Stop the fish ignorance

Do plants feel pain?

Yep, but aspirin helps.
Plants may not feel the pain of an injury as animals do, but they do have their own "alarm" reaction to tissue damage and, in an effect curiously similar to that in animals, this reaction can be short-circuited by aspirin and other similar drugs, according to a study recently published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

The study was authored by plant biologists Zhiqiang Pan of Arizona State University; Bilal Camara of the Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes, Strasbourg, France; Harold W. Gardner of the United States Department of Agriculture; and Ralph A. Backhaus of Arizona State University and appeared in JBC's July 17 issue.

Aspirin, the researchers discovered, interrupts the production of a key compound that plants produce in response to physical injury in much the same way that it interrupts in animals the production of the compound that tissue produces when it is hurt, leading to the pain reaction.

Vegetarians can use this on their Tshirts

Do plants feel pain?
If someone said that they do, how would you as a scientist respond? We know how vertebrates feel pain, we have nerves that send electrical impulses to our brains. Some invertebrates have similar but less sophisticated decentralized nervous "systems," so it is possible that they feel pain. Plants do not have nerve tissue, nor do they have any analog to the concentrated batch of nerve tissue that we call "brains." We have been dissecting plants for centuries and we have never found a tissue that can transmit specific data in a timely manner. Reactions to sunlight, for example, proceed very slowly and are purely local. So how exactly can a plant "feel" anything? To suggest that it does is an extraordinary assertion, which according to the scientific method requires extraordinary substantiation before we are obliged to take it seriously.

In order to assert that a plant can feel pain, one must first explain how a plant can feel anything.