world around us is sooo different that there is nothing on Earth to compare it to? Where does the dream gets it's information? ( and I'm not looking for 'spuratic nerve impulse stuff. I'm looking for real answers.) I could go on, but I will let you all donate information, thoughts, and theories!
exactly, as if we need a prent to guide our actions, i once heard someone say to me "i would have killed you all by now if not for god" and thats why i believe we "need" a religion most people whodo attack others or commit suicide do not believe in a religion
haha good point. we need to hold a cosmic spanking over people to make the other guy behave. it also makes for fun debates.
I'm just going to try to kick start this thread a little.

Here are a few more that I thought of:
1). Things in motion stay in motion. This is strange to me.
2). Working for a living...(meaning at a job, making someone else rich)...when it wasn't too long ago that we worked for ourselves, not someone else.
3). No one will probably understand this one, but, Time is really strange to me...obviously.

I will stop there. I will save the good stuff for emergencies.

Religion is strange, but could you imagine what it would be like if there were no religion. Why, or what drives us to want to know who created us? And what makes us think that they are here to serve us? (I've always been told, if I want something really bad, to pray for it. Ya, like God is going to give me what I want just because I prayed for it... It's more like he would first ask, "What have you done for me lately?"

Many, many more questions on religion, but I will ask them as they come to me.
For Pete's Sake!! Where is everyone???

If it weren't for a few thread searchers, I think I'd be talking to myself.

O.K. Here's 2 more... 1). Water... why is it that water is the compound that we use to put inside our bodies to keep us alive, and is also used to wash our bodies, clothes, play in, etc. 2). Snow flakes... why 6 sides?
flying colours

The most unsettling thing for me at present is that I have no way of KNOWING whether other people see colours the same way I do. What I see as blue, this very specific colour I have learned to identify as “blue”, could be seen by others in a completely different way. Well, not so completely, because they have basically the same sense of vision, but still: there is enough room for doubt. One can NEVER be sure. They may consistently see some other colour I cannot see and call that “blue”. They may have a tiny deviation in the colour spectre they see. Or I may have. Who would know?
dreams. i mean, my dreams are increasingly becoming more complicated, like a movie. well-defined characters, i'm the main guy. and it's all become very complex. one time i was in the middle of an amazing dream when the phone rang.... after i answered i went back to sleep, and the dream continued. the dreams are always good though.
I have heard about someone getting an eye transplant and what that eye allowed him to see was different colors than his natural eye. Thus, concluding that everyone sees colors differently. This was a long time back that I heard this story and is not conclusive, nor confirmed.

Have you ever had a dream where you woke up to find that you are still dreaming... then realizing that, you go back to bed to wake up for real, just to wake up and realize that you are STILL dreaming, ... and do this 4 times in a row, until you wake to the point that life has continued on from the last time you woke up... assuming, at this point, you have supposedly and finally awaken into the real world? (how do you like that sentence?)
I have never had anything so interesting happen to me... all my dreams are just nonsensical combinations of things happening in my life... I think too scientifically to accept things "unknown"... if I don't know what it is I found out, I try to figure it out, and find an explanation, or I just say to myself... "I don't know..." I don't make up some myth or use some superstition to explain it.

Colors: I saw the font as sky-blue... You chose sky-blue... we see the same colors... labelled the same. The rods and cones in our eyes reacted the same to it. The wavelength of the emitted light is the same to you and me.
Re: flying colours

Originally posted by sparkle
The most unsettling thing for me at present is that I have no way of KNOWING whether other people see colours the same way I do. What I see as blue, this very specific colour I have learned to identify as “blue”, could be seen by others in a completely different way. Well, not so completely, because they have basically the same sense of vision, but still: there is enough room for doubt. One can NEVER be sure. They may consistently see some other colour I cannot see and call that “blue”. They may have a tiny deviation in the colour spectre they see. Or I may have. Who would know?

Did you know that a certain species of shrimp can see colors that are unimaginable by the human mind....UNIMAGINABLE....imagine how amazing it would be to see colors that move..that's right colors that are in could be just one of the colors these shrimp see..truly amazing to me...imagine what if we saw them...i almost imagine a religion would start on just the colors alone:eek:
Originally posted by Dearprudence
and how, pray, have "they" been able to reach *that* conlsusion? mind-melding with shrimp, now?

Not mind - melding with the shrimp but rather studying their eyes and the kind of natural lenses that mother nature gave them...leneses which can see billions of colors and see in multitude of light sources whereas we are limited to only one;)
@ Nightjar
A few weeks ago I had a dream where I fell into a coma within the dream and then woke up without in reality waking up. I experienced the coma as a big blackout (I never was in a coma actually) and I also had a feeling of the passing of a long time. This dream later turned lucid. Other times I also have dreams within dreams – although only one layer. It doesn’t happen often. I wonder whether there are people out there who can have several dream layers like, a dream of a dream in a dream of a dream…

Correction: you saw the font as the colour that you have learned to identify as skyblue and what is named skyblue. Can you describe it to me? Your will not be able to. You can say it is the same colour as the sky (for me, too), the same colour as the sea (for me, too), but you cannot say in ABSOLUTE terms how it looks like. Nobody can by way of description or other establish that he/he sees colours exactly the same way. What if there is a minute deviation in those “rods and cones” in the eye of everybody?

I’d have the same question, ggg. Reminds me to when I was small and somebody told me that horses see everything six times bigger than people…
If you guys are into the whole dream thing then you should read "Celephais " by H.P Lovecraft. A really, really cool story. I've got a dream diary ready by my bedside but haven't been able to use it as of yet because I haven't remembered that many dreams. Aside from that, what other techniques could any of you recommend for lucid dreaming? Also, what's the longest (time wise) lucid dream you've ever had? I think I heard that twenty minutes was the limit...

A few weeks ago I woke up one morning to find that my watch had been set back exactly seven hours. How did I know this? I have it secrenized to the clocks at school, and I checked the watch against them when I got there. What are the odds of the battery dying and then the watch stopping in the exact same place minus seven hours? I asked around and my family claims to have not done it. Very, very odd. Even traditional paranormal explanations aren't sufficient to explain this mystery. Why would aliens or ghosts or demons want my watch for exactly seven hours? It makes no sense.
Sounds alot like the missing time phenomena that some people have experienced.

Even though this usually happens when people are driving and thought to be related to ufo abductions.

So either your watch battery failed or you may have been abducted by aliens!!:eek:

But really unless you remember being taken aboard a space ship it was probably the watch battery.:)

But if you have experienced sleep paralysis add a point to the aliens theory and if not add a point to the battery theory.

Look up missing time on a search engine and you should get alot more info.