Stop illegal immigration into the US!


Registered Senior Member
In the last two years there has been 1.4 million immigrants per year to the US, half of which are illegal. Let's put our military to some good use on our borders and stop it. Have the military augment the border patrol duties and halt the illegal immigration. What is so difficult actively doing something about the problem!

Many of the best things in life are unappreciated until you begin to lose them. Consider good health, good brakes - and political liberty. Col. Jeff Cooper
If that were done there’d be hell to pay from the businesses that depend on cheap illegal immigrant labor. There’s no fence for a reason.
Originally posted by truth
In the last two years there has been 1.4 million immigrants per year to the US, half of which are illegal. Let's put our military to some good use on our borders and stop it. Have the military augment the border patrol duties and halt the illegal immigration. What is so difficult actively doing something about the problem!
I completely agree with you.

We should give all illegal immigrants in the United States 90 days to get out and move their stuff out. Go home. You're not wanted here.

After that 90 days, ship anyone illegal immigrant caught home IMMEDIATELY. Seize assets since that person has no legal status in the country.

In addition, the recommendation to have the military guard the borders sounds fine to me.

If you want to come in, go through the border controls.

This only applies to the Mexican border. The Canadian border has no need to be defended beause Seattle isn't New Vancouver and Buffalo isn't New Toronto. Los Angeles seems to be New Mexico City.

EDIT: (Mod Edit: Removed - Inflammatory)
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So Jerrek, do you have your green card already ?

How do you plan to get past your own proposed millitary patrols?
Stop illegal immigration into the US????

(Mod Edit: Removed - Profanity) In a sense, you are all illegal immigrants! Don't forget that.:bugeye:
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Originally posted by Vortexx
So Jerrek, do you have your green card already ?

How do you plan to get past your own proposed millitary patrols?
I show them my American passport.

What does this have to do with the subject at hand? Moderator, do something about this.
Originally posted by Raha
(expletive)! In a sense...
Hit a nerve there, Raha??

:m: Peace.
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The stupid part is the Democrats won't do anything because they like the votes and the Republicans like the cheap labor.
Zanket is completely right...our corrupt system allows for a lot of civil and government work to be done at the expense of illegal immigrants.

Raha: don't be a (expletive).

Jerrek: Illegal immigrants can't exactly vote, you know.
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border patrol - fighting illegal immigration since 1492

Originally posted by Walker
Jerrek: Illegal immigrants can't exactly vote, you know.
And did I say anything to the contrary? Let me check. NO.

Cracking down on Mexicans in the country won't buy lots of Mexican votes, those that ARE able to vote. By being friendly to the damn immigrants, Democrats keep the Mexicans happy and they in turn vote for them.
I think Democratic representation of minority values extends a little beyond turning a blind eye to illegal immigrants. I'm not disagreeing with you completely, but I do think that common interest in cheap civil labor is more of a motive than acruing additional votes by "being nice" to Mexican immigrants, particularly since most Mexican citizens (at least in Texas and along the Gulf Coast) do not actively vote. California may be another story, I'm not one to ask.
Originally posted by goofyfish
Hit a nerve there, Raha??
Sort of. ;) I think I can tolerate stupidity to very large extent, but stupidity that promotes itself this way cannot be tolerated. Any kind of protectionism is wrong in the long run, harming everybody. So supporting protectionism and even asking for more severe one is very stupid.

Originally posted by Walker
Raha: don't be a (expletive).
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Re: Stop illegal immigration into the US????

Originally posted by Raha
(expletive) In a sense, you are all illegal immigrants! Don't forget that.:bugeye:

Please cite the immigration law that, "in a sense", was violated by all.
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Since illegal immigrants have enjoyed a strong job market ....

Illegal immigrants are among the few sectors of American society that have enjoyed a strong job market these last few years. The question we might wish to consider is whether or not anyone in this country legally will do some of those jobs. I mean, who else but illegal immigrants can you possibly abuse like that?
i'd like a scenario. perhaps one of you whiz kids?
assume zero illegals (deported)
assume cali as a test case
what structural adjustments will be required?
gnp? budget? economy? education/housing/blah
will entire industries be wiped out? will new ones emerge?