Stockholm syndrome, my ass....


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
OK, this kid has been kidnapped for 3 years, having a cellphone, riding a bike around the neighbourhood, even caught by the police a few times, and not telling that he is kidnapped?

I understand psychological pressure and such, but just how stupid is this generation? He was 14-15 and I guess happy not going to school and playing videogames all time. Oh he had to suck dicks a few times? Well, a small payoff....

OK, I might sound cruel, but also, what kind of parents he had? In this age you should teach your kids at age 6 about childmolesters and such.

A chip under the skin isn't bad either...
Take a look at this case.

Brainwashing is possible. This woman was abducted for use as a slave. After several years, the abductor even took her to see her parents, and she didn't mention that she was being kept against her will. She would even go jogging, and come back.
It is entirely possible to come from a family that appears to be normal but is so dysfunctional and abusive that it improves when one is kidnapped at gunpoint and given a better life. I don't think that the Crime Library case is all that similar, either, because Shawn Hornbeck had access to communications and even sent his family a message without identifying himself.

I don't see why Shawn isn't permitted to speak to the media, though.
Take a look at this case.

Brainwashing is possible. This woman was abducted for use as a slave. After several years, the abductor even took her to see her parents, and she didn't mention that she was being kept against her will. She would even go jogging, and come back.
That one's the subject of a book, 'Perfect Victim':

If my memory serves me correctly she was kept in a concealed wooden box beneath his bed for a few years then gradually given more freedoms - including the freedom to dig the foundations of an underground shelter where he planned to keep a whole harem of sex slaves, heh. Which is cool.

Although the victim did start to feel affection for her kidnapper in the later stages, he controlled her mainly by convincing her that he was part of a sinister organisation with spies everywhere, and that she and her family would be killed if she tried to escape. I think it was when she found out that this wasn't true that she got away, but it's a while since I read it so don't quote me on that.

Great book anyway, and an amazing story.
OK, this kid has been kidnapped for 3 years, having a cellphone, riding a bike around the neighbourhood, even caught by the police a few times, and not telling that he is kidnapped?

I understand psychological pressure and such, but just how stupid is this generation? He was 14-15 and I guess happy not going to school and playing videogames all time. Oh he had to suck dicks a few times? Well, a small payoff....

OK, I might sound cruel, but also, what kind of parents he had? In this age you should teach your kids at age 6 about childmolesters and such.

A chip under the skin isn't bad either...
It is very odd the older kid didn't try, or appear, to try to get home. We don't know what was going on or going through this kid's head. We can be relatively sure he was sexually abused. Abductors in cases like this often go after younger kids when their initial victim begins to mature. They also target kids from broken homes.
There was a TV movie; "My Name is Steven." Same circumstances. The kid was under 12 at abduction, routinely sexually abused over years then as a teen he was found. He too had opportunity to escape, but did not. He also was a child from a broken home. He committed suicide in his mid 20's as the sex stories poured into the media.
Monday morning quarterbacking for a kidnapped minor being raped on a regular basis isn't cool. Who knows what all is involved here. This kid will be fucked up for life. Perhaps even becoming a child predator himself, involving himself in alcohol and drugs, maybe a suicide like Steven.
I do believe the human mind can create a Stockholm Syndrome. Who here has ever been kidnapped and suffered the trauma and life changing events your mind and body goes through?
If he were my kid I'd move him and myself into a secured mental rehab facility to prevent a runaway situation or suicide. Also to keep the media away. He needs help and until the facts of what happened trickle down we shouldn't judge this poor kid.
I agree with you here. We shouldn't criticise this poor kid. And moving to a different state would probably be a good idea to protect the kid from the media.
I agree with you here. We shouldn't criticise this poor kid. And moving to a different state would probably be a good idea to protect the kid from the media.
Who knows, he may have been molested at home. I'd want to move out of state too. Showing his face and name all over the press, he's a minor! He should be shielded from exploitive for profit media.

1. Shawn is not allowed to talk to the media for legal reasons, so the future jury selection wouldn't be endangered. Also since he is too young, the best policy is to keep things private.

2. I know and agree that brainwashing the victim is possible. But I do draw the line at somewhere and that is 10 years old for me. At 10 or older, a kid should be taught and has more brainpower than to believe his kidnapper's tales.

3. The broken home also can apply. The reallt strange case was the Mormon girl Smith a few years ago, who:
a/ Was quite old, I think at least 13.
b/ Was from a very good home.
c/ She had chances of escaping quite soon after the kidnapping, but she didn't.

This time and age, parents should educate every kid older than 6 about the danger of strangers....

1. Shawn is not allowed to talk to the media for legal reasons, so the future jury selection wouldn't be endangered. Also since he is too young, the best policy is to keep things private.

2. I know and agree that brainwashing the victim is possible. But I do draw the line at somewhere and that is 10 years old for me. At 10 or older, a kid should be taught and has more brainpower than to believe his kidnapper's tales.

3. The broken home also can apply. The reallt strange case was the Mormon girl Smith a few years ago, who:
a/ Was quite old, I think at least 13.
b/ Was from a very good home.
c/ She had chances of escaping quite soon after the kidnapping, but she didn't.

This time and age, parents should educate every kid older than 6 about the danger of strangers....
Shawn and his mother and stepfather are on Oprah today at 4pm Central US. has the show available for free after the west coast show ends.
I LOVE Oprah but I skipped this show. Standing on this poor child's shoulders for ratings and to make advertisers money is sickening. Capitalism is the true scavenger. In a socialist society there would be no need to make world news out of this case. There would be no motivation to exploit this family and the boy.
I have to say:

I am extremely skeptical about this entire case. It was like that Elizabeth Smart thing, too.

1. Shawn is not allowed to talk to the media for legal reasons, so the future jury selection wouldn't be endangered. Also since he is too young, the best policy is to keep things private.

2. I know and agree that brainwashing the victim is possible. But I do draw the line at somewhere and that is 10 years old for me. At 10 or older, a kid should be taught and has more brainpower than to believe his kidnapper's tales.

3. The broken home also can apply. The reallt strange case was the Mormon girl Smith a few years ago, who:
a/ Was quite old, I think at least 13.
b/ Was from a very good home.
c/ She had chances of escaping quite soon after the kidnapping, but she didn't.

This time and age, parents should educate every kid older than 6 about the danger of strangers....

So when presented with evidence that repeatedly shows that people may bond with their captors, you... deny that it's possible to bond with your captors?
I LOVE Oprah but I skipped this show. Standing on this poor child's shoulders for ratings and to make advertisers money is sickening. Capitalism is the true scavenger. In a socialist society there would be no need to make world news out of this case. There would be no motivation to exploit this family and the boy.
True, but there'd be no motivation to do anything, so the economy would grind to a halt.