Strange creatures

Communist Hamster

Cricetulus griseus leninus
Valued Senior Member
What do you think is the strangest creature on earth? (You can't say humans)
I nominate the manta ray
Yeah I was gonna nominate the seahorse too but when i saw that fish with its almost humanlike face (at least skin colour!)I had to go for it :D
Just to mention something interesting, I actually have a birthmark 3 cm long in the exact shape of a seahorse. It's wierd but I've grown to adore the seahorse in general. :D
WHOA! That fish is so - ***Sudden flash of realization*** That's where Michael Jackson got his nose from! The fish is missing a nose!

When they are larval fish, they have one eye on each side of the body. As they develop, the left eye migrates over to the right side of the body, leaving the left with no eye
Whoah. That coffinfish looks like the typewriter creature from the Naked Lunch. Almost too similar to be a coincidence. Spooky.

You know what's the strangest thing about the platypus? Not it's bill. It's venomous. It has a spur in it's hind leg, I believe, that injects a painful venom. Don't come across many venomous mammals in this world.

Damn, I was going to break out a picture of the spookfish from a thread a while back. But the picture was removed and the other pictures in the thread don't do it justice. Have to come back later with my nomination. See if I can find something even creepier.
The platypus isn't a fish. The hallucigenia isn't a fish. Don't think a sea-horse is a fish either. Could be wrong on that one though.

Fish are weird, though. But, you bring up a good point. Perhaps everyone thinks fish because the first example was a fish. Or actually, is a stingray a fish? Aquatic anyway.

Perhaps you yourself are to blame. With that coffinfish example, who can get the image out of their minds. It's got to be a fish after that freaky thing.
Actually, I didn't nominate the seahorse because of the fish pic. I actually started thinking of mammals, then reptiles, then the seahorse just popped in my head.
I also thought of the octopus and squid. They're pretty strange.

Here's some weird creature facts:

- Butterflies have 12,000 eyes.
- Some moths use acoustic countermeasures to scramble a bat's sonar.
- The honeysucker is the only bird that can actively fly backwards. They cannot, however, walk.
- Humpback whales keep composing new songs, and sing old ones rarely.
- Giraffes have no voices.
- Elephants cannot jump.
- Gorillas can't swim. Cats can, though most don't like water.

---/ The Weirdest Creature of All

It has been theorised that a species of ape evolved due to a semi-aquatic lifestyle. This ape lost nearly all of its hair, and instead developed a layer of subcutaneous fat, which is white fat, almost useless as insulation but very good for buoyancy. This ape is also the only land mammal to be able to control its breathing leading to the evolution of communication. It has a raised voicebox and lowered diaphragm which, along with the white fat, are usually only found in aquatic mammals such as dolphins and whales. It sweats profusely, as if it is used to the cooling effect of water, and its young are born with no fear of water and automatically hold their breath when submerged.

This ape is known as Homo sapiens...
Alpha said:
Actually, I didn't nominate the seahorse because of the fish pic. I actually started thinking of mammals, then reptiles, then the seahorse just popped in my head.
I also thought of the octopus and squid. They're pretty strange.

Here's some weird creature facts:

- Butterflies have 12,000 eyes.
- Some moths use acoustic countermeasures to scramble a bat's sonar.
- The honeysucker is the only bird that can actively fly backwards. They cannot, however, walk.
- Humpback whales keep composing new songs, and sing old ones rarely.
- Giraffes have no voices.
- Elephants cannot jump.
- Gorillas can't swim. Cats can, though most don't like water.

---/ The Weirdest Creature of All

It has been theorised that a species of ape evolved due to a semi-aquatic lifestyle. This ape lost nearly all of its hair, and instead developed a layer of subcutaneous fat, which is white fat, almost useless as insulation but very good for buoyancy. This ape is also the only land mammal to be able to control its breathing leading to the evolution of communication. It has a raised voicebox and lowered diaphragm which, along with the white fat, are usually only found in aquatic mammals such as dolphins and whales. It sweats profusely, as if it is used to the cooling effect of water, and its young are born with no fear of water and automatically hold their breath when submerged.

This ape is known as Homo sapiens...

- Giraffes have no voices.

Yes they do. It was found in a recent study that they have an EXTREMELY (high or low i forget) Low voice, that humans cannot hear.

They seperated one giraffe from a group, and upon hearing this sound using computer equipement, they found that it could throw this voice, and the other giraffe were hearing it.