Still sort of buying souls/a new philisophical topic to discuss


And that is precisely why we are so fucked as a nation.

no it's not. we're fucked because we're corrupt. it's not that i don't care. it's that i don't buy into this world, and don't want anything from it. i'm not going to look to another politician, another drug, another religion, another technology, or an amount of money to save me. i'd be a fool. it's not as if i'm leaving this behind for a future generation.
That's why we have corruption, because some people think human political institutions don't matter, so you might as well make a buck. This is the current unspoken platform of the Republican party.
That's why we have corruption, because some people think human political institutions don't matter, so you might as well make a buck. This is the current unspoken platform of the Republican party.

well that's not my platform. my platform is burn baby burn.

the answer is no, we won't. it's done. and the joke will be on the republicans when their dollar isn't worth a damn.

i'm not planning to pay money to teach my kids how to make money. i have better things to teach my kids. they don't teach people how to love each other in college. when i went, they taught me that greed was good. and so now i get to be a fucking slave, counting the money.

fuck that. i am done with this world. jesus isn't running for office. he's taking over after we destroy ourselves. and imo, the sooner the better.
Since we're assuming predeterminism here, I'll take 2 million dollars please. I can always take comfort in the fact that I couldn't possibly have made any other choice.

The problem is that I don't believe in predeterminism and that means that I don't believe that you could possibly know when I'm going to die. So I might be inclined to call your bluff so to speak and make a deal for 50 million.

Having said that however, if I found myself sitting inside a surreptitious looking limousine looking across at you dressed in your high-priced suit and noticed that unmistakably evil yet charismatic twinkle in your eye as you waited with baited breath for me to put pen to paper, I'd be outta there in a flash. You can keep your damned money. In the end I'm not certain enough about anything to take the risk.

Then again, maybe you're just someone who is very rich and very bored who has finally found something amusing to do.